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[RELEASE] Aeon MQ 2 - Printable Version

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- Batemann - 2010-12-09

Hi Marcos,

Great version of Aeon. I have one request though... The Showcase view for episodes needs a little love. I always use this view, and the flow mode doesn't work for episodes. Maybe implement the version from Aeon65? Thanks for all your hard work!

- hendoben - 2010-12-10

What is 'Shows' for on the home menu?

- boykster - 2010-12-10

hendoben Wrote:What is 'Shows' for on the home menu?


- SpicyRichter - 2010-12-10

mad-max Wrote:Hi folks,

I jsut have two questions regarding some visual options:

1: Is it possible to deactivate the now playing part in the upper left corner
for the tv themes played by the tv tunes script?

2: Has anybody coded the media flags from aeon65 to aeon mq2? If it is not clear what media flags I mean:


Not only for paused-screen button but info-screen, too...


I'd love to see logos or clearart implemented for tvshows too. Maybe with the xbmcstuff loader linked in as well

A great fallback would be the season artwork as well. Kinda surprised this is missing

Great skin update though man! I love it!

- sunnrider - 2010-12-10

boykster Wrote:@sunnrider: the Visualisations setting option is where you enable / disable what views are available for the media type. To change the view, you do the following:

1) Navigate to your movie library
2) Press "left" (or "up" depending on viewtype) until a sidebar menu appears
3) Select the ViewType entry (at top) and press enter. Press left/right to change the selected viewtype and press enter again
4) make any other changes/tweaks you want from this menu
5) press "left" to hide the settings menu.

Once you've got everything setup like you want it, you can disable the Kiosk mode. This option is located at Visualisations settings -> Viewtype options.
Thanks a million, it worked perfectly.

- Marvel - 2010-12-10

Can I just ask, how come we need to download the full .zip file and reinstall? I thought the point of the repository was to allow easy updating? And Will Aeon MQ2 find it's way into the official repository?


- eskro - 2010-12-10

Marvel Wrote:Will Aeon MQ2 find it's way into the official repository?

i second that Smile

- MarcosQui - 2010-12-10

Marvel Wrote:Can I just ask, how come we need to download the full .zip file and reinstall? I thought the point of the repository was to allow easy updating? And Will Aeon MQ2 find it's way into the official repository?


The Aeon MQ has its own repository, and it worked fine until XBMC Beta 2, but since then the upgrade was complicated, XBMC does not erase the skin before installing the new issue and a black screen, so I decided to take the repository air for now.

TRAC was opened, let's see if they decide:

Because of this a friend of mine was working on the "updater" that would be the exclusive skin updater, but unfortunately he left before finishing the project and then we were on hand.

If anyone knows Python and want to continue the work, send me a PM, I thank you.

- eskro - 2010-12-10

Hi guys, not sure if this is a strange behavior but,
after setting all my desired BackDrops for the main menu items,
it seems they dont always 'appear' sometimes leaving me with a complete black background...

Like right now, its only the MUSIC backdrop that i see,,,
all the others i dont! i only see a black background for the rest,,,
thats really weird because, they used to all work,

and i didnt change anything,,,
my guisettings.xml is the same as before..
i didn't modify it at all,,,
all backdrops are still pointing to the same path as before when they used to work!


<setting type="string" name="skin.AeonMQ-2.customvideos">C:\Documents and Settings\eSkRo\Application Data\XBMC\Back Drops\videos.BMP</setting>

<setting type="string" name="skin.AeonMQ-2.custommusic">C:\Documents and Settings\eSkRo\Application Data\XBMC\Back Drops\music.BMP</setting>

<setting type="string" name="skin.AeonMQ-2.custommovies">C:\Documents and Settings\eSkRo\Application Data\XBMC\Back Drops\movies.BMP</setting>

<setting type="string" name="skin.AeonMQ-2.customtv">C:\Documents and Settings\eSkRo\Application Data\XBMC\Back Drops\tv shows.BMP</setting>

<setting type="string" name="skin.AeonMQ-2.custommusicvideos">C:\Documents and Settings\eSkRo\Application Data\XBMC\Back Drops\shows.BMP</setting>

<setting type="string" name="skin.AeonMQ-2.customgames">C:\Documents and Settings\eSkRo\Application Data\XBMC\Back Drops\games.BMP</setting>

<setting type="string" name="skin.AeonMQ-2.custompictures">C:\Documents and Settings\eSkRo\Application Data\XBMC\Back Drops\pictures.BMP</setting>

<setting type="string" name="skin.AeonMQ-2.customsettings">C:\Documents and Settings\eSkRo\Application Data\XBMC\Back Drops\settings.BMP</setting>

<setting type="string" name="skin.AeonMQ-2.customstyle"></setting>

<setting type="string" name="skin.AeonMQ-2.customweather">C:\Documents and Settings\eSkRo\Application Data\XBMC\Back Drops\weather.BMP</setting>

<setting type="string" name="skin.AeonMQ-2.customaddons">C:\Documents and Settings\eSkRo\Application Data\XBMC\Back Drops\addons.bmp</setting>

<setting type="string" name="skin.AeonMQ-2.customprograms">C:\Documents and Settings\eSkRo\Application Data\XBMC\Back Drops\programs.BMP</setting>

<setting type="string" name="skin.AeonMQ-2.customshutdown">C:\Documents and Settings\eSkRo\Application Data\XBMC\Back Drops\shutdown.BMP</setting>


Like i said, currently, only the MUSIC backdrop shows up...
it looks like a random behavior thingy....


- SlaveUnit - 2010-12-10

Not sure if its related but I get a black background quite a bit as well. It seems to do it more right when XBMC is opened. Almost like it count load the image. So if I move left or right to another home menu item then back to where the image didnt load, it will then usually load. I havent experienced this on any other skins.

- eskro - 2010-12-10

SlaveUnit Wrote:Not sure if its related but I get a black background quite a bit as well. It seems to do it more right when XBMC is opened. Almost like it count load the image. So if I move left or right to another home menu item then back to where the image didnt load, it will then usually load. I havent experienced this on any other skins.

i agree, first skin to act like this for me too,,,

there's got to be a way to force the images to appear.....

- soundbyte - 2010-12-10

Is there anyway to have the backdrops of TV Shows and Movies on the main menu to use JUST the fanart from each collection? Currently I have the option to use fanart from my collection for the backdrop, but it doesn't differentiate Movie fanart from TV fanart.

The same image will show up for TV Shows and Movies, and it appears to be random. I would like the backdrop for "TV Shows" to only be fanart from TV shows, and likewise for "Movies." Anyway to do this?

- eskro - 2010-12-10

well yes, just create 2 seperate folders
where each contains the backdrops you need...

"TV Shows"


- soundbyte - 2010-12-10

eskro Wrote:well yes, just create 2 seperate folders
where each contains the backdrops you need...

"TV Shows"


I understand I can do that, but then I'll have to manually copy the fanart from each tv show and movie and copy them to new folders. I'd rather not have to do that, plus I don't want to have multiple copies of the same files on the hard drive. Unless there is an automated way to do this...?

EDIT: I figured out I can do this easily with windows search for movies, given the file naming structure. However, for TV shows, this is more tedious (every file is named "fanart.jpg"). In addition, this still requires duplicates of the images. Not to mention, I would have to manually update the folder anytime I add new media.

I was hoping there'd be a way to edit an xml file or something that tells Aeon where to look for each "collection to use for backgrounds". I'm guessing this isn't possible?

- SlaveUnit - 2010-12-11

Then play with the "use fanart images from collection" settings for movies/tv/shows.

I don't use this feature and the box I'm on doesn't have anything scanned into the TV Shows library, so I'm not 100% sure that will separate them. But I think that's the point of the feature.