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Is this advanced Home Screen View Mod function idea possible in XBMC Skinning-Engine? - Printable Version

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- Nuka1195 - 2009-06-28

one more update, a fix for thumb and stacked movies

- dt1000 - 2009-06-29

OK I fixed my files and updated the download link in my original post. Smile
Just click here to get it...

Nuka, sorry for the stupid question, but where are you posting your updated code? I can't see it...

- Nuka1195 - 2009-06-29


- eseph - 2009-06-29

Is it possible to also have Music?
And how about just having this information show on every menu item?

- pilluli - 2009-06-29

Hi guys,

I wanted to give nuka and dt1000's code a try but after reading this:

Nuka1195 Wrote:**partial, PlayMedia does not support resume, so the video will start from the beginning

Should we fill a track ticket for that or is there a way to support auto-resume in this new functionality? I'd like to to use this mainly to keep track of videos I'm currently watching...


- Feanor - 2009-06-29

eseph Wrote:Is it possible to also have Music?
And how about just having this information show on every menu item?

That would be great!
I specially would love to have the latest music displayed... please, please, please dt1000 Smile

- mkortstiege - 2009-06-30

There's no need for a XBMC fix as we can workaround/special-case the archived content as well. See http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/206610/.

- Nuka1195 - 2009-06-30

vdrfan i had to do this. fanart for a stacked video is cached different than the thumb. thanks for the headsup

this should also fix the playmedia path. (stacked rar's/zip's do not play and stacked videos only play the first video. must be a PlayMedia limitation.)


PHP Code:
def _get_mediaselfpathfile ):
# set default values
play_path fanart_path thumb_path path file
# we handle stack:// media special
if ( file.startswith"stack://" ) ):
play_path fanart_path file
file: ].split" , " )[ ]
# we handle rar:// and zip:// media special
if ( file.startswith"rar://" ) or file.startswith"zip://" ) ):
play_path fanart_path thumb_path file
# strip username/password
return xbmc.getCacheThumbNamere.sub"//.+?@""//"thumb_path ) ), xbmc.getCacheThumbNamere.sub"//.+?@""//"fanart_path ) ), play_path 

- dt1000 - 2009-06-30

Nice work chaps.
I'll be sure to integrate your latest code into my mod and test it out.

I'm also adding muisc, as Feanor asked so nicely...


The trouble is that I can't get the music to sort how I want. Ideally I'd like the 1st un-listened track from the latest 4 albums, using the album artist. I think you can do this using WHERE lastplayed IS NULL - I need to investigate further - I just don't have the time at the moment.

If I can get this working properly, I'll update the mod!



- Try4Ce - 2009-07-01

I still get no thumbnails, deleted database and thumbnail folders, after rescraping still no thumbs for movies and tv shows... what am I doing wrong?

- Jezz_X - 2009-07-01

dt1000 you really need to start using somthing other than mediafire for your images is 90% off line

- pilluli - 2009-07-01

Hi guys,

sorry for posting this again but... what about the autoresume in PlayMedia? is there a workaround we can use or it should be fix in xbmc?


- Jezz_X - 2009-07-01

pilluli Wrote:Hi guys,

sorry for posting this again but... what about the autoresume in PlayMedia? is there a workaround we can use or it should be fix in xbmc?


It needs to be "changed" not fixed in xbmc so no until then you can't do it

- pilluli - 2009-07-01

Jezz_X Wrote:It needs to be "changed" not fixed in xbmc so no until then you can't do it

Thanks Jezz_X,

I might give it a try if I have some time later this week then. My knowledge of the XBMC code is limited though, so I'm quite sure I'll have to wait for some developer to step in... Laugh

Also, I was thinking about nuka's code and... will it be possible to have at the same time the lastest movies shown *and* the ones currently being watched (I mean in two different panels in the home screen?). If I understand correctly the python script uses a parameter to select those but then returns the movie list using the same variable name. Can I call it twice in the skin file and show the results?? No


- Jezz_X - 2009-07-01

I find it odd that you you have multi movies not finished on the go :\ and would want to display that sort of info