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Beta Testflight access to beta version - Printable Version

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RE: Testflight access to beta version - Buschel - 2022-10-04

Confirmed, it is coded like this and I never touched this configuration. The results are just not requested with any sorting order at all and shown in the order as they arrive. In fact, on my system they arrive in order of album artist name > album name > order of titles on album -- which cannot be requested via API. As the App is not aware of any sort order it cannot apply an index. To get an index you can simply set sorting "by name" in the App. This will also bring up the index and keeps persistent. So, once you set the sorting you will never see this sorting again until you remove and reinstall the App.

I can also change the default sort order to "label" which will bring up the results sorted by title.

RE: Testflight access to beta version - amasephy - 2022-10-05

Thanks. That did the trick!

Edit: Just realized a behavior I wasn’t expecting. With Global Search if there is a song and an album with the same name there is no way to distinguish them. I wonder if something could be implemented to handle this? Maybe a glyph above the year on the upper right corner?

RE: Testflight access to beta version - Buschel - 2022-10-05

I see, absolutely useable (in doubt you can always select and go back), but not ideal. With an active filter for "Genesis" it is not easy to differentiate e.g. the Music Video "Mama", the song "Mama", the artist "Genesis" and other albums from the same group. All items have slightly different layouts, but they are not obvious. I need to think about it. The upper right corner might be an option, but for long labels this space is used already.

Edit: Created GitHub issue #733 for this.

RE: Testflight access to beta version - amasephy - 2022-10-08

I think I may have discovered a slight bug with movie collections. Indexes should only be visible when there are over 100 items right? If so, if you view movie collections and change the sorting from date (which appears to be the default) you will see indexes applied even if there’s only a couple of items listed. Clearly an index is completely unnecessary in these instances.

RE: Testflight access to beta version - Buschel - 2022-10-08

I remember this topic was already brought up a while back. It is implemented like this.. As soon as you leave the default sort order, the sections and indexes show up. I guess the initial reason for this was to not visually disturb the results with sections and indexes when using the default filter. Above 100 it is getting a bit tedious to navigate through, so the indexes are then added always. Not sure if this is really a UI best practice.

RE: Testflight access to beta version - amasephy - 2022-10-08

Ok I know there was a lot of talk about indexed awhile back. Not sure if this particular topic was discussed so I figured I would bring it up.

There are other locations where this scenario plays out too. If you do decide to make changes I can help identify other areas this occurs.

My only thought is I prefer consistency. Otherwise this really doesn’t bother me.

RE: Testflight access to beta version - Buschel - 2022-10-09

Thanks for offering your help to gain more consistency in case I should touch this. For now I am not planning to do so, but priorities might change. Wink

RE: Testflight access to beta version - Buschel - 2022-10-09

1.11 build 3466
Release Notes

@amasephy, you will be delighted to see that fixes for the recently reported issues are included. As we need to drop support for iOS 9 and 10 when moving to Xcode 14, which will come after 1.11, we wanted to leave AppStore users with these old iOS versions with an as-good-as-possible version.

RE: Testflight access to beta version - amasephy - 2022-10-10

Wow Buschel looks like you put in some overtime to get everything in for this release!

I looked over the items you fixed that I reported. Looks like there’s still one remaining.

When refreshing movies on grid view the spinner and sync message goes away right away. It basically acts like the global search refresh did in my previous YouTube video. It drops to the search bar then hides that a second later.

Everything else looks good!

RE: Testflight access to beta version - Buschel - 2022-10-10

Thanks for the quick test and your reply.

I confirm the glitch with the grid view sync animation. This is different than the global view issue which just was fixed. The grid view‘s animation is in fact going on, but hidden behind the navigation bar. This was not a problem with 1.10.1 but already with early 1.11 builds — tested on iOS 15. My educated guess is that this was introduced when migrating to Xcode 13 and iOS 15. Will take a deeper look at this tonight.

RE: Testflight access to beta version - Buschel - 2022-10-10

After testing I found this to be introduced with 1.10 (TestFlight build 1.10-b5 on Jan, 20th) when making the sync more robust when a search was active. This uncovered a coding error inside the function which hides/unhides the toolbar and resulted in a wrong inset for grid view. This is quite easy to fix.

RE: Testflight access to beta version - Buschel - 2022-10-11

1.11 build 3472
Release Notes

Should be the final release candidate and is uploaded to AppStore for review. Thanks, @kambala !

RE: Testflight access to beta version - amasephy - 2022-10-11

Just did a quick test in all the usual spots. Everything seems to be functioning as intended.

Thank you for all your hard work. You are right, this leaves the app in a very good place for those using older iOS versions.

RE: Testflight access to beta version - Buschel - 2022-10-12

Thanks for double checking. Let's now wait for a few days, if there is any major bug found. Minor glitches we now should just live with, as before. Smile

RE: Testflight access to beta version - Buschel - 2022-10-14

1.11 build 3475
Release Notes

Fixing an issue which would have impacted users of iOS < 11 using future Kodi versions after we migrated to Xcode 14.