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Release Amazon Prime Instant Video Fix - Printable Version

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RE: Amazon Prime Instant Video Fix - Lunatixz - 2013-07-13

This works, just not well...
Shame amazon had to muck things up with drm...

RE: Amazon Prime Instant Video Fix - jammastercd - 2013-07-16

I'd suggest at least taking the time to log on to Amazon and contacting help via email. I did so and received a response that my request to officially support XMBC as a streaming device/service will be forwarded onto the development team. It won't guarantee a solution, but the more people that contact Amazon, the more likely they are to make a needed change.

RE: Amazon Prime Instant Video Fix - hanleyface - 2013-07-17

Thanks for making this work around. It's annoying how difficult Amazon is making our lives!

I am having two problems (I am running Ubuntu 12.04)
1. If I do not open firefox before opening XBMC then it will not open when I try and play a video in Amazon in XBMC.

2. If I do open a firefox before opening XBMC, then when I open a video in Amazon it will start playing in Firefox. But XBMC is in full-screen, and firefox is running in the background so I can't see it without closing XBMC.

Any suggestions?

RE: Amazon Prime Instant Video Fix - nitewulf - 2013-07-24

I just installed the fix and followed the instructions. Works almost too well for me.

Firefox launches and the video i chose starts playing. I then press alt+f4 to close and am taken back to XBMC. Immediately the fix kicks in and launches Firefox again. This loop continues until I exit out of XBMC completely.

Is there something different I can do to configure so i don't get stuck in a loop like that?

I'm running 12.2 on Windows 8.

RE: Amazon Prime Instant Video Fix - brodie4416 - 2013-07-27

Anyone been able to apply this fix to RaspBMC or anything Debian? I've tried this on RaspBMC but firefox fails to install since it is known as iceweasel on Debian it errors out.


RE: Amazon Prime Instant Video Fix - Lunatixz - 2013-07-28

(2013-07-24, 15:51)nitewulf Wrote: I just installed the fix and followed the instructions. Works almost too well for me.

Firefox launches and the video i chose starts playing. I then press alt+f4 to close and am taken back to XBMC. Immediately the fix kicks in and launches Firefox again. This loop continues until I exit out of XBMC completely.

Is there something different I can do to configure so i don't get stuck in a loop like that?

I'm running 12.2 on Windows 8.

I've noticed this problem the few times I've used it...

RE: Amazon Prime Instant Video Fix - nitewulf - 2013-08-07

(2013-07-28, 18:40)Lunatixz Wrote:
(2013-07-24, 15:51)nitewulf Wrote: I just installed the fix and followed the instructions. Works almost too well for me.

Firefox launches and the video i chose starts playing. I then press alt+f4 to close and am taken back to XBMC. Immediately the fix kicks in and launches Firefox again. This loop continues until I exit out of XBMC completely.

Is there something different I can do to configure so i don't get stuck in a loop like that?

I'm running 12.2 on Windows 8.

I've noticed this problem the few times I've used it...

I ran across this blog post:


turns out that was causing my issue. Got that nonsense turned off and now i'm rocking some amazon prime video again!

RE: Amazon Prime Instant Video Fix - biker10 - 2013-08-09


thank you for the fix it got it working for me. I am however having one issue. I'm running XBMCbuntu (which I'm a newb) and the video launches in the half screen I can double click to go full screen but I haven't found a way to exit out of the video and get back to xbmc. I sure I'm doing something wrong but any clue on how to resolve this?

Thanks again!

RE: Amazon Prime Instant Video Fix - TheCasa - 2013-08-11

This is awesome. Only one issue I have - When I launch a video, firefox prompts me for the profile to use, even though the args are set correctly and "don't ask at startup" has been selected. Any advice on stopping this?

Here is my playerfactorycore for the record
    <player name="Browser" type="externalplayer" audio="false" video="true">
      <filename>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"</filename>
      <args>-P "amazon"</args>
    <!-- These are compiled-in as re-ordering them would break scripts
    The following aliases may also be used:
      audiodefaultplayer, videodefaultplayer, videodefaultdvdplayer
    <player name="DVDPlayer" audio="true" video="true" />
    <player name="DVDPlayer" /> placeholder for MPlayer
    <player name="PAPlayer" audio="true" />

RE: Amazon Prime Instant Video Fix - ZebZ - 2013-08-13

I'm having an interesting issue.

Yesterday, I changed my Amazon password. So, I went into the add-on and changed the password there. Additionally, I opened up Firefox directly (using the amazon profile even) and cleared my site cookies and relogged in. I even cleared the cache of the add-on, deleted the cookies file in that same folder, and delete the common cache.

Everything works in the add-on except my Watch List is blank. I can search for content and play content just fine.

Any ideas?

RE: Amazon Prime Instant Video Fix - Dirk_R - 2013-08-21

Thanks for this great addon! I hope this will help me convince my wife that this whole XBMC thing is worthwhile... Wink

Unfortunately I need it to work on a XBMCbuntu Linux box without mouse and keyboard, so I started hacking a little for the last two days, I hope it will be useful for other people.

The first problem (which has been reported before) is that it doesn't start in fullscreen. That's because XBMCbuntu is not running a window manager, it just runs a raw X server, so the RKiosk plugin in Firefox can't switch to fullscreen. The flash player can, but that brings up the keyboard problem.

So I wrote a little script that emulates the fullscreen clicks and adds a few other controls for the things that can be controlled with keys (Volume, Pause etc.) and map it to events from a remote control.

Here's how you use it:
- Disable the RKiosk plugin in FF (start FF with the amazon profile in -safe-mode and disable it)
- Install xdotool and xbindkeys (standard distros have them)
- Download the starter script from http://pastebin.com/3BSNZgTx and put it somewhere. I put it in /usr/share/xbmc/system/players, which is probably not the best place but works.
- Change its permissions to 755.
- Change the path to FF in playercorefactory.xml to point to the script, keep the arguments.
- Enjoy!

- It is pretty brittle, there are a few sleeps in there that depend on how long it takes for the stream to start up and for the menu to disappear. Depending on which one fails the player might not go fullscreen or the stream might not start automatically. There are keys to do both by hand if needed, feel free to adjust the sleeps for your setup..
- The keycodes for the remote control are for my specific one. Yours are probably going to be different. Use xev to figure out the codes for the keys you want to use.

Some other things I noticed that are not with FF but with the addon itself:
- The addon cannot know whether I watch only the first 30 seconds or the whole movie. It assumes I watched the whole thing and marks it as viewed. Amazon actually remembers, so the next time you start a movie it will continue where you left off.
- After watching a movie the runtime and quality icons disappear for this movie. Going up a menu level and down again makes them reappear.
- The scraper misinterprets some of the runtimes. E.g. Warehouse 13 episodes are listed at 44 hours each. They're not quite that long... Wink

Anyways, thanks again for the great work, and I hope somebody finds my changes useful.



RE: Amazon Prime Instant Video Fix - Romans I XVI - 2013-08-23

Thanks Dirk, i haven't looked at the code your using yet but from what you say it does im sure people who are using this addon with xbmcbuntu or with a remote will find this usefull.

+1 to linux users, regardless of how difficult companies make it, we will usually find a way to do what we want. Big Grin

RE: Amazon Prime Instant Video Fix - ZebZ - 2013-08-28

I made an AutoHotkey script that allows you to use the Escape key to exit Firefox.

Compile this script into an AHK .exe, then modify playercorefactory.xml to run it instead of firefox.exe.

If you'd rather use another key or another key combination, just replace the Escape:: line accordingly.

#SingleInstance force
SetTitleMatchMode 2

RunWait "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" %1% %2% %3%

SetTimer, Checktimer, 5000

#IfWinActive Mozilla Firefox

IfWinExist, Mozilla Firefox
{   Return

RE: Amazon Prime Instant Video Fix - Romans I XVI - 2013-09-01

Nice script ZebZ, Good Job

RE: Amazon Prime Instant Video Fix - Htpcbuilder1121 - 2013-09-01


This workaround is great. My wife had a amazon prime account and now I can enjoy the videos. I have a question though. Once the video plays, how do I exit out ? It's full screen and unable to exit. I try to hit stop like I do on my blu ray rips in xmbc, but the stop does nothing.

I'm loving the add on now just want it to be easy to watch a show then stop it and it bring me back to the xmbc amazon add on
