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Is this advanced Home Screen View Mod function idea possible in XBMC Skinning-Engine? - Printable Version

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Recently added homepage movies? - ekim232 - 2009-07-09

I have been working on the new script that allows the home window to list the recently added movies, episodes, ect.

I am trying to add the the movie name and the below it have the year and imdb rating. my code is as follows

<item id="1">
<label2>$INFO[Window.Property(LatestMovie.1.year)] - Rating: $INFO[Window.Property(LatestMovie.1.rating)]</label2>

I get the year, the text for "Rating:", but I don't get the actual imdb rating to show. I switched rating to many other infolables and could not get them to show as well. Are most common infolables not possible with the new lastestmovie. label? Or am I just wrong on something.

- ronie - 2009-07-09

just have a look at the script and you'll see what's available. :-)
for movies: Title, Year, RunningTime, Path, Fanart and Thumb.

- ekim232 - 2009-07-10

Thanks Ronie.

I am using the latest version of this script, but I can't get the latestepisode.#.fanart to show in any area. This is my code...

<control type="image">
<texture diffuse="thumb diffuse.png">$INFO[Window.Property(LatestEpisode.1.Thumb)]</texture>

then I use this for fanart...

<control type="image">
<animation effect="fade" time="1100" delay="5000">WindowOpen</animation>

I use the exact same thing for movies and it shows on my homepage background perfectly. Movies uses container(8000). I even tried using latestepisode.1.fanart in the regular control that usually displays my thumb and it would not show. But if I put latestepisode.1.thumb in where I want fanart to show, it will put the thumb as my background. I got the script from this thread on this page...


Any suggestions on what might be wrong. Just trying to get this feature completed and done with. Thanks to anyone who can help!

- Nuka1195 - 2009-07-10

you can add any property you want. search this thread for a list of available fields then edit the script

- ekim232 - 2009-07-10

Nuka1195 Wrote:you can add any property you want. search this thread for a list of available fields then edit the script

By no means do I know anything about how scripts are coded, but I was under the impression fanart for the episode level was available bases upon seeing this ...

self.WINDOW.setProperty( "LatestEpisode.%d.Fanart" % ( count + 1, ), "special://profile/Thumbnails/Video/%s/%s" % ( "Fanart", fanart_cache, ) )

I also saw this within the movie section so I was thinking it was available on the episode level. I could be way off on this. I appreciate your time in trying to help out.

- Hitcher - 2009-07-17

Is this still being worked on?

The reason I ask is because it doesn't show an automatically generated thumb for TV episodes only ones that have been scraped.

- Jezz_X - 2009-07-17

Hitcher Wrote:Is this still being worked on?

The reason I ask is because it doesn't show an automatically generated thumb for TV episodes only ones that have been scraped.

yeah thats because xbmc stores them in a different location to normal thumbs
I guess nuka could add a file exsists check to the normal thumb and then try and fetch the auto one if it fails

- Swifty - 2009-07-17

Ok I've not read this whole thread, but another simple way of getting this info (which is how I currently do it) is to use folder RSS; http://www.donationcoder.com/Forums/bb/index.php?topic=8450.0

Just set it up to run every few hours and it will create an RSS feed for the path you specify of any new files within a specified time span..

It's really handy to have on the homescreen of XBMC so I can see what the latest TV Shows etc are.. Smile

- Nuka1195 - 2009-07-17

updated script for .AutoThumb and .Rating properties to movies/tvshows


This does not work. if a developer could add $INFO[] to the fallback then i won't add the check in the script for file existence. if it can't be added i will add the check. but it would be nice to work like the below.
PHP Code:
<texture fallback="$INFO[Window.Property(LatestMovie.1.AutoThumb)]">$INFO[Window.Property(LatestMovie.1.Thumb)]</texture

- Jezz_X - 2009-07-17

Nuka1195 Wrote:updated script for .AutoThumb and .Rating properties to movies/tvshows


This does not work. if a developer could add $INFO[] to the fallback then i won't add the check in the script for file existence. if it can't be added i will add the check. but it would be nice to work like the below.
PHP Code:
<texture fallback="$INFO[Window.Property(LatestMovie.1.AutoThumb)]">$INFO[Window.Property(LatestMovie.1.Thumb)]</texture

jmarshall has said long time ago he doesn't want to $INFO-tise fallback I can't remember the reason why but he was pretty much against it

- Nuka1195 - 2009-07-18

jmarshall, you don't want this functionality?

it would be nice, but having the check in the script isn't going to slow it up noticeably.

- jmarshall - 2009-07-18

Fallback is designed to be something we can guarantee will show.

Note that prior to fallback displaying if a file doesn't exist, this wasn't even an option anyway.

It seems to me that the best way to address this is to have a function that grabs the thumb for the item, rather than just assuming a bunch of images *might* exist and having to check for them each time the image is shown.

The thumb cleanup (if it ever happens!) would solve this.


- Nuka1195 - 2009-07-18

i think if there was no noticeable performance hit, everything should accept $INFO[]. it would open up a lot of user customization.

updated script to only set .Thumb property, it checks for normal thumb existence. if it doesn't exist it sets the path to an auto generated one.

- jmarshall - 2009-07-19

There would definitely be a noticeable hit if everything accepted $INFO[] - it has to be evaluated every single frame. Compare that to evaluating something once Smile


- buges - 2009-07-19


Is there any chance of changing the script so after an sql query that has returned no results is empty instead of returning 0 ?

So i could use something like IsEmpty() for skinning
