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Clean up the Thumbnails folder - Printable Version

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- sjw1 - 2011-05-03

Thanks Bravido,
I just ran it and it removed the movieset thumbs. I added one back and ran it in simulation mode abd it copied the thumb I'd just added to the spotcheck folder.
I've just added it again and run it in DEBUG mode.

videodb related to the movieset affected lines below.
05/03/2011 08:35:19 PM DEBUG   JSON-RPC:Video   This appears to be a movie set named "ABCD", getting all videos inside it at: "videodb://1/7/1/"
05/03/2011 08:35:19 PM DEBUG   JSON-RPC:Video   Connecting to JSON-RPC at localhost:9090 and sending command: {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Files.GetDirectory", "params": {"directory":"videodb://1/7/1/"}, "id": "1"}
05/03/2011 08:35:19 PM DEBUG   JSON-RPC:Video   Reading response from XBMC
05/03/2011 08:35:19 PM DEBUG   JSON-RPC:Video   No more data received in the last 86 milliseconds, closing JSON-RPC socket.
05/03/2011 08:35:19 PM DEBUG   JSON-RPC:Video   Found 3 movies in movie set named "ABCD"

05/03/2011 08:35:25 PM DEBUG   JSON-RPC:Video   Cannot get CRC hash from videodb://1/7/1/ because the JSON-RPC interface did not return a hash for this location.
05/03/2011 08:35:25 PM DEBUG   JSON-RPC:Video   Will assume this file exists. This file is not on the Windows filesystem: videodb://1/7/1/. Details: java.io.FileNotFoundException: Not a windows file.
05/03/2011 08:35:25 PM DEBUG   JSON-RPC:Video   JSON-RPC fanart hash (ffffffff) added from videodb://1/7/1/
After running again in DEBUG mode, the file has gone again.

Would it be possible to have a user option to also copy deleted files to a 'check' location? It would be quick to see which files have been deleted. Default NOT to copy them too.

- Glave - 2011-05-04

bradvido88 Wrote:
  • Written in Java. Tested in a Windows environment.

I found a small issue. When I try to run it in linux, java crashes telling me it cannot locate the base directory, and to make sure the program is located at C:\XBMC.MyLibrary.

Obviously, linux doesn't like that much. Wink

I didn't see an option for it in the config file, though it was complaining because it couldn't locate the path for the config anyway, so moot I guess! Big Grin

- bradvido88 - 2011-05-04

Glave Wrote:I found a small issue. When I try to run it in linux, java crashes telling me it cannot locate the base directory, and to make sure the program is located at C:\XBMC.MyLibrary.

Obviously, linux doesn't like that much. Wink

I didn't see an option for it in the config file, though it was complaining because it couldn't locate the path for the config anyway, so moot I guess! Big Grin
Ahh yes, the method to determine where the program is running (the base directory) was written for Windows specifically. I forgot that that's still in there.
Next release, I'll make sure its OS-independent.

- bradvido88 - 2011-05-04

sjw1 Wrote:Thanks Bravido,
I just ran it and it removed the movieset thumbs. I added one back and ran it in simulation mode abd it copied the thumb I'd just added to the spotcheck folder.
I've just added it again and run it in DEBUG mode.

videodb related to the movieset affected lines below.
05/03/2011 08:35:19 PM DEBUG   JSON-RPC:Video   This appears to be a movie set named "ABCD", getting all videos inside it at: "videodb://1/7/1/"
05/03/2011 08:35:19 PM DEBUG   JSON-RPC:Video   Connecting to JSON-RPC at localhost:9090 and sending command: {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Files.GetDirectory", "params": {"directory":"videodb://1/7/1/"}, "id": "1"}
05/03/2011 08:35:19 PM DEBUG   JSON-RPC:Video   Reading response from XBMC
05/03/2011 08:35:19 PM DEBUG   JSON-RPC:Video   No more data received in the last 86 milliseconds, closing JSON-RPC socket.
05/03/2011 08:35:19 PM DEBUG   JSON-RPC:Video   Found 3 movies in movie set named "ABCD"

05/03/2011 08:35:25 PM DEBUG   JSON-RPC:Video   Cannot get CRC hash from videodb://1/7/1/ because the JSON-RPC interface did not return a hash for this location.
05/03/2011 08:35:25 PM DEBUG   JSON-RPC:Video   Will assume this file exists. This file is not on the Windows filesystem: videodb://1/7/1/. Details: java.io.FileNotFoundException: Not a windows file.
05/03/2011 08:35:25 PM DEBUG   JSON-RPC:Video   JSON-RPC fanart hash (ffffffff) added from videodb://1/7/1/
After running again in DEBUG mode, the file has gone again.

Would it be possible to have a user option to also copy deleted files to a 'check' location? It would be quick to see which files have been deleted. Default NOT to copy them too.

I'll look through the code and see what exactly is happening. What version of XBMC are you using, so I can replicate?

- sjw1 - 2011-05-04

Not at home but it's 10.1.on Windows 7.

- mardup - 2011-05-09

Hello ...

I use AEON MQ2 skin , with the option of displaying random Movies Fan Art as background, when "movies" is focused in home menu, and the same for TV Shows ...

I have run your script, with no errors ... a lot of files of thumbs directory was deleted ...

... but i still having fan art of deleted movies and tv shows in home menu Sad

Have you an idea of what i am missing ?

thanks for your answer

- bradvido88 - 2011-05-09

mardup Wrote:Hello ...

I use AEON MQ2 skin , with the option of displaying random Movies Fan Art as background, when "movies" is focused in home menu, and the same for TV Shows ...

I have run your script, with no errors ... a lot of files of thumbs directory was deleted ...

... but i still having fan art of deleted movies and tv shows in home menu Sad

Have you an idea of what i am missing ?

thanks for your answer
Hmm... Hard to say. Are you using XBMC stable 10.1?.
Perhaps there is aproblem with the way textures.db is cleaned in the latest release. Try disabling that in the configuration (set the limits to the extreme), and see if the images still get deleted.

- sjw1 - 2011-05-09

Something for me to try too bravido - or could you see something in the log?

- bradvido88 - 2011-05-09

sjw1 Wrote:Something for me to try too bravido - or could you see something in the log?
I would try it just to confirm that it's not the problem. I don't believe the textures.db entries have anything to do with the movie set thumbs, but I could be wrong.

I haven't looked back at the code yet to see what's going on in your log, but I'll get to it Smile

- sjw1 - 2011-05-09

I've set both <LastUsedThresholdDays>0</LastUsedThresholdDays> and <UseCountThreshold>0</UseCountThreshold> but they're still being deleted.Sad

- mardup - 2011-05-10

bradvido88 Wrote:...Try disabling that in the configuration (set the limits to the extreme), and see if the images still get deleted.

Thanks for your answer ....
Can you please tell me how to disable this ....

I'm not sure that I explained well my problem, sorry for my poor English ...
What i want is to delete FanArts of movies and tvshows that no longer exist on my HardDisk ...

I tried the options below , but nothing change, in home screen, some backgrounds displayed are fan art of movies/tv show that no longer exists

Quote:-<XBMCTextures> <TextureDBPath>C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\userdata\Database\Textures.db</TextureDBPath>
<!--Cannot be a UNC path. If the .db file is not local, map a drive to it-->

<!--Configure the thresholds for deleting textures. If you don't know what to use, the defaults of 21 days or 2 uses should be OK -->
<!-- Clean textures that have NOT been used by XBMC in the past X many days. Set to 0.0 to disable. -->
<!-- If "and", then the texture will be deleted only if it exceeds both thresholds. If "or", then the texture will be deleted if it exeeds either threshold -->
<!-- Clean textures that have been used LESS THAN this many times. Set to 0 to disable -->
<!-- ConfirmPathExist This can be used to find even more images that should be deleted. This will delete images if their corresponding media file no longer exists. XBMC can be bad at cleaning out old file entries from the database, this setting will circumvent that problem by checking if the file actually exists. You should only set this to true if: You regularily use the clean function on XBMC's library. You are running this program on Windows, and on the same computer than XBMC is on (so the filepaths match XBMC's paths). -->

thnaks again for your help

- bradvido88 - 2011-05-16

mardup Wrote:I'm not sure that I explained well my problem, sorry for my poor English ...
What i want is to delete FanArts of movies and tvshows that no longer exist on my HardDisk ...

I tried the options below , but nothing change, in home screen, some backgrounds displayed are fan art of movies/tv show that no longer exists
If you have listings in your library that don't exists, you have to use XBMC's
"Clean Library" function.

- bradvido88 - 2011-05-16

sjw1 Wrote:I've set both <LastUsedThresholdDays>0</LastUsedThresholdDays> and <UseCountThreshold>0</UseCountThreshold> but they're still being deleted.Sad
Yeah that was kind of a long shot. I'm going to dig in a little more. From you logs it looks like the JSON-RPC interface didnt' return the thumb information about your movie set.

- bradvido88 - 2011-05-16

sjw1 Wrote:Thanks Bravido,
I just ran it and it removed the movieset thumbs. I added one back and ran it in simulation mode abd it copied the thumb I'd just added to the spotcheck folder.
I've just added it again and run it in DEBUG mode.
After running again in DEBUG mode, the file has gone again.
OK, so I've looked at this. The line
Cannot get CRC hash from videodb://1/7/1/ because the JSON-RPC interface did not return a hash for this location.
Is the problem. For some reason your JSON-RPC interface isn't returning valid info about the movie set's thumb/fanart. Can you confirm that the set does indeed have a thumb?
I just ran this again on my XBMC (I have about a dozen move sets), and they all worked as expected. In the debug log, you should see the exact JSON-RPC call it is using to get the info. It will look something like:
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Files.GetDirectory", "params": {"directory":"videodb://1/7/1/"}, "id": "1"}
If you can run this command manually, and then tell me the output, that would help debug the issue. To run manually, telnet to XBMC on 9090, then right-click-paste that exact command. It will spit something back at you, and that's what i need to see.

For reference, here's what a typical movie-set processing looks like:
05/15/2011 05:24:46 PM DEBUG   JSON-RPC:Video   This appears to be a movie set named "The Twilight Saga", getting all videos inside it at: "videodb://1/7/1/"
05/15/2011 05:24:46 PM DEBUG   JSON-RPC:Video   Connecting to JSON-RPC at onyx:9090 and sending command: {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Files.GetDirectory", "params": {"directory":"videodb://1/7/1/"}, "id": "1"}
05/15/2011 05:24:46 PM DEBUG   JSON-RPC:Video   Reading response from XBMC
05/15/2011 05:24:46 PM DEBUG   JSON-RPC:Video   No more data received in the last 109 milliseconds, closing JSON-RPC socket.
05/15/2011 05:24:46 PM DEBUG   JSON-RPC:Video   Found 3 movies in movie set named "The Twilight Saga"

- kapperz - 2011-05-17

Am I correct that I could run this on a windows machine on the same network as my XMBC? I'm running v10.1-Live on an Acer Revo AR3610. As long as I edit the xml file to point to the IP address of the XBMC, right?