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Beta Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - Printable Version

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RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - User 224999 - 2017-03-04

(2017-03-03, 09:28)oattes Wrote: When I took the screen, it was on my test box -- at the moment it was not 16:9. But it happens on my HTPC too -- perfect 1080p. Here's an odd thing though -- at first upgrade on the test box, everything was perfect. It was only after a restart of Kodi that the widgets dropped low.
Turns out the issue was me as my new screen is in fact 16:10 aspect ratio while I thought I was coding it for 16:9. I've just went throygh the pain of correcting it and adjusting it for both 16:10 and 16:9 so it should be properly aligned at both aspects. I'll upload a new version later today.

(2017-03-03, 09:28)oattes Wrote: Now that I look at it, I also seem to see that the first poster's aspect ratio is not correct: too narrow for it's height. The last poster also seems to be a bit too wide....

That issue would be in your posters, not the skin. Check if your posters use the correct AR.

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - User 224999 - 2017-03-04

(2017-03-03, 18:00)Fake Healer Wrote: Hey Marcelveldt. Loving the skin so far. I'm using the Netflix 2 layout and Krypton. I see you combined widgets in with menu shortcuts. Being a very simple person I am trying to keep my side menu with as few shortcuts as possible. Is there a way to have a widget but not have to make the menu? I hope that makes sense. The initial release there was a separate section strictly for widgets where I could do that. If not that's ok, I will live Smile

No, I understand what you mean but it is way easier for me to maintain of the netflix layouts shares it's code with the normal homescreens where the widgets are attached to the menu items. It saved me 1000's lines of code now and probably my sanity ;-)

As a workaround you can enable the new option to detach the widgets from the mainmenu. In that case all widgets you have will be shown in one shot.
Just assign all 8 widgets to a few mainmenu items and you're all set.

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - User 224999 - 2017-03-04

(2017-03-03, 18:03)evensteven Wrote: Same issue here. All Posters overlap the horizontal menu. I'm using an Intel NUC at a 4k TV, but it's the same for the NUC with an 1080p display in the bedroom. Both have a 16:9 aspect ratio.

Will be fixed in next update, it was my mistake

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - User 224999 - 2017-03-04

(2017-03-03, 19:14)lviperz Wrote: So I thought I would go ahead and try the beta version of titan and now the pvr backgrounds is broke again. I'm getting the black backgrounds and thumbnails again. In the logs I see the same error multiple times for different files. These errors seem to correspond with the black images. These are also the same errors I got with the beta on spmc 16.5.5.

13:15:15.890 T:5828 ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting C:\Users\davea\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\userdata\addon_data\pvr.mythtv\cache\fanart\6442_1477958400_022\

Also, with the stable version I noticed all the fanart for my recordings were correct and seemed to get it from my mythtv pvr. I say that because if a new show had the wrong background I would correct the metadata in mythtv and it would eventually correct itself in kodi. This was with either stable versions of titan in spmc 16.5.5 or kodi 17. However, with the beta versions in either spmc or kodi I'me seeing the wrong backgrounds even though it is correct in mythtv. I have to manually refresh the artwork and look it up myself.

Strange, I never knew that fanart was supported by mythtv directly. In any way I'm not sure if Kodi even supports that.
I'm not sure where it's trying those images from and what is causing the errors about the missing images.
So I have very little to work on here. Please turn on kodi debug logging, start browsing your recordings with the missing artwork and after that send me the logfile.

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - oattes - 2017-03-04

(2017-03-04, 01:31)marcelveldt Wrote: That issue would be in your posters, not the skin. Check if your posters use the correct AR.

Yes, indeed. The posters are different sizes... odd that I never noticed that before! I guess I was just looking more closely trying to divine the problem with the widget placement.

While I was stumbling around trying to find some clues to the 'widget too low problem', I did, however, notice a small aesthetic issue with the horizontal confluence style home screen. Perhaps you will recall having changed the behaviour of the submenu selection in the modern horizontal home screen so that (at least when the in focus tile is kept in the centre of the screen) the submenu selected was always the item directly underneath the currently focused tile. The previous behaviour was that if you had selected a submenu in position 'n' that when you moved to another tile and selected a submenu item the position selected was 'n' (as remembered). Maybe it's just me, but I think that the confluence horizontal style would be much more pleasing with the same 'submenu behaviour treatment' you provided for the Modern horizontal style.

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - oattes - 2017-03-04

(2017-03-03, 09:02)marcelveldt Wrote: Sorry, I fixed it in the skinhelper addon but didn't put a new version on the repo Angel
Will do so later today

Confirmed working now.

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - oattes - 2017-03-04

(2017-03-04, 01:31)marcelveldt Wrote:
(2017-03-03, 09:28)oattes Wrote: When I took the screen, it was on my test box -- at the moment it was not 16:9. But it happens on my HTPC too -- perfect 1080p. Here's an odd thing though -- at first upgrade on the test box, everything was perfect. It was only after a restart of Kodi that the widgets dropped low.
Turns out the issue was me as my new screen is in fact 16:10 aspect ratio while I thought I was coding it for 16:9. I've just went throygh the pain of correcting it and adjusting it for both 16:10 and 16:9 so it should be properly aligned at both aspects. I'll upload a new version later today.

Confirmed working fine now -- nice position, widget names only show once focused, alignment right on option. Beauty!

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - oattes - 2017-03-04

Since I know you want to release a stable version, I've been trying out some of the other views to look for glitches. Here's one with the vertical confluence style -- note the scroll bar overlaying the posters. Also, I have the 'always enable scrollbar' setting 'on' and it does not seem to be honoured on the home screens... perhaps intentionally, but I'm not sure.


RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - oattes - 2017-03-04

Netflix 2 home screen, in both 'detach widget' and don't modes, when navigating the widgets (vertically up) the header/name for the widget is positioned under the top banner -- the widget needs to scroll a little lower ;-). [Red markup]

The weather (or whatever you position 'left' in the header) is over-written by the title. In other views the title shifts to the right of the header item. Of course, the expectation could just be that there should be no left item in the header. [Green markup]


And once last item: it might be useful to have an 'open/focus submenu at click on mainmenu item' option for this home screen. And also those very cool 'in-line' submenus (nice!).

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - aptalca - 2017-03-04

Hi Marcel,

I have the option for displaying imdb logo with the rating turned on and in the latest beta, I noticed that the top 250 logo is always displayed even when the movie is not in the top 250 (in which case it just shows 0 underneath)


RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - gadabout1 - 2017-03-04

Hi since update 3.7.46

useing Simple Confluence-style homescreen
Vertical homescreen layout

with 4 widgets in eack menu item

I have lost the vertical scroll on widgets....with widget select on tital bar

Now have a scroll bar on right and all 4 widgets
on screen with horizontal netflex type scroll for each.....

Please help to return to vertical widget scroll <<<< PLEASE DO NOT PORT TO FINAL RELEASE>>>>>>

Thanks great skin
Your doing fantastic work

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - chocco - 2017-03-04

(2017-03-04, 07:23)aptalca Wrote: Hi Marcel,

I have the option for displaying imdb logo with the rating turned on and in the latest beta, I noticed that the top 250 logo is always displayed even when the movie is not in the top 250 (in which case it just shows 0 underneath)


+ 1

You're right about the beta though @marccelveldt. It's significantly more advanced from the krypton version!! It's fantastic work!

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - User 224999 - 2017-03-04

(2017-03-03, 20:03)saustark Wrote: Just found a little cosmetic issue with the widgets for my TV Shows(using netflix 2 view) .TV shows title starts with SxxExx when there is no clearlogo. Can you pls fix same, that only the name of the TV show is displayed

Fixed in next update, thanks

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - User 224999 - 2017-03-04

(2017-03-03, 21:35)eengert Wrote: I've noticed that in lists that are longer than a single page and requiring a scrollbar (such as a list of episodes) that the scrollbar is focused by default rather than the first item in the list. This has the effect that when you press the down button, it scrolls an entire page instead of one item. Can you change this behavior so that the first item in the list is always focused by default so that people don't accidentally page down, then have to move to the left before moving up or down to highlight an item?

I can't reproduce this one. Does it happen all the time or only in certain circumstances ?

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - User 224999 - 2017-03-04

(2017-03-03, 23:32)teedo42 Wrote: Small problem after latest update. The widgets heading is missing on home screen. I am using enhanced all in one. I am able to see them, if I scroll to the top but eventually it disappears again.

fixed in next update