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WIP Windows 3D MVC Bluray test builds - Printable Version

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RE: Windows 3D MVC Bluray test builds - brazen1 - 2016-04-11

(2016-04-11, 22:35)afedchin Wrote: Post http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=265299&pid=2308212#pid2308212 was updated with new build

These last 3 builds do not work for Nvidia anymore.

RE: Windows 3D MVC Bluray test builds - dukester - 2016-04-12

retested with newest 0411 build.. not much better to report. still see glitches here and there(look like a dropped frame or pause) when playing back 3D, this build when i FF video playback hangs i have to stop and restart video again.. the one time i waited till a person started speaking it looked "out of sync" but like i said i cant FF to see if it fixes it.

log below.


RE: Windows 3D MVC Bluray test builds - afedchin - 2016-04-12

(2016-04-11, 23:31)brazen1 Wrote: These last 3 builds do not work for Nvidia anymore.
follow instructions to how install mvc decoder properly on non Intel systems. In your log Kodi unable to find libmfxsw32.dll.

(2016-04-11, 23:56)Nelbert Wrote: It's an Intel decoder solution. Surely it would be better to focus on intel H/W before broadening the scope.
this is false.

RE: Windows 3D MVC Bluray test builds - brazen1 - 2016-04-12

(2016-04-12, 00:35)afedchin Wrote:
(2016-04-11, 23:31)brazen1 Wrote: These last 3 builds do not work for Nvidia anymore.
follow instructions to how install mvc decoder properly on non Intel systems. In your log Kodi unable to find libmfxsw32.dll.

(2016-04-11, 23:56)Nelbert Wrote: It's an Intel decoder solution. Surely it would be better to focus on intel H/W before broadening the scope.
this is false.

Pretty certain I always follow instructions properly but I'm human.
Maybe I've made a mistake?
Is this in the wrong folder or something?
Btw, I am using an Intel system as you can see at the beginning of my logs.
I just haven't joined the NUC pump parade so I'm using Nvidia.
And I understand, by Intel you mean a specific couple of integrated CPU/GPU stacked chips which I have no desire to downgrade to.



RE: Windows 3D MVC Bluray test builds - timstephens24 - 2016-04-12

(2016-04-12, 01:06)brazen1 Wrote: I just haven't joined the NUC pump parade so I'm using Nvidia.
And I understand, by Intel you mean a specific couple of integrated CPU/GPU stacked chips which I have no desire to downgrade to.

If you understand that he's talking about Intel integrated CPU/GPU chips, why are you throwing out comments like this? Pretty sure he's been more than helpful for everyone, regardless of their setup, but comments like this aren't beneficial for anyone that's testing his builds and working towards making this a reality for everyone, regardless of hardware. Your setup is just as beneficial to testing as everyone else's.

RE: Windows 3D MVC Bluray test builds - dukester - 2016-04-12

come on guys back on topic.. if you dont have a log or arent testing then whats the point in commenting.


i just watched 30 minutes of a 3d film and this time sync looked really good, i set audio sync adjust to -.0125 and the sync was perfect. FF still froze playback and is only recoverable by stopping the video.

Can videos start in sync sometimes but out of sync others? seems almost random to me.

Does 2D playback affect sync? there are some sync results posted in the other 3D thread that show out of sync issues with 2D content as well, could it be something unrelated to MVC and just a krypton thing?

Do you see any useful information from my logs? and is there anything specific we can do to help you move forward?

0325 still best working build for me imo,

also Thanks again, this is all very much appreciated.!!

RE: Windows 3D MVC Bluray test builds - brazen1 - 2016-04-12

By on topic you mean NUC users like yourself?
Us Nvidia users and the feedback, logs, testing, time, etc are off topic?
I'm sorry. I don't see anything I'm providing.... Off topic?

If you mean clarifying "follow instructions to how install mvc decoder properly on non Intel systems", I did exactly that.
I'm using an Intel processor.
I'm also clarifying " In your log Kodi unable to find libmfxsw32.dll" which is really only necessary for AMD systems but I put it in there anyway so there's no margin for error on my part.

Then I thought to myself. It's obvious in my logs I am indeed using Intel. MAYBE, afedchin means NUC boxes when he writes "non Intel systems"?
I've been told to buy NUC and abandon my system. I don't want to. It would be a downgrade for me. The topic of this thread and the facts on the 1st post don't indicate Nvidia users are omitted? Although prior to merging original threads, the whole point of this development thread was overrun by NUC pumping and I do mean PUMPING. Where to buy, how much to pay, unboxing pics, what time UPS would be at your door, and a whole slew of other details that had nothing to do with KODI, Windows, and native 3D playback. I've went out of my way to help you NUC users and I don't even have one. And yes, I'm highly appreciative afedchin and his contributions and efforts. At one point I asked we all recognize him for exactly that but you were all too busy burying pages about NUC's.

Well, forgive me for pointing out that while your NUC builds are working pretty damn decent, these same builds no longer work for Nvidia. They are not usable at all anymore. That's a shame. They were. I hoped by contributing my testing, they too could become functional again. Instead, I'm met by 'You don't know how to follow directions' and 'Your hardware belongs on the back burner so we can concentrate on our hardware'.

I give up. I must be the only Nvidia user interested in this build. Majority rules.

RE: Windows 3D MVC Bluray test builds - movie78 - 2016-04-12

I think you're being a little bit overblown, me and @Skank has been testing the AMD hardware ever since @afedchin started this thread , all we had was black screen on our PJ, we settle for NUC because it was cheapest and easiest to setup and it works.
There are other user using non NUC hardware and had success, like the Dell i3050 etc..

Personally my favorite build is the March 25 build, but these released are pre alpha and we are all here for testing and provide feedback to @afedchin somhe can make improvements as new build get released

RE: Windows 3D MVC Bluray test builds - dukester - 2016-04-12

(2016-04-12, 02:42)brazen1 Wrote: By on topic you mean NUC users like yourself?
Us Nvidia users and the feedback, logs, testing, time, etc are off topic?
I'm sorry. I don't see anything I'm providing.... Off topic?

I didn't direct any comments towards you, but after your rant it's clear your looking to argue with anyone who will partake. I don't own a NUC either so I have no idea what your talking about.

Seems you care more about only your solution than anything else.. Where as i'm participating here to hopefully help everyone on the long run.. At this point I don't even know if my logs are helping because auae they are being buried by more nonsense.

0325 is still my goto also movie78

RE: Windows 3D MVC Bluray test builds - timstephens24 - 2016-04-12

That's not what I said at all, good sir. I was talking about the disparaging comments like 'NUC pump parade.' I clearly stated at the end ".. working towards making this a reality for everyone, regardless of hardware. Your setup is just as beneficial to testing as everyone else's." I would love to see you helping make this work for Nvidia. I've also said in the other thread that people should hold off buying new hardware (i.e. not 'NUC pumping') and test on what they have.

Also remember that @afedchin is from Russia, so English is probably not his primary language.

Please don't give up, it's a work in progress, and I just want people to progress, not slide into bickering. *humbly*

RE: Windows 3D MVC Bluray test builds - timstephens24 - 2016-04-12

I'm running into A/V sync issues as well, but it seems to just be when debug logging is turned off. If I have debug logging on, I won't have an issue, but once I turn it off it happens.. Here's one where the first few minutes are fine:


But once I turn debug logging off the issue is back. If I start the video with the play/pause/stop screen up or OSD, the issue doesn't happen either, but once either of those overlays go away the issue comes back. Maybe this is an issue with the alpha, and not 3D related, since the 3D seems to be working a lot better since the 'clouding' fix.

RE: Windows 3D MVC Bluray test builds - timstephens24 - 2016-04-12

Also, quick question, I thought I remember seeing somewhere where the 3D MVC build would detect if the video had the left eye/right eye flipped and automatically adjust, but I couldn't find it. Was this implemented or still being worked on?

RE: Windows 3D MVC Bluray test builds - brazen1 - 2016-04-12

(2016-04-12, 03:07)movie78 Wrote: @brazen1
I think you're being a little bit overblown, me and @Skank has been testing the AMD hardware ever since @afedchin started this thread , all we had was black screen on our PJ, we settle for NUC because it was cheapest and easiest to setup and it works.
There are other user using non NUC hardware and had success, like the Dell i3050 etc..

Personally my favorite build is the March 25 build, but these released are pre alpha and we are all here for testing and provide feedback to @afedchin somhe can make improvements as new build get released

You've been here testing AMD since thread start. Well good for you. So was I, testing Nvidia. You gave up on AMD. I didn't on Nvidia. Does it make me wrong because I didn't "settle"?
Oh my. You had a black screen. I wonder who helped point you in the right direction to figure that out?

I don't care only about my solution? I care that 3 builds later, Nvidia no longer works. I only read NUC complaints revolving around minor audio/video sync issue that I also provided a very simple workaround for. How would you feel if all your NUC builds stopped working while minor Nvidia problems took the forefront and your NUC's no longer worked?

I'm not looking to argue folks. I started presenting a problem 3 builds ago that isn't getting addressed. I take offense (defense really) when I'm told I don't follow directions and/or downgrade to a new system. And not just today. I started being told that 3 builds ago. 3 builds later, I'm still following directions and showing that I am, asking for help. What would you do? Jeesh.

RE: Windows 3D MVC Bluray test builds - timstephens24 - 2016-04-12

It's an Alpha. Your problems might not be addressed immediately. Be patient. As has already been stated, this isn't going to make it into Kodi 17, so there's a lot of work to be done.

RE: Windows 3D MVC Bluray test builds - movie78 - 2016-04-12

Are you guys seeing an increase in Memory consumption with this build?