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HOW-TO:Share libraries using MySQL: Wiki Edition - Printable Version

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RE: HOW-TO synchronize XBMC between every room in the house: Wiki Edition - robvh - 2013-09-21

I have a mixture of XBMC clients in use, the MyGica ATV1200 requires an nfs mount, because the poor little A6 gets overexcited with the overhead of SMB and 1080p streams.
I have several Atom-ION based HTPCs running openelec 3.2, which I have been feeding with SMB up to now (I might convert them over to nfs).
And a few Windows XP (i!) clients.

My tvheadend server has 3 ways to expose the content: nfs, SMB and DLNA via Serviio (used on the Smart TV).
So now my database is largely filled with smb: strpath values in the path table. And anytime I use the ATV1200, it only looks for nfs: paths.

Is there a way to define an equivalence between different paths, e.g., nfs://sat/export/movies and smb://SAT/movies are really the same strpath, so that I do not get duplicate entries in my files table?

RE: HOW-TO synchronize XBMC between every room in the house: Wiki Edition - Milhouse - 2013-09-21

Look at path substitution (wiki).

RE: HOW-TO synchronize XBMC between every room in the house: Wiki Edition - rogern - 2013-09-29

If you have mixed clients like in my cenario windows and linux do i have to have 2 databases?
When i open up xbmc in ubuntu the movies and everything shows but can`t be played beacause the file is not there anymore(in ubuntu).

There is not a problem to have to different mysql servers for me

RE: HOW-TO synchronize XBMC between every room in the house: Wiki Edition - Milhouse - 2013-09-29

No, Linux and Windows can share a single MySQL database.

Just make sure that all your clients using the same XBMC version as the more recent Gotham builds are using a new versions for Video DB and Music DB. If one of your client is Gotham, and all the rest are Frodo, then the Gotham client won't see the updates from the Frodo clients (and vice versa).

Database versions.

RE: HOW-TO synchronize XBMC between every room in the house: Wiki Edition - raspberry_pd - 2013-10-02

I must say, this is a scenario where Plex's client/server model really comes into it's own. I would like to see XBMC provide the ability to work in such a client/server model or at least abstract out the SQL so we do not *have to* use MySQL.

RE: HOW-TO synchronize XBMC between every room in the house: Wiki Edition - Ned Scott - 2013-10-02

(2013-10-02, 05:55)raspberry_pd Wrote: I must say, this is a scenario where Plex's client/server model really comes into it's own. I would like to see XBMC provide the ability to work in such a client/server model or at least abstract out the SQL so we do not *have to* use MySQL.

That's the plan :)

Most of what we can do in MySQL can now be done in the upcoming v13 Gotham via UPnP (watched/resume status, shared artwork/metadata, etc), and there are more improvements on the way.

RE: HOW-TO synchronize XBMC between every room in the house: Wiki Edition - rflores2323 - 2013-10-02

I would like to sync my profiles from my master setup to all my xbmc boxes in the house. This should get all my kids movies to sync to all my boxesHuh

I currently have adult(main) and then kids profile. If I understand this correctly I have to add the <name>profilenameherevideo</name> to ALL my advancedsettings.xml in the house with adding the <name> for each profile advancedsettings.xml and placing it in the correct userdata profile folder. So I would really have two advancesettings.xml files on each machines. The main One in the root folder of each machine and then the profile one in the /profiles/[profile name]/ folder also.

I currently have some of the machines with profiles on it already. I should remove those, clean my library and then add the advancedsettings.xml, add my sources, scan for new content, Correct?



Nice tutorial that I found here.

RE: HOW-TO synchronize XBMC between every room in the house: Wiki Edition - Platypus2 - 2013-10-04

(2013-10-02, 06:12)Ned Scott Wrote:
(2013-10-02, 05:55)raspberry_pd Wrote: I must say, this is a scenario where Plex's client/server model really comes into it's own. I would like to see XBMC provide the ability to work in such a client/server model or at least abstract out the SQL so we do not *have to* use MySQL.

That's the plan Smile

Most of what we can do in MySQL can now be done in the upcoming v13 Gotham via UPnP (watched/resume status, shared artwork/metadata, etc), and there are more improvements on the way.

Are you saying we won't have to use MySQL for watched/resume status in Gotham? Or at least sometime in the near future?

RE: HOW-TO synchronize XBMC between every room in the house: Wiki Edition - Ned Scott - 2013-10-04

That part is working in the nightly builds (wiki) now. It's pretty slick :)

RE: HOW-TO synchronize XBMC between every room in the house: Wiki Edition - crimsonfury - 2013-10-05

(2013-10-04, 19:41)Ned Scott Wrote: That part is working in the nightly builds (wiki) now. It's pretty slick Smile

What about Upnp working with Plex Clients?! Like a Roku3 that only has Plex because XBMC is created for it....

I would love to have my living room tv run xbmc and my bedroom tv run Plex Client and they both share the same data/metadata/resume status!

RE: HOW-TO synchronize XBMC between every room in the house: Wiki Edition - aceor44 - 2013-10-06

Hi everyone. Hope someone can help me with setting up a shared MySql Db for my xbmc clients.

WHS 2012 which contains all the source files, as well as MySQL
2x rasberry PIs with XBMC installed (raspbmc) - not using the nightly builds
an old XBOX with XBMC, although I could care less if this uses a shared db, since it is just used for music, and 'it just works'
plans to expand to another TV and perhaps 1 more

I installed MYSQL on WHS, updated the firewall, and went though the setup without any errors. Also updated my first rpi with a new advancedsettings.xml:

Once finished, I selected the option to update my video db, and it won't do anything.

The strange thing is .... the mymusic32 & myvideos75 databases/tables exist in MySql, so the rpi xbmc instance must be creating them, but not updating them. I thought this might be related to sources, but double checked them, and they are fine. (in fact, I have not changed anything on the rpi's other than a new advancedsettings.xml, and deleting the old video db).

Log file is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7eyr7ujo0xhehwi/xbmc.log

Thank you so much in advanced for your help. Been working on this for a few hours, and I'm tired/frustrated.

RE: HOW-TO synchronize XBMC between every room in the house: Wiki Edition - Ned Scott - 2013-10-06

(2013-10-05, 00:25)crimsonfury Wrote:
(2013-10-04, 19:41)Ned Scott Wrote: That part is working in the nightly builds (wiki) now. It's pretty slick Smile

What about Upnp working with Plex Clients?! Like a Roku3 that only has Plex because XBMC is created for it....

I would love to have my living room tv run xbmc and my bedroom tv run Plex Client and they both share the same data/metadata/resume status!

I'm honestly not sure how things interact with other UPnP clients. In theory it should be possible.

RE: HOW-TO synchronize XBMC between every room in the house: Wiki Edition - Dilligaf - 2013-10-06

(2013-10-06, 05:29)aceor44 Wrote: Hi everyone. Hope someone can help me with setting up a shared MySql Db for my xbmc clients.

WHS 2012 which contains all the source files, as well as MySQL
2x rasberry PIs with XBMC installed (raspbmc) - not using the nightly builds
an old XBOX with XBMC, although I could care less if this uses a shared db, since it is just used for music, and 'it just works'
plans to expand to another TV and perhaps 1 more

I installed MYSQL on WHS, updated the firewall, and went though the setup without any errors. Also updated my first rpi with a new advancedsettings.xml:

Once finished, I selected the option to update my video db, and it won't do anything.

The strange thing is .... the mymusic32 & myvideos75 databases/tables exist in MySql, so the rpi xbmc instance must be creating them, but not updating them. I thought this might be related to sources, but double checked them, and they are fine. (in fact, I have not changed anything on the rpi's other than a new advancedsettings.xml, and deleting the old video db).

Log file is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7eyr7ujo0xhehwi/xbmc.log

Thank you so much in advanced for your help. Been working on this for a few hours, and I'm tired/frustrated.

Looks like permission problems, what version of MySql? Did you run the grant all command? Did you allow network access? Check the bind address in my.conf

RE: HOW-TO synchronize XBMC between every room in the house: Wiki Edition - hughparker - 2013-10-06

I'm trying to move to MySQL to store my XBMC database, but it's running really slowly. Starting a film playing takes around 40 seconds, and adding one seems to take around 30 seconds. I'd wondered whether it was a caching issue, but it still takes the same amount of time, even after starting the the same film around 20 times.

I'm using an IP address not a DNS name, and I've set mysql to skip-name-resolve, but that's made no difference. I've checked that I'm using MySQL 5.5. I've tried searching forums and reading through the logs, but I can't work out what's causing the problem. I'd be very grateful for some help.

Log for adding a film (North by Northwest): http://xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=66598
Log for playing a film (The Big Lebowski): http://xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=66586

RE: HOW-TO synchronize XBMC between every room in the house: Wiki Edition - aceor44 - 2013-10-06

(2013-10-06, 06:14)Dilligaf Wrote: Looks like permission problems, what version of MySql? Did you run the grant all command? Did you allow network access? Check the bind address in my.conf
MySql 5.5.34

I did run the grand all command, as follows: GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'xbmc'; Is there any harm in doing that again? Having said that, I installed MySQL Workbench to verify the setup, and can see the xbmc ID has all privileges (% HOST ; % Schema, and all Privileges checked).

I do not have a my.conf file. But do have a my.ini file in the program install directory. Same thing? And there is no bind address that I can see (in fact, there are no ip addresses in that file).

Also, moved my log file to xbmclogs. http://xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=66701
Thanks for helping!