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Release Amazon Prime Instant Video Fix - Printable Version

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RE: Amazon Prime Instant Video Fix - NewJerseyNinja - 2013-10-24

Sorry I should have given more details:

I tested it the day I posted that message. I was running it on a Mythbuntu machine using Xbmc 12.2.


-----I also just tried this on a Windows7 machine running XBMC 12.2, the amazon plugin appears to work, but will not play any videos.

RE: Amazon Prime Instant Video Fix - ethanfox - 2013-10-27

This fix works wonders. Thank you! One issue I can't quite resolve. Using Windows 8.1, Frodo 12.2, works great. But the esc/backspace key don't seem to exit the player. Whether I click screen or not, I can't figure out a way to exit the player other than windows key, close firefox. Any tips? Thanks!

RE: Amazon Prime Instant Video Fix - Romans I XVI - 2013-10-27

(2013-10-27, 18:26)ethanfox Wrote: But the esc/backspace key don't seem to exit the player. Whether I click screen or not, I can't figure out a way to exit the player other than windows key, close firefox. Any tips? Thanks!

I don't use windows 8 so i cant say for sure, but in just about any other OS Alt+F4 closes the current window. Thats what i was using before i added the custom shortcuts to firefox. And like i said even those only work if you haven't selected the flash video, so i still use Alt+F4 most of the time to close firefox. Hope that answers your question.

RE: Amazon Prime Instant Video Fix - Romans I XVI - 2013-10-27

I just uploaded new Windows installers, there is a Chrome version now and also the Firefox version also includes the -no-remote option. Which should have been included in the initial release. Also i figured out how to properly install to the windows directory structure regardless of whether your using 32-bit or 64-bit now so there is no need for seperate installers. Please note these have not been fully tested so if you have problems please post here and i will update them as soon as possible. Thank you and enjoy.

RE: Amazon Prime Instant Video Fix - ethanfox - 2013-10-27

(2013-10-27, 18:35)Romans I XVI Wrote:
(2013-10-27, 18:26)ethanfox Wrote: But the esc/backspace key don't seem to exit the player. Whether I click screen or not, I can't figure out a way to exit the player other than windows key, close firefox. Any tips? Thanks!

I don't use windows 8 so i cant say for sure, but in just about any other OS Alt+F4 closes the current window. Thats what i was using before i added the custom shortcuts to firefox. And like i said even those only work if you haven't selected the flash video, so i still use Alt+F4 most of the time to close firefox. Hope that answers your question.

Yep, tracking that one, Romans's comment on the latest update mentioned Esc/backspace and couldnt' get that to work. I'm sure it's just something I'm doing wrong. Will try his latest update (from today) and give it another go. Not that it's going to make/break the fix - everything else is working quite smoothly. Thanks for the quick replies!

RE: Amazon Prime Instant Video Fix - Spacen - 2013-10-31

I installed the chrome version on Windows 7 64 bit with XBMC 12.2 with the bluecop amazon addon already installed. When I attempt to start a video, the screen flashes like it's trying to do something, the runtime next to the video title goes away and then it just sits there. I'm sure there's user error, I just can't figure out what it is. Thank you for setting this up for everyone.

RE: Amazon Prime Instant Video Fix - Spacen - 2013-10-31

Okay, I went ahead and installed Firefox and then the firefox executable and that works just fine. I don't understand why the chrome version isn't working.

RE: Amazon Prime Instant Video Fix - sqzhm64f - 2013-11-03

I installed the Amazon add-on from bluecop, and received the script error which led me here. I installed the Chrome fix in the OP. When I play a video, the blue circle rotates but does not play a video. XMBC shows the "click ok when playback has ended" popup. No videos play. Tried with Chrome open and closed before launching the video and restarted twice.


Windows 8.0
Chrome Version 30.0.1599.101 m
XMBC 12.2

*Firefox fix worked, thanks!

RE: Amazon Prime Instant Video Fix - Lunatixz - 2013-11-03

I get a blank screen (no video, but audio) when playing amazon in both chrome and firefox, my research shows its a silverlight problem... anyone know a fix?

Update:: disabled silverlight. Enabled adobe player... everything works now.

RE: Amazon Prime Instant Video Fix - diskmaster23 - 2013-11-10

Does it matter if we use Chromium vs Google Chrome for this fix under linux?

RE: Amazon Prime Instant Video Fix - diskmaster23 - 2013-11-10

(2013-09-29, 10:50)Amejin90 Wrote: !!Under XBMCBuntu!!
Not sure if this is much use to anyone, but I was able to fix both issue with the browser opening only half screen and also the issue with not being able to exit back into xbmc. I'm sure others can do this more efficiently, but I just stumbled around until I found a way.

First I changed def PLAYVIDEO(): in /resources/lib/play.py as below to write the final video url to a text file.
        out_file = open("amazon.txt", "wt")

    item.setInfo( type="Video", infoLabels={ "Title": ""})
    xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(pluginhandle, True, item)

Then I wrote a script to launch my browser (Chrome) at that url in kiosk mode which also lets me exit back into xbmc directly.

#Amazon Prime Launcher

url=`cat /home/xbmc/amazon.txt`

openbox &
unclutter -grab &
/usr/bin/chromium-browser -kiosk $url
pgrep -f unclutter | xargs kill
pgrep -f openbox | xargs kill

Finally, I changed my playercorefactory.xml to point to that script.
    <player name="chrome" type="ExternalPlayer">
  <rules action="prepend">
    <rule name="html" filetypes="html" player="chrome" />

It's not pretty and linux only, but it works for me. Hopefully it'll keep someone else from a few hours of headache.

Using your script causes mine to fail in amazonprime.sh. This is what I get when I run the script.
09:40:36 T:3007248192  NOTICE: ExternalPlayer Filename: ~/amazonprime.sh
09:40:36 T:3007248192 WARNING: ExternalPlayer: invalid value for warpcursor: none
09:40:36 T:3007248192  NOTICE: ExternalPlayer Tweaks: hideconsole (false), hidexbmc (true), islauncher (false), warpcursor (none)
09:40:36 T:3007248192  NOTICE: OpenFile: https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/streaming/mini-mode.html?ie=UTF8&asin=B001MM28JG
09:40:36 T:2786011968  NOTICE: Thread CExternalPlayer start, auto delete: false
09:40:36 T:2786011968  NOTICE: Process: Player : ~/amazonprime.sh
09:40:36 T:2786011968  NOTICE: Process: File   : https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/streaming/mini-mode.html?ie=UTF8&asin=B001MM28JG
09:40:36 T:2786011968  NOTICE: Process: Content:
09:40:36 T:2786011968  NOTICE: Process: Args   :
09:40:36 T:2786011968  NOTICE: Process: Start
09:40:36 T:2786011968  NOTICE: Process: Hiding XBMC window
09:40:36 T:2786011968  NOTICE: ExecuteAppLinux: "~/amazonprime.sh"  "https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/streaming/mini-mode.html?ie=UTF8&asin=B001MM28JG"
09:40:36 T:2786011968  NOTICE: ExecuteAppLinux: Failure: -1
09:40:36 T:2786011968  NOTICE: Process: Stop
09:40:36 T:2786011968  NOTICE: Process: Showing XBMC window

This is what is in my amazonprime.sh

#Amazon Prime Launcher

url=`cat ~/amazon.txt`
openbox &
unclutter -grab &
/usr/bin/chromium-browser -kiosk $url
pgrep -f unclutter | xargs kill
pgrep -f openbox | xargs kill
I ended up changing the amazon.txt to the home directory because it wasn't where you had pointed it to.

Can you help?

Otherwise, if I use what was provided by the eariler script, it doesn't fully work. I don't get sound nor do I get full screen.

RE: Amazon Prime Instant Video Fix - Lunatixz - 2013-11-11

Is there a way to force a resolution in fullscreen mode?

RE: Amazon Prime Instant Video Fix - JoeBlow42069 - 2013-11-23

How can I un-install from Win 7? I get an error message saying, "Unable to create temporary system folder, error 5" or something like that when I try to un-install as normal. For some reason I can't get audio for any videos in Chrome or Amazon Prime using this .exe now, audio plays fine with any other source.

RE: Amazon Prime Instant Video Fix - locoguano - 2013-11-27

Everything is working fine except my Watchlist.. comes up empty. Anyone else having this issue?

"the sha module is deprecated".. Needs an update?

RE: Amazon Prime Instant Video Fix - hyde01 - 2013-11-30

After 1st video I can never get it to play 2nd video, it hangs and I cannot do anything else in XBMC. I have to end task.