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Ember Media Manager NFO/Poster/FanArt Manager for Movies (Open Source VB.NET) - Printable Version

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- nul7 - 2009-07-06

rusten Wrote:It's working for me on X86 (non-64 bit) -- will let you know more after going through the scans, etc.

EDIT: No major problems yet. I noticed upon exiting, when idle, it spends about 30 seconds "cancelling" pending transactions or something to that effect, yet there was nothing in-progress. I don't know if this is relevant.

On a separate note... Does this version have more finite logging?

It's normal for it to appear for a second or two even if you have nothing going on.... but for 30 seconds, it must have been doing something or got hung up somewhere.

Logging is the same.... Only errors.

garvani Wrote:Sorry dumb question but ive missed the answer along the way, is this rescan "media tags"? or a full rescan of all nfo's etc? by the way x64 works fine for me too

Yes, sorry, just "media tags". Should probably rename the feature "metadata" to make it more obvious.

MrDVD Wrote:Patch is def inside the SVN as i run r21401 from SVN (launchpad) and for new added movies i have the mediainfo in the PM3.HD skin. (older scans are not updated)

The last version was in anticipation of the CodecID and Codec being separate in the nfo, but the XBMC dev team decided it was best to just merge the two into one Codec tag. So this version does the same.... It tries 2 different methods to get the CodecID and if none found, will just read the format, putting whichever it finds first in the Codec tag.

Ayla Wrote:"1> Once again, you'll need to rescan mediainfo for all movies"

Why do we have to rescan all the mediainfo?

I thought that now that we are using the native media flags, and not storing anything in the .nfo's, it would be done on-the-fly?

Sorry if it's a dumb question Smile

You don't HAVE to.... I should have clarified that you need to rescan only if you have enabled scanning mediainfo.

Ayla Wrote:nul7,

I have a lot of movies where the extrathumbs just won't show, no matter what I do.

For example "Watchmen".

The extrathumbs folder is there and the 10 extrathumb jpg's are there, and I can see them just fine in Ember.

But in Aeon/Multiplex they won't show.

This only happens with some movies, not all.

Any ideas?

I have nooooo clue. I don't even have one extrathumb or even use Aeon so I don't have any idea what they're even used for. lol Since Ember is creating them properly, then it's "out of my hands" because I wouldn't even know where to begin to start to troubleshoot in Aeon. My only suggestion is to ask in the Aeon forum.... someone is bound to have come across the same thing and can hopefully point you in the right direction.

- neurosis13 - 2009-07-06

a movie splitted into 2 files or more dont show extrathumbs in Aeon.
Makes no sense at all but thats is how it is.

- Tolriq - 2009-07-06

nul7 Wrote:Thanks for the feedback.

1> The extrathumbs tab never auto-refreshed, but I just added that. For future reference, there is a refresh button below the extrathumbs list. Wink

2> Can you give me an example movie in which all the cache images don't appear? I changed the naming of the cached files because sometimes they would be longer than the 260 char limit of Windows.... so a little tweaking may need to be done. Just need to see what's happening to be able to fix it and so far all the movies I've tested with show all images.

I tried last build.

The 2 problems still here Smile
After switch on my brain i take time to look what happens
For extrathumbs the difference since r422 i think is that you copy the info from temp only on OK click So the refresh won't help you should copy the data directly or show the data from the temp dir until click OK

For the posters every films i try :
Exemple : The Incredible Hulk : ID 0800080

29 Files in the cache when you change the poster all multiples posters goes wrong (exemple you won't be able to use the poster_(original)_(url=[themoviedb.org]db.org$s$posters$s$38700$s$Incredible_Hulk.jpg).jpg as a poster).
(You can only choose from small and medium not large and x-large).

I usually take the X large poster from multiples (1000*1500)

I hope informations more complete to have a resolution Smile

Thanks again for your great work Smile can't wait for TV Shows / Music and direct XBMC database access to handle music artist thumbs and data as well Smile
(Ok i know i dream of all that but who knows Smile

- nul7 - 2009-07-06

Tolriq Wrote:I tried last build.

The 2 problems still here Smile
After switch on my brain i take time to look what happens
For extrathumbs the difference since r422 i think is that you copy the info from temp only on OK click So the refresh won't help you should copy the data directly or show the data from the temp dir until click OK

For the posters every films i try :
Exemple : The Incredible Hulk : ID 0800080

29 Files in the cache when you change the poster all multiples posters goes wrong (exemple you won't be able to use the poster_(original)_(url=[themoviedb.org]db.org$s$posters$s$38700$s$Incredible_Hulk.jpg).jpg as a poster).
(You can only choose from small and medium not large and x-large).

I usually take the X large poster from multiples (1000*1500)

I hope informations more complete to have a resolution Smile

Thanks again for your great work Smile can't wait for TV Shows / Music and direct XBMC database access to handle music artist thumbs and data as well Smile
(Ok i know i dream of all that but who knows Smile

Ohhhhh... duh... I see what you're saying. Since the images are not actually set to the directories until you hit ok (in case you hit cancel), they don't show in extrathumbs list. I think we can work something out for that.

- Tolriq - 2009-07-06

Also a little request Smile

I should use google but :p

Since my huge collection start to be correctly tagged and having good information i'm starting looking at the bulk renamer as some of my dir have small typos.

The things i'd like to see :
- Choose to rename only Dir or Files (As i prefer to keep the file name as original).
- Hide from the list all the dir that won't change (or color them) to help managing new film in big list
- Eventually permit the rename of only the selected films (usable if previous done)
- And very import add a tag for OriginalTitle (imdb info) (If possible make it editable too via the edit film to not have to do manual edit)


Edit :
And small bugs Smile Happy to have done on a little dir to try Smile
If you rename folders / files then update your lib emm won't show posters and fanart only extrathumbs will work Sad (Killing the .emm and reconfigure / scan repair so no data loss only a bug)
It seems that the only place where source is stored is in file names so if you rename with the default parameters to make a test the source data vanish and can't be recovered Very very anoying Sad

Another little bug (only forgot try / catch ) on the clear all cache if a image is open and can't be deleted error is thrown :

- Nuno - 2009-07-06

Tolriq Wrote:- Choose to rename only Dir or Files (As i prefer to keep the file name as original).
This functionality already exists. You can use $D to use the original directory name and $F to use the original filename.

Tolriq Wrote:- Hide from the list all the dir that won't change (or color them) to help managing new film in big list
The list is already color coded. Here is a legend of the color codes:
Purple: Will change
Red: Conflict
Black: No change
Trikethrough: Locked

Tolriq Wrote:- Eventually permit the rename of only the selected films (usable if previous done)
For now, you can use the lock feature to keep certain files from being renamed. Please add a feature request to the google code page for allowing to rename selected and/or marked files.

Tolriq Wrote:- And very import add a tag for OriginalTitle (imdb info) (If possible make it editable too via the edit film to not have to do manual edit)
Please add this as a feature request to the google code page, as well.

Tolriq Wrote:And small bugs Smile Happy to have done on a little dir to try Smile
If you rename folders / files then update your lib emm won't show posters and fanart only extrathumbs will work Sad (Killing the .emm and reconfigure / scan repair so no data loss only a bug)
Possible <Reload All Movies> fix it, no need to delete Media.emm
Anyway, will be fixed in next release

Tolriq Wrote:It seems that the only place where source is stored is in file names so if you rename with the default parameters to make a test the source data vanish and can't be recovered Very very anoying Sad
I don't see any other option
EDIT: (and you can use $S to perserve source data)
EDIT2: Default pattern will change next version to use $S by default!
Please add this as a feature request to the google code page, as well, if you see any solution. Smile

Tolriq Wrote:Another little bug (only forgot try / catch ) on the clear all cache if a image is open and can't be deleted error is thrown :
Will be fixed in next release

- mark007 - 2009-07-06

Hi there. Back using emm again, fantastic improvements, really improving. I have found a bug though with version (maybe it was reported before). Using a fresh 626 with extras 09.1, many of my movies appear many times in emm movies list, some 10-15 times, one is there like 40 times~.

Thought it was because I overwrote an old version but as I say, it also happens on a fresh 626 folder.

- nul7 - 2009-07-07

mark007 Wrote:Hi there. Back using emm again, fantastic improvements, really improving. I have found a bug though with version (maybe it was reported before). Using a fresh 626 with extras 09.1, many of my movies appear many times in emm movies list, some 10-15 times, one is there like 40 times~.

Thought it was because I overwrote an old version but as I say, it also happens on a fresh 626 folder.

Click on them and look in the status bar to see the path for each file. Is it pointing to different movies than what is listed? If so, check the nfo file.... I'm thinking maybe the nfos have the wrong titles.

- mark007 - 2009-07-07

Oh now I know why, each DVD with a VIDEO_TS folder, by default it must take each file as a movie..... wasn't expecting that. Every vob is appearing as a movie... thats not right as default behaviour is it?


- Hitcher - 2009-07-07

neurosis13 Wrote:a movie splitted into 2 files or more dont show extrathumbs in Aeon.
Makes no sense at all but thats is how it is.

That's because the path ignores 'parts' and thus can't be found.

- nul7 - 2009-07-07

mark007 Wrote:Oh now I know why, each DVD with a VIDEO_TS folder, by default it must take each file as a movie..... wasn't expecting that. Every vob is appearing as a movie... thats not right as default behaviour is it?


In the options for the source enable "Detect Only One Movie From Each Folder"

EDIT: Until the next release... it will always only detect one movie from video_ts.

- philter - 2009-07-07

v626 - Any time I scan media, either after the scrap or to autogen thumbs, etc...it freezes the program. The previous versions all worked flawlessly scanning.
Title: Error
Message: Conversion from string "7/7/2009 N/A" to type 'Date' is not valid.
StackTrace: at Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions.ToDate(String Value)
at Ember_Media_Manager.Master.CreateRandomThumbs(DBMovie mMovie, Int32 ThumbCount)
Date/Time: 7/7/2009 1:34:08 AM

- nul7 - 2009-07-07

philter Wrote:v626 - Any time I scan media, either after the scrap or to autogen thumbs, etc...it freezes the program. The previous versions all worked flawlessly scanning.
Title: Error
Message: Conversion from string "7/7/2009 N/A" to type 'Date' is not valid.
StackTrace: at Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions.ToDate(String Value)
at Ember_Media_Manager.Master.CreateRandomThumbs(DBMovie mMovie, Int32 ThumbCount)
Date/Time: 7/7/2009 1:34:08 AM

Got it... fixed for next release.

Edit: In the mean time, you can disable generating extrathumbs.

- mark007 - 2009-07-07

nul7 Wrote:In the options for the source enable "Detect Only One Movie From Each Folder"

EDIT: Until the next release... it will always only detect one movie from video_ts.

Nice tweak, thanks for that.

- nul7 - 2009-07-07

mark007 Wrote:Nice tweak, thanks for that.

np.... are you building from SVN?