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Visual C++ Runtime Error on exit - Printable Version

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+---- Thread: Visual C++ Runtime Error on exit (/showthread.php?tid=102131)

Visual C++ Runtime Error on exit - rocketpants - 2011-05-24

Hi all,

from time to time I get a runtime error on exiting XBMC as shown below


Here is the log from the latest crash. I didn't have debug turned on so it may not be of much use.

This doesn't occur everytime I exit but does occur on two different machines both running Win7 Home Premium. I read somewhere here that updating to the latest video drivers may fix this so I upgraded about a month ago but the problem has persisted.

The error occurs when I bring up the exit menu ('s') and select exit XBMC.

Any ideas on why this is occuring?


System details
1. Mac Mini C2D P7550
NVIDIA GeForce 9400 - Driver version 270.61
Dharma 10.1 stable with Transparency
Win7 Home Premium

2. AsRock ION330HT
NVidaia ION - Driver version 270.61
Dharma 10.1 stable with Transparency
Win7 Home premium

- rocketpants - 2011-06-01

Any ideas on this?

- jhsrennie - 2011-06-01

It's not something I've ever seen.

You can enable debug logging without the irritating display at the top of the screen. You just need to create an advancedsettings.xml file. Usual Win noob howto follows - apologies if I'm teaching granny to suck eggs:

Press Windows-R and in the Run dialog type:

notepad "%appdata%\xbmc\userdata\advancedsettings.xml"

and click OK. If you're asked to crearte a new file answer Yes. Copy and paste the following then close Notepad and save the changes.



- rocketpants - 2011-06-02

Thanks JR. I'd forgotten you can tun on debug without the OSD.

There were a few posts from some years back that referenced the same issue but IIRC they were pre-win7, pre-Dharma etc so I'm not sure how relevent they are to this.

Oh - and this issue happened pre and post Win7 SP1.

- Jazzik - 2011-06-06

I have this exact problem.

Win 7 x64. Its a nuisance because it also prevents the PC shutting down with the timer.

- rocketpants - 2011-06-07

@Jazzik, can you enable debug as explained by JR above and post a log when this happens to you again. I haven't had the problem for a while but I know it will come back at some stage and do want to get it sorted.

- miljbee - 2011-06-08

I don't know, if this will help you, but I have had this problem today, and it seems that it's now solved !

I Had problems with path in my sources that were no more reachable.
Once I corrected my problems with the path, XBMC exits without errors.

- GCWB - 2011-08-16

Has this problem not been solved? I am getting the exact same issue. I shall post a crash log in a moment.

edit: Weird, I can't recreate the issue. It's just stopped crashing, I'll be back if it returns.

- GCWB - 2011-08-17

If someone could help me out, it would be of a great help. The issue doesn't appear all the time, but I found it happens nearly everytime on shutdown after prolonged usage (after a film basically).


It's a dealbreaker for my HTPC as it's made for my parents. Simpletons. They can't be getting errors, its distressing.

- jhsrennie - 2011-08-17

Does it crash if you use the Confluence skin?

I'd guess it's something to do with a Python script or add-on. There seem to be five "python started" entries and only one "python stopped".


- rocketpants - 2011-08-17

I managed to fix the problem by posting about it here. Ever since I did that I haven't had the error on exit. Some may say this is coincidence but I prefer to think of it as some sort of magic Smile

Seriously - no idea. But I haven't had the problem since increasing the default log level on the PC. And I only did that one one machine. The other one stopped having errors all by itself. Maybe a windows update sorted it out for me.

- GCWB - 2011-08-17

jhsrennie Wrote:Does it crash if you use the Confluence skin?

I'd guess it's something to do with a Python script or add-on. There seem to be five "python started" entries and only one "python stopped".


I haven't tried, I'll give it a go later today, as it takes a 'prolonged' usage. If I just boot up XBMC and shut it down, it works fine. Or boot it up and browse for 5 minutes.

I am using Aeon MQ 2, the stable version.
And XBMC Dharma.

By python, what do you mean? I'm a long time user of XBMC yet I've never really got down and dirty with the software. I use Advanced Launcher to launch itunes, could this be the case? I remember setting it up really shakily, so it could easily be corrupt.

RE: Visual C++ Runtime Error on exit - Stueck - 2015-01-10

I have exactly the same problem.

Could it be a problem using a mysql database?
Maybe is the plugin WatchDog a problem? I tried to deactivate it, and than it didn't crash for the last tries.
Easy reproducable if a movie is running while I exit xbmc/kodi. But crashes also sometimes (30%-50%) when nothing is running and I am in the main menu.

I have here a debug log - had to cut the first part, because of the letter limit in this forum:
18:14:46 T:9548   DEBUG: ------ Window Init (VideoOSD.xml) ------
18:14:46 T:9548    INFO: Loading skin file: VideoOSD.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
18:14:46 T:8972    INFO: CPythonInvoker(3, C:\Users\xbmc\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.module.simple.downloader\default.py): script successfully run
18:14:47 T:8972    INFO: Python script stopped
18:14:47 T:8972   DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 8972 terminating
18:14:47 T:9848   DEBUG: [service.watchdog] watching <smb://> using <class 'core.polling_xbmc._Recursive'>
18:14:47 T:9728   DEBUG: [Cinema Experience] - settings() - __init__
18:14:47 T:9728   DEBUG: [Cinema Experience] - settings() - start
18:14:47 T:9728   DEBUG: [Cinema Experience] - Reading settings.xml
18:14:47 T:7380   DEBUG: Skin Widgets: script version 0.0.29 started
18:14:47 T:9728   DEBUG: [Cinema Experience] - Reading settings.xml
18:14:47 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 52 ms for 258 items query: select * from movieview  WHERE ((movieview.playCount IS NULL OR movieview.playCount < 1))
18:14:47 T:9728   DEBUG: [Cinema Experience] - Cinema Experience service script version 4.0.10 started
18:14:47 T:9728   DEBUG: [Cinema Experience] - Reading settings.xml
18:14:47 T:9728   DEBUG: [Cinema Experience] - settings() - start
18:14:47 T:9728   DEBUG: [Cinema Experience] - Reading settings.xml
18:14:47 T:3360   DEBUG: Library Data Provider: service version 0.0.7 started
18:14:47 T:9848   DEBUG: [service.watchdog] watching <smb://> using <class 'core.polling_xbmc._Recursive'>
18:14:48 T:9848   DEBUG: [service.watchdog] watching <smb://> using <class 'core.polling_xbmc._Recursive'>
18:14:48 T:9848   DEBUG: [service.watchdog] watching <smb://> using <class 'core.polling_xbmc._Recursive'>
18:14:48 T:9848   DEBUG: [service.watchdog] watching <smb://> using <class 'core.polling_xbmc._Recursive'>
18:14:48 T:9848   DEBUG: [service.watchdog] initialization done
18:14:48 T:3360   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 27 ms for 258 items query: select * from movieview  WHERE ((movieview.playCount IS NULL OR movieview.playCount < 1))
18:14:48 T:8900   DEBUG: CDVDPlayerAudio:: Dropping packet of 10 ms
18:14:48 T:9548   DEBUG: Previous line repeats 3 times.
18:14:48 T:9548   DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogExtendedProgressBar.xml) ------
18:14:49 T:9548   DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x01, sym: 0x001b, unicode: 0x001b, modifier: 0x0
18:14:49 T:9548   DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: escape (0xf01b) pressed, action is PreviousMenu
18:14:49 T:3360   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 206 ms for 1145 items query: select * from episodeview  WHERE ((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount < 1))
18:14:49 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 252 ms for 1145 items query: select * from episodeview  WHERE ((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount < 1))
18:14:49 T:9548   DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (VideoOSD.xml) ------
18:14:49 T:3360   DEBUG: CMusicDatabase::GetSongsByWhere query = SELECT songview.* FROM songview  WHERE ((CAST(songview.iTimesPlayed as DECIMAL(5,1)) < 1))
18:14:49 T:3360   DEBUG: CMusicDatabase::GetAlbumsByWhere query: SELECT albumview.* FROM albumview  WHERE albumview.strAlbum <> ''
18:14:49 T:3360   DEBUG: CMusicDatabase::GetAlbumsByWhere - query took 9 ms
18:14:49 T:3360   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 36 ms for 258 items query: select * from movieview  WHERE ((movieview.playCount IS NULL OR movieview.playCount = 0))
18:14:50 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 1 ms for 0 items query: select * from musicvideoview
18:14:50 T:7380   DEBUG: CMusicDatabase::GetAlbumsByWhere query: SELECT albumview.* FROM albumview  WHERE albumview.strAlbum <> ''
18:14:50 T:7380   DEBUG: CMusicDatabase::GetAlbumsByWhere - query took 8 ms
18:14:50 T:7380   DEBUG: CMusicDatabase::GetArtistsByWhere query: SELECT artistview.* FROM artistview  WHERE (artistview.idArtist IN (SELECT song_artist.idArtist FROM song_artist) OR artistview.idArtist IN (SELECT album_artist.idArtist FROM album_artist)) and artistview.strArtist != '' and artistview.strArtist <> 'Verschiedene Interpreten'
18:14:50 T:7380   DEBUG: Time to retrieve artists from dataset = 2
18:14:50 T:7380   DEBUG: CMusicDatabase::GetSongsByWhere query = SELECT songview.* FROM songview  WHERE ((CAST(songview.iTimesPlayed as DECIMAL(5,1)) < 1))
18:14:50 T:7380   DEBUG: Skin Widgets: Total time needed to request random queries: 0:00:02.606000
18:14:50 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 13 ms for 31 items query: select * from movieview  WHERE (movieview.idFile  IN (SELECT DISTINCT idFile FROM bookmark WHERE type = 1))
18:14:50 T:3360   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 104 ms for 1145 items query: select * from episodeview  WHERE ((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount < 1))
18:14:50 T:8900   DEBUG: CDVDPlayerAudio:: Dropping packet of 10 ms
18:14:50 T:6532   DEBUG: Previous line repeats 2 times.
18:14:50 T:6532    INFO: CPythonInvoker(1, C:\Users\xbmc\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\service.xbmc.versioncheck\service.py): script successfully run
18:14:50 T:6532    INFO: Python script stopped
18:14:50 T:6532   DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 6532 terminating
18:14:50 T:9548   DEBUG: ------ Window Init (VideoOSD.xml) ------
18:14:50 T:3360   DEBUG: CMusicDatabase::GetAlbumsByWhere query: SELECT albumview.* FROM albumview  WHERE albumview.strAlbum <> ''
18:14:50 T:3360   DEBUG: CMusicDatabase::GetAlbumsByWhere - query took 7 ms
18:14:50 T:3360   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 24 ms for 31 items query: select * from movieview  WHERE (movieview.idFile  IN (SELECT DISTINCT idFile FROM bookmark WHERE type = 1))
18:14:50 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 140 ms for 15 items query: SELECT * FROM tvshowview  WHERE ( ((tvshowview.watchedcount > 0 AND tvshowview.watchedcount < tvshowview.totalCount) OR (tvshowview.watchedcount = 0 AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM episodeview WHERE episodeview.idShow = tvshowview.idShow AND episodeview.resumeTimeInSeconds > 0))))
18:14:50 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetStackedTvShowList query: select idShow from tvshow where c00 like (select c00 from tvshow where idShow=36) order by idShow
18:14:50 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 4 ms for 24 items query: select * from episodeview  WHERE (episodeview.idShow = 36) AND (((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount = 0)))
18:14:50 T:7380   DEBUG: DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field 25
18:14:51 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetStackedTvShowList query: select idShow from tvshow where c00 like (select c00 from tvshow where idShow=32) order by idShow
18:14:51 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 5 ms for 11 items query: select * from episodeview  WHERE (episodeview.idShow = 32) AND (((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount = 0)))
18:14:51 T:7380   DEBUG: DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field 25
18:14:51 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetStackedTvShowList query: select idShow from tvshow where c00 like (select c00 from tvshow where idShow=57) order by idShow
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 98 ms for 15 items query: SELECT * FROM tvshowview  WHERE ( ((tvshowview.watchedcount > 0 AND tvshowview.watchedcount < tvshowview.totalCount) OR (tvshowview.watchedcount = 0 AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM episodeview WHERE episodeview.idShow = tvshowview.idShow AND episodeview.resumeTimeInSeconds > 0))))
18:14:51 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 12 ms for 34 items query: select * from episodeview  WHERE (episodeview.idShow = 57) AND (((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount = 0)))
18:14:51 T:7380   DEBUG: DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field 25
18:14:51 T:7772   DEBUG: CPullupCorrection: detected pattern of length 1: 41708.33, frameduration: 41708.333333
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetStackedTvShowList query: select idShow from tvshow where c00 like (select c00 from tvshow where idShow=36) order by idShow
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 4 ms for 24 items query: select * from episodeview  WHERE (episodeview.idShow = 36) AND (((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount = 0)))
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field 25
18:14:51 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetStackedTvShowList query: select idShow from tvshow where c00 like (select c00 from tvshow where idShow=45) order by idShow
18:14:51 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 4 ms for 2 items query: select * from episodeview  WHERE (episodeview.idShow = 45) AND (((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount = 0)))
18:14:51 T:7380   DEBUG: DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field 25
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetStackedTvShowList query: select idShow from tvshow where c00 like (select c00 from tvshow where idShow=32) order by idShow
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 3 ms for 11 items query: select * from episodeview  WHERE (episodeview.idShow = 32) AND (((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount = 0)))
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field 25
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetStackedTvShowList query: select idShow from tvshow where c00 like (select c00 from tvshow where idShow=57) order by idShow
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 4 ms for 34 items query: select * from episodeview  WHERE (episodeview.idShow = 57) AND (((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount = 0)))
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field 25
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetStackedTvShowList query: select idShow from tvshow where c00 like (select c00 from tvshow where idShow=45) order by idShow
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 6 ms for 2 items query: select * from episodeview  WHERE (episodeview.idShow = 45) AND (((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount = 0)))
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field 25
18:14:51 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetStackedTvShowList query: select idShow from tvshow where c00 like (select c00 from tvshow where idShow=64) order by idShow
18:14:51 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 4 ms for 15 items query: select * from episodeview  WHERE (episodeview.idShow = 64) AND (((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount = 0)))
18:14:51 T:7380   DEBUG: DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field 25
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetStackedTvShowList query: select idShow from tvshow where c00 like (select c00 from tvshow where idShow=64) order by idShow
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 5 ms for 15 items query: select * from episodeview  WHERE (episodeview.idShow = 64) AND (((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount = 0)))
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field 25
18:14:51 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetStackedTvShowList query: select idShow from tvshow where c00 like (select c00 from tvshow where idShow=18) order by idShow
18:14:51 T:7380   DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
18:14:51 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 7 ms for 9 items query: select * from episodeview  WHERE (episodeview.idShow = 18) AND (((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount = 0)))
18:14:51 T:7380   DEBUG: DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field 25
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 11 ms for 9 items query: select * from episodeview  WHERE (episodeview.idShow = 18) AND (((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount = 0)))
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field 25
18:14:51 T:9548   DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x01, sym: 0x001b, unicode: 0x001b, modifier: 0x0
18:14:51 T:9548   DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: escape (0xf01b) pressed, action is PreviousMenu
18:14:51 T:9548   DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Pointer.xml) ------
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetStackedTvShowList query: select idShow from tvshow where c00 like (select c00 from tvshow where idShow=13) order by idShow
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 15 ms for 125 items query: select * from episodeview  WHERE (episodeview.idShow = 13) AND (((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount = 0)))
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field 25
18:14:51 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetStackedTvShowList query: select idShow from tvshow where c00 like (select c00 from tvshow where idShow=13) order by idShow
18:14:51 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 15 ms for 125 items query: select * from episodeview  WHERE (episodeview.idShow = 13) AND (((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount = 0)))
18:14:51 T:7380   DEBUG: DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field 25
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetStackedTvShowList query: select idShow from tvshow where c00 like (select c00 from tvshow where idShow=35) order by idShow
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 3 ms for 6 items query: select * from episodeview  WHERE (episodeview.idShow = 35) AND (((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount = 0)))
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field 25
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetStackedTvShowList query: select idShow from tvshow where c00 like (select c00 from tvshow where idShow=26) order by idShow
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 5 ms for 25 items query: select * from episodeview  WHERE (episodeview.idShow = 26) AND (((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount = 0)))
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field 25
18:14:51 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetStackedTvShowList query: select idShow from tvshow where c00 like (select c00 from tvshow where idShow=35) order by idShow
18:14:51 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 3 ms for 6 items query: select * from episodeview  WHERE (episodeview.idShow = 35) AND (((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount = 0)))
18:14:51 T:7380   DEBUG: DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field 25
18:14:51 T:9548   DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (VideoOSD.xml) ------
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetStackedTvShowList query: select idShow from tvshow where c00 like (select c00 from tvshow where idShow=19) order by idShow
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 5 ms for 37 items query: select * from episodeview  WHERE (episodeview.idShow = 19) AND (((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount = 0)))
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field 25
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetStackedTvShowList query: select idShow from tvshow where c00 like (select c00 from tvshow where idShow=22) order by idShow
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 16 ms for 109 items query: select * from episodeview  WHERE (episodeview.idShow = 22) AND (((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount = 0)))
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field 25
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetStackedTvShowList query: select idShow from tvshow where c00 like (select c00 from tvshow where idShow=49) order by idShow
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 11 ms for 35 items query: select * from episodeview  WHERE (episodeview.idShow = 49) AND (((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount = 0)))
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field 25
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetStackedTvShowList query: select idShow from tvshow where c00 like (select c00 from tvshow where idShow=23) order by idShow
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 7 ms for 24 items query: select * from episodeview  WHERE (episodeview.idShow = 23) AND (((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount = 0)))
18:14:51 T:3360   DEBUG: DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field 25
18:14:52 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetStackedTvShowList query: select idShow from tvshow where c00 like (select c00 from tvshow where idShow=26) order by idShow
18:14:52 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 5 ms for 25 items query: select * from episodeview  WHERE (episodeview.idShow = 26) AND (((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount = 0)))
18:14:52 T:7380   DEBUG: DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field 25
18:14:52 T:3360   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetStackedTvShowList query: select idShow from tvshow where c00 like (select c00 from tvshow where idShow=14) order by idShow
18:14:52 T:3360   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 7 ms for 13 items query: select * from episodeview  WHERE (episodeview.idShow = 14) AND (((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount = 0)))
18:14:52 T:3360   DEBUG: DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field 25
18:14:52 T:3360   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetStackedTvShowList query: select idShow from tvshow where c00 like (select c00 from tvshow where idShow=1) order by idShow
18:14:52 T:3360   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 7 ms for 19 items query: select * from episodeview  WHERE (episodeview.idShow = 1) AND (((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount = 0)))
18:14:52 T:3360   DEBUG: DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field 25
18:14:52 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetStackedTvShowList query: select idShow from tvshow where c00 like (select c00 from tvshow where idShow=19) order by idShow
18:14:52 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 8 ms for 37 items query: select * from episodeview  WHERE (episodeview.idShow = 19) AND (((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount = 0)))
18:14:52 T:7380   DEBUG: DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field 25
18:14:52 T:3360   DEBUG: CMusicDatabase::GetAlbumsByWhere query: SELECT albumview.* FROM albumview  WHERE albumview.strAlbum <> ''
18:14:52 T:3360   DEBUG: CMusicDatabase::GetAlbumsByWhere - query took 14 ms
18:14:52 T:3360   DEBUG: Library Data Provider: Total time needed for all queries: 0:00:04.333000
18:14:52 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetStackedTvShowList query: select idShow from tvshow where c00 like (select c00 from tvshow where idShow=22) order by idShow
18:14:52 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 18 ms for 109 items query: select * from episodeview  WHERE (episodeview.idShow = 22) AND (((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount = 0)))
18:14:52 T:7380   DEBUG: DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field 25
18:14:52 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetStackedTvShowList query: select idShow from tvshow where c00 like (select c00 from tvshow where idShow=49) order by idShow
18:14:52 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 13 ms for 35 items query: select * from episodeview  WHERE (episodeview.idShow = 49) AND (((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount = 0)))
18:14:52 T:7380   DEBUG: DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field 25
18:14:52 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetStackedTvShowList query: select idShow from tvshow where c00 like (select c00 from tvshow where idShow=23) order by idShow
18:14:52 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 6 ms for 24 items query: select * from episodeview  WHERE (episodeview.idShow = 23) AND (((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount = 0)))
18:14:52 T:7380   DEBUG: DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field 25
18:14:53 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetStackedTvShowList query: select idShow from tvshow where c00 like (select c00 from tvshow where idShow=14) order by idShow
18:14:53 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 8 ms for 13 items query: select * from episodeview  WHERE (episodeview.idShow = 14) AND (((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount = 0)))
18:14:53 T:7380   DEBUG: DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field 25
18:14:53 T:9548   DEBUG: ------ Window Init (Pointer.xml) ------
18:14:53 T:9548   DEBUG: ------ Window Init (VideoOSD.xml) ------
18:14:53 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetStackedTvShowList query: select idShow from tvshow where c00 like (select c00 from tvshow where idShow=1) order by idShow
18:14:53 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 7 ms for 19 items query: select * from episodeview  WHERE (episodeview.idShow = 1) AND (((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount = 0)))
18:14:53 T:7380   DEBUG: DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field 25
18:14:53 T:7380   DEBUG: CMusicDatabase::GetAlbumsByWhere query: SELECT albumview.* FROM albumview  WHERE albumview.strAlbum <> ''
18:14:53 T:7380   DEBUG: CMusicDatabase::GetAlbumsByWhere - query took 13 ms
18:14:53 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 2 ms for 0 items query: select * from musicvideoview
18:14:53 T:7380   DEBUG: Skin Widgets: Total time needed to request recommended queries: 0:00:03.082000
18:14:53 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 51 ms for 258 items query: select * from movieview  WHERE ((movieview.playCount IS NULL OR movieview.playCount = 0))
18:14:54 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 197 ms for 1145 items query: select * from episodeview  WHERE ((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount < 1))
18:14:56 T:9548   DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x01, sym: 0x001b, unicode: 0x001b, modifier: 0x0
18:14:56 T:9548   DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: escape (0xf01b) pressed, action is PreviousMenu
18:14:56 T:9548   DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Pointer.xml) ------
18:14:56 T:9548   DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (VideoOSD.xml) ------
18:14:56 T:9548   DEBUG: ------ Window Init (Pointer.xml) ------
18:14:56 T:9548   DEBUG: ------ Window Init (VideoOSD.xml) ------
18:14:56 T:7380   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 2 ms for 0 items query: select * from musicvideoview
18:14:56 T:7380   DEBUG: CMusicDatabase::GetAlbumsByWhere query: SELECT albumview.* FROM albumview  WHERE albumview.strAlbum <> ''
18:14:56 T:7380   DEBUG: CMusicDatabase::GetAlbumsByWhere - query took 14 ms
18:14:56 T:7380   DEBUG: Skin Widgets: Total time needed to request recent items queries: 0:00:03.543000
18:14:56 T:7380   DEBUG: Skin Widgets: Total time needed for all queries: 0:00:09.231000
18:15:05 T:9548   DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Pointer.xml) ------
18:15:06 T:9548   DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10025
18:15:06 T:9548   DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (VideoOSD.xml) ------
18:15:06 T:9548   DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (VideoFullScreen.xml) ------
18:15:06 T:9548   DEBUG: ------ Window Init (MyVideoNav.xml) ------
18:15:06 T:9548    INFO: Loading skin file: MyVideoNav.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
18:15:06 T:9548   DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (videodb://tvshows/titles/)
18:15:06 T:9548   DEBUG:   ParentPath = [videodb://tvshows/titles/]
18:15:06 T:9548   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 102 ms for 44 items query: SELECT * FROM tvshowview
18:15:06 T:8604  NOTICE: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
18:15:06 T:8604   DEBUG: Thread BackgroundLoader 8604 terminating
18:15:09 T:9548   DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 169 (0xa9) pressed, action is Left
18:15:10 T:8900   DEBUG: CDVDPlayerAudio:: Dropping packet of 10 ms
18:15:11 T:9548    INFO: XCURL::DllLibCurlGlobal::CheckIdle - Closing session to http://feeds.feedburner.com (easy=087A2070, multi=00517F28)
18:15:11 T:9016   DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 9016 terminating (autodelete)
18:15:11 T:9548   DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: menu (0xd8) pressed, action is Back
18:15:11 T:7772   DEBUG: CPullupCorrection: detected pattern of length 1: 41708.33, frameduration: 41708.333333
18:15:12 T:9732   DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 9732 terminating (autodelete)
18:15:12 T:9548   DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: menu (0xd8) pressed, action is Back
18:15:12 T:9548   DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Deactivate
18:15:12 T:9548   DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (MyVideoNav.xml) ------
18:15:12 T:9548   DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Activate new
18:15:12 T:9548   DEBUG: ------ Window Init (VideoFullScreen.xml) ------
18:15:13 T:9548   DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: menu (0xd8) pressed, action is Back
18:15:13 T:9548   DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Deactivate
18:15:13 T:9548   DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (VideoFullScreen.xml) ------
18:15:13 T:9548   DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Activate new
18:15:13 T:9548   DEBUG: ------ Window Init (Home.xml) ------
18:15:13 T:10236  NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
18:15:13 T:10236   DEBUG: CRecentlyAddedJob::UpdateMusic() - Running RecentlyAdded home screen update
18:15:13 T:10236   DEBUG: GetRecentlyAddedAlbumSongs() query: SELECT songview.* FROM (SELECT idAlbum FROM albumview ORDER BY idAlbum DESC LIMIT 10) AS recentalbums JOIN songview ON songview.idAlbum=recentalbums.idAlbum
18:15:13 T:10236   DEBUG: CMusicDatabase::GetRecentlyAddedAlbums query: select * from albumview where strAlbum != '' order by idAlbum desc limit 10
18:15:13 T:10236   DEBUG: CRecentlyAddedJob::UpdateVideos() - Running RecentlyAdded home screen update
18:15:13 T:10236   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 87 ms for 10 items query: select * from movieview  ORDER BY dateAdded desc, idMovie desc LIMIT 10
18:15:14 T:10236   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 275 ms for 10 items query: select * from episodeview  ORDER BY dateAdded desc, idEpisode desc LIMIT 10
18:15:14 T:6984  NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
18:15:14 T:10236   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 10 ms for 0 items query: select * from musicvideoview  ORDER BY dateAdded desc, idMVideo desc LIMIT 10
18:15:14 T:10236   DEBUG: CRecentlyAddedJob::UpdateTotal() - Running RecentlyAdded home screen update
18:15:15 T:9548   DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 167 (0xa7) pressed, action is Down
18:15:17 T:9548   DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
18:15:17 T:9548   DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 11 (0x0b) pressed, action is Select
18:15:17 T:9548   DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10111
18:15:17 T:9548   DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogButtonMenu.xml) ------
18:15:17 T:9548    INFO: Loading skin file: DialogButtonMenu.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
18:15:18 T:9548   DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 11 (0x0b) pressed, action is Select
18:15:18 T:9548   DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnQuit from xbmc
18:15:18 T:9548   DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnQuit
18:15:18 T:9548   DEBUG: CSaveFileStateJob::DoWork - Saving file state for video item smb://[cut].mkv
18:15:18 T:9548   DEBUG: Mysql execute: update files set playCount=NULL,lastPlayed='2015-01-10 18:15:18' where idFile=2884
18:15:18 T:9548   DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
18:15:18 T:9548   DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 16, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
18:15:18 T:9548   DEBUG: Mysql execute: update settings set Deinterlace=1,ViewMode=0,ZoomAmount=1.000000,PixelRatio=1.000000,VerticalShift=0.000000,AudioStream=0,SubtitleStream=0,SubtitleDelay=0.000000,SubtitlesOn=1,Brightness=50.000000,Contrast=50.000000,Gamma=20.000000,VolumeAmplification=0.000000,AudioDelay=0.000000,OutputToAllSpeakers=0,Sharpness=0.000000,NoiseReduction=0.000000,NonLinStretch=0,PostProcess=0,ScalingMethod=1,DeinterlaceMode=0,ResumeTime=0,Crop=0,CropLeft=0,CropRight=0,CropTop=0,CropBottom=0,StereoMode=0,StereoInvert=0 where idFile=2884
18:15:18 T:9548  NOTICE: Storing total System Uptime
18:15:18 T:9548  NOTICE: Saving settings
18:15:18 T:9548  NOTICE: stop all
18:15:18 T:6984   DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 6984 terminating (autodelete)
18:15:18 T:10236   DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 10236 terminating (autodelete)
18:15:18 T:9548  NOTICE: stop player
18:15:18 T:9548  NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile()
18:15:18 T:9548  NOTICE: DVDPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
18:15:18 T:9468  NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit()
18:15:18 T:9468  NOTICE: DVDPlayer: closing audio stream
18:15:18 T:9468  NOTICE: Closing audio stream
18:15:18 T:9468  NOTICE: Waiting for audio thread to exit
18:15:18 T:8900  NOTICE: thread end: CDVDPlayerAudio::OnExit()
18:15:18 T:9468  NOTICE: Closing audio device
18:15:18 T:8900   DEBUG: Thread DVDPlayerAudio 8900 terminating
18:15:18 T:2272   DEBUG: CActiveAE::DiscardStream - audio stream deleted
18:15:18 T:2272   DEBUG: CActiveAE::ClearDiscardedBuffers - buffer pool deleted
18:15:18 T:4952   DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
18:15:18 T:4952    INFO: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - initialize sink
18:15:18 T:9468  NOTICE: Deleting audio codec
18:15:18 T:9468  NOTICE: DVDPlayer: closing video stream
18:15:18 T:9468  NOTICE: Closing video stream
18:15:18 T:9468  NOTICE: waiting for video thread to exit
18:15:18 T:4952   DEBUG: CAESinkDirectSound::Deinitialize: Cleaning up
18:15:18 T:4952   DEBUG: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - trying to open device DIRECTSOUND:{46CDA66C-4249-4340-930D-3526E1AEAFFC}
18:15:18 T:4952   DEBUG: CAESinkDirectSound::Initialize: Using Window handle: 459654
18:15:18 T:4952   DEBUG: CAESinkDirectSound::Initialize: secondary buffer created
18:15:18 T:4952   DEBUG: CAESinkDirectSound::Initialize: Initializing DirectSound with the following parameters:
18:15:18 T:4952   DEBUG:   Audio Device    : AMD HDMI Output (AMD High Definition Audio Device)
18:15:18 T:4952   DEBUG:   Sample Rate     : 44100
18:15:18 T:4952   DEBUG:   Sample Format   : AE_FMT_FLOAT
18:15:18 T:4952   DEBUG:   Bits Per Sample : 32
18:15:18 T:4952   DEBUG:   Valid Bits/Samp : 32
18:15:18 T:4952   DEBUG:   Channel Count   : 2
18:15:18 T:4952   DEBUG:   Block Align     : 8
18:15:18 T:4952   DEBUG:   Avg. Bytes Sec  : 352800
18:15:18 T:4952   DEBUG:   Samples/Block   : 32
18:15:18 T:4952   DEBUG:   Format cBSize   : 22
18:15:18 T:4952   DEBUG:   Channel Layout  : FL,FR
18:15:18 T:4952   DEBUG:   Channel Mask    : 3
18:15:18 T:4952   DEBUG:   Frames          : 661
18:15:18 T:4952   DEBUG:   Frame Samples   : 1322
18:15:18 T:4952   DEBUG:   Frame Size      : 8
18:15:18 T:4952   DEBUG: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - DIRECTSOUND Initialized:
18:15:18 T:4952   DEBUG:   Output Device : HDMI - AMD HDMI Output (AMD High Definition Audio Device)
18:15:18 T:4952   DEBUG:   Sample Rate   : 44100
18:15:18 T:4952   DEBUG:   Sample Format : AE_FMT_FLOAT
18:15:18 T:4952   DEBUG:   Channel Count : 2
18:15:18 T:4952   DEBUG:   Channel Layout: FL,FR
18:15:18 T:4952   DEBUG:   Frames        : 661
18:15:18 T:4952   DEBUG:   Frame Samples : 1322
18:15:18 T:4952   DEBUG:   Frame Size    : 8
18:15:18 T:7772  NOTICE: thread end: video_thread
18:15:18 T:7772   DEBUG: Thread DVDPlayerVideo 7772 terminating
18:15:18 T:2272   DEBUG: CActiveAE::ClearDiscardedBuffers - buffer pool deleted
18:15:18 T:9468  NOTICE: deleting video codec
18:15:18 T:9468  NOTICE: DVDPlayer: closing subtitle stream
18:15:18 T:9468  NOTICE: Closing subtitle stream
18:15:18 T:9468  NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit() deleting demuxer
18:15:18 T:9468  NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit() deleting input stream
18:15:18 T:9468   DEBUG: CApplication::OnPlayBackStopped : play state was 2, starting 0
18:15:18 T:9468   DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnStop from xbmc
18:15:18 T:9468   DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 1, from xbmc, message OnStop
18:15:18 T:9468   DEBUG: Thread DVDPlayer 9468 terminating
18:15:18 T:9548  NOTICE: DVDPlayer: finished waiting
18:15:18 T:9548  NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile()
18:15:18 T:9548  NOTICE: DVDPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
18:15:18 T:9548  NOTICE: DVDPlayer: finished waiting
18:15:18 T:9600   DEBUG: CVideoReferenceClock: Cleaning up Direct3d
18:15:18 T:9548    INFO: stopping PVRManager
18:15:18 T:9548   DEBUG: CNetwork::NetworkMessage - Signaling network services to stop
18:15:18 T:9548  NOTICE: ES: Stopping event server
18:15:18 T:9548   DEBUG: CNetwork::NetworkMessage - Waiting for network services to stop
18:15:18 T:9600   DEBUG: Thread VideoReferenceClock 9600 terminating
18:15:18 T:4952   DEBUG: CAESinkDirectSound::CheckPlayStatus: Resuming Playback
18:15:19 T:9584   DEBUG: Thread TCPServer 9584 terminating
18:15:19 T:6480   DEBUG: [service.watchdog] [xbmcif] executing builtin: 'CleanLibrary(video,False)'
18:15:19 T:6480   DEBUG: [service.watchdog] [xbmcif] waiting for scan/clean start..
18:15:19 T:9280  NOTICE: ES: UDP Event server stopped
18:15:19 T:9280   DEBUG: Thread EventServer 9280 terminating
18:15:19 T:7332   DEBUG: Thread PeripBusUSB 7332 terminating
18:15:19 T:9548  NOTICE: stop sap announcement listener
18:15:19 T:9548  NOTICE: clean cached files!
18:15:19 T:9548  NOTICE: unload skin
18:15:19 T:9548    INFO: Unloading old skin ...
18:15:19 T:9548   DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Home.xml) ------
18:15:19 T:8968   DEBUG: Thread PeripBusCEC 8968 terminating
18:15:19 T:9548   DEBUG: CTextureBundleXBT::Cleanup - Closed bundle
18:15:19 T:9548   DEBUG: Infobool 'player.showcodec' still used by 2 instances
18:15:19 T:9548   DEBUG: ADDON: Stopping service addons.
18:15:19 T:2876   DEBUG: CMMNotificationClient::OnPropertyValueChanged: Changed device property of {}.{46cda66c-4249-4340-930d-3526e1aeaffc} is {9855c4cd-df8c-449c-a181-8191b68bd06c}#0
18:15:21 T:9032   DEBUG: CU LRC Lyrics: script version 2.0.12 ended
18:15:21 T:9032    INFO: CPythonInvoker(0, C:\Users\xbmc\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.cu.lrclyrics\default.py): script successfully run
18:15:21 T:9548   DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(0, C:\Users\xbmc\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.cu.lrclyrics\default.py): script termination took 2354ms
18:15:21 T:9032 WARNING: CPythonInvoker(0, C:\Users\xbmc\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.cu.lrclyrics\default.py): the python script "C:\Users\xbmc\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.cu.lrclyrics\default.py" has left several classes in memory that we couldn't clean up. The classes include: class PythonBindings::XBMCAddon_xbmc_Monitor_Director,class PythonBindings::XBMCAddon_xbmc_Player_Director
18:15:21 T:9032    INFO: Python script interrupted by user
18:15:22 T:7380   DEBUG: Skin Widgets: script version 0.0.29 stopped
18:15:22 T:7380    INFO: CPythonInvoker(2, C:\Users\xbmc\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\service.skin.widgets\default.py): script successfully run
18:15:22 T:9548   DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(2, C:\Users\xbmc\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\service.skin.widgets\default.py): script termination took 141ms
18:15:22 T:7380 WARNING: CPythonInvoker(2, C:\Users\xbmc\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\service.skin.widgets\default.py): the python script "C:\Users\xbmc\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\service.skin.widgets\default.py" has left several classes in memory that we couldn't clean up. The classes include: class XBMCAddon::xbmcgui::Window,class PythonBindings::XBMCAddon_xbmc_Monitor_Director,class PythonBindings::XBMCAddon_xbmc_Player_Director
18:15:22 T:7380    INFO: Python script interrupted by user
18:15:22 T:6612  NOTICE: StorageServer-2.5.4 Closed down
18:15:22 T:6612    INFO: CPythonInvoker(10, C:\Users\xbmc\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.common.plugin.cache\default.py): script successfully run
18:15:22 T:9548   DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(10, C:\Users\xbmc\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.common.plugin.cache\default.py): script termination took 76ms
18:15:22 T:6612    INFO: Python script interrupted by user
18:15:22 T:9848   DEBUG: [service.watchdog] stopping..
18:15:22 T:6480   DEBUG: [service.watchdog] [xbmcif] wait for scan/clean timed out.
18:15:22 T:6480   DEBUG: [service.watchdog] [xbmcif] scan/clean started.
18:15:22 T:6480   DEBUG: [service.watchdog] [xbmcif] waiting for scan/clean end..
18:15:22 T:6480   DEBUG: [service.watchdog] [xbmcif] scan/clean ended.
18:15:23 T:6480   DEBUG: [service.watchdog] [xbmcif] executing builtin: 'UpdateLibrary(video,,False)'
18:15:23 T:6480   DEBUG: [service.watchdog] [xbmcif] waiting for scan/clean start..
18:15:26 T:6480   DEBUG: [service.watchdog] [xbmcif] wait for scan/clean timed out.
18:15:26 T:6480   DEBUG: [service.watchdog] [xbmcif] scan/clean started.
18:15:26 T:6480   DEBUG: [service.watchdog] [xbmcif] waiting for scan/clean end..
18:15:26 T:6480   DEBUG: [service.watchdog] [xbmcif] scan/clean ended.
18:15:27 T:9548   ERROR: CPythonInvoker(4, C:\Users\xbmc\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\service.watchdog\service.py): script didn't stop in 5 seconds - let's kill it
18:15:27 T:7380   DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 7380 terminating
18:16:28 T:4952   DEBUG: CAESinkDirectSound::Deinitialize: Cleaning up
Complete log: http://stueckinger.net/files/xbmc_runtimeerror.log

Any suggestions?

Thank you

RE: Visual C++ Runtime Error on exit - Stueck - 2015-01-13

Is it a bug in Watchdog or in my configuration?