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Any way to put Mac Mini to sleep with the remote? - Printable Version

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Any way to put Mac Mini to sleep with the remote? - falc410 - 2011-06-11


when I run XBMC the Mac Mini won't go into standby anymore. Before when in the normal OS it would start Frontrow or went to sleep. But it doesn't seem to work out of XBMC.

Does anyone know how to correctly configure the remote? It's not like I can do anything in the System prefs Sad

- mat____ - 2011-06-17

what remote? The standard apple remote will sleep a mac if you press the play key for 2-3 seconds.

- falc410 - 2011-06-17

Yeah the apple one. This worked when I was using Frontrow, but after installing XBMC it doesn't work anymore. That's why I'm asking.

- garyi - 2011-06-17

PLenty of the skins have the sleep function. Back on the main menu, usually goto the settings and press down then you get some options to restart, suspend, quit etc.

- winestock - 2011-06-20

falc410 Wrote:Hi,

when I run XBMC the Mac Mini won't go into standby anymore. Before when in the normal OS it would start Frontrow or went to sleep. But it doesn't seem to work out of XBMC.

Does anyone know how to correctly configure the remote? It's not like I can do anything in the System prefs Sad

Hi falc410,

I also have a Mac Mini and I run XBMC 10.1. I leave XBMC running all the time and my Mac Mini goes to sleep on its own. There is something else going on with your Mac Mini. Have you checked to make sure that your energy setting is set to put the Mac Mini to sleep? I know this is an obvious question but worth asking just the same. Also, have you repaired your permissions? Another thing to try is using something like DiskWarrior and repair the root drive directory. If the root directory is messed up the OS could act abnormially. Just a few suggestions.

- winestock - 2011-07-03

As it turns out that after installing 10.6.8 I am now having issues with my iMac and Mac-Mini going to sleep. I have diagnosed this with Applecare. I created a test account and was able to get the computer to go to sleep. It appears that running XBMC under 10.6.8 is preventing the computer from going to sleep as well. I need to do some more investigation on this issue. Stay tuned...

- winestock - 2011-07-04

Just a follow up. My Mac-Mini now does go to sleep after I did a PRAM reset (reset while holding down command-option P-R; release when the second bong is heard). The issue that my iMac is having has nothing to do with 10.6.8. It seems that when Apple does a update if there is anything that might be messed up the computer will get exposed as a problem, which might be what is happening with me.

- winestock - 2011-07-14

It looks like my issue with my iMac not going to sleep has seemed to resolve itself. Not sure what was going on but my iMac now goes to sleep without any issues.