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SetResolvedUrl -called with an invalid handle - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: SetResolvedUrl -called with an invalid handle (/showthread.php?tid=111563)

SetResolvedUrl -called with an invalid handle - sbentin - 2011-10-03

I have a few video plugins which worked fine on dharma, also worked on the pre eden (I checked on a version from July 19). Now on the build from october 3 I experience problems with running the videos. I get "SetResolvedUrl -called with an invalid handle". Has anything changed?

Here is the code that fails:
def PLAY_MOVIE(url, name):
    videopage = getData('http://10tv.nana10.co.il/Article/?ArticleID=' + str(url)) # episode page is cached according to defaults
    details = re.compile('<h2 class="ParagraphTitle">(.+?)<').findall(videopage)
    videoId = re.compile('src="/Video/\?VideoID=(.+?)&').findall(videopage)
    videoUrl = getRealVideoLink(videoId[0])
    listItem = xbmcgui.ListItem(name, 'DefaultFolder.png', 'DefaultFolder.png', path=videoUrl)
    listItem.setInfo(type='Video', infoLabels={ "Title": urllib.unquote(name), "Plot": str(details)})
    xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), succeeded=True, listitem=listItem)

I've seen other posts about this issue in which they suggest a different approach. However before I change anything I want to understand what has changed since this code was fine until not so long ago Smile

- sphere - 2011-10-07


I also noticed that - looks like the method was broken a few days. However with recent builds it works again Smile
