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Windows 7 or Snow Leopard? - Printable Version

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Windows 7 or Snow Leopard? - Toontje - 2011-12-31

Hi all!

Plex user here trying to move over to XBMC.

One simple question: What is the best platform to run XBMC on and why?

I have a dedicated Mac Mini running Snow Leopard and i am willing to Bootcamp Windows 7 on it if that is necessary.

Now, I DON'T want to know what is "the best Operating System", so don't get me that. I repeat: I ONLY want to know what is the best platform of the two to run XBMC.

Sorry to be so assertive up front, but it's sooooo easy to end up in a "religious OS war" and we don't want that, do we?

Thanks in advance,


- spiff - 2011-12-31

They should for all intents and purposes work just as good. Use the one you prefer.

- jhsrennie - 2012-01-01

As it happens I use a Mac Mini with Bootcamp and Windows, but that's because I want to run other Windows apps on it. As spiff says, as far as XBMC is concerned there should be little difference between the two operating systems.


- Toontje - 2012-01-03

Running Eden now for a couple of days on OSX. Deleted my Windows Bootcamp partition. ;-)

Thanks all!


- FishOil - 2012-01-04

Toontje Wrote:What is the best platform to run XBMC on and why?


It Works and its free

- Ned Scott - 2012-01-04

Heck, tri-boot it and use all three.

- pkscout - 2012-01-05

I know the OP has already made an initial decision, but I thought I'd chime in. I'm a heavy Mac user, but I'm using Windows for my XBMC installation for two primary reasons.

1- I buy stuff off of Amazon, and with a little playercorefactory.xml configuration I can have WMP play those files from XBMC pretty seamlessly.

2- A few off the external programs I use (mostly SAGE-XBMC) are basically Windows only (i.e. I'd have to change source code to get it running on OSX).

For folks using the "basic" XBMC the platform probably doesn't matter that much, but for some of the things like mine it does.

- Toontje - 2012-01-05

FishOil Wrote:Linux

It Works and its free


- Toontje - 2012-01-05

Ned Scott Wrote:Heck, tri-boot it and use all three.

Yeah, and that's useful.

- Toontje - 2012-01-05

Thanks, pkscuot! As you already mentioned, i have XBMC running on my mini and it's running fabulously.

For me topic closed. Remarks about your reasons to use Windows apreciated, however.



pkscuot Wrote:I know the OP has already made an initial decision, but I thought I'd chime in. I'm a heavy Mac user, but I'm using Windows for my XBMC installation for two primary reasons.

1- I buy stuff off of Amazon, and with a little playercorefactory.xml configuration I can have WMP play those files from XBMC pretty seamlessly.

2- A few off the external programs I use (mostly SAGE-XBMC) are basically Windows only (i.e. I'd have to change source code to get it running on OSX).

For folks using the "basic" XBMC the platform probably doesn't matter that much, but for some of the things like mine it does.