RE: [RELEASE] NHL Gamecenter Addon - juggie - 2013-01-31
(2013-01-30, 18:58)Carb0 Wrote: I don't see any advantage in implementing HDS. The addon will be slower (more page requests than now) but playback is not likely to improve.
Carb0, when i was having serious problems with buffering.. playback via the website (HDS?) was perfect.
RE: [RELEASE] NHL Gamecenter Addon - Carb0 - 2013-01-31
That doesn't mean that playback will be as good in XBMC as it is on the website. I don't think it's worth the time. If anyone finds an easy way to access the HDS streams feel free to release your own version of the addon.
RE: [RELEASE] NHL Gamecenter Addon - branana - 2013-01-31
I'm getting this error trying to access archive or condensed games:
Code: 13:25:05 T:4828 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
13:25:06 T:2952 NOTICE: Thread XBPyThread start, auto delete: false
13:25:06 T:2952 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
13:25:06 T:2952 NOTICE: Mode: 2
13:25:06 T:2952 NOTICE: URL: /condensed/2012
13:25:06 T:2952 NOTICE: Name: 2012 - 2013
13:25:06 T:2952 NOTICE: /condensed/2012
13:25:06 T:2952 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.ValueError'>
Error Contents: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '2013-01-30 00'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\bran\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\\", line 934, in <module>
File "C:\Users\bran\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\\", line 375, in MONTH
i = int(lastmonth)
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '2013-01-30 00'
-->End of Python script error report<--
13:25:06 T:5116 ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://
13:25:06 T:5116 ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin:// failed
RE: [RELEASE] NHL Gamecenter Addon - branana - 2013-01-31
Missing games:
The Vancouver - Colorado game isn't showing up under Condense nor Archived games, see:
RE: [RELEASE] NHL Gamecenter Addon - Carb0 - 2013-02-01
Do you still get the error you posted above? It works fine for me. The Vancouver - Colorado game isn't showing up in NHL Vault either so this is not an error in the addon.
RE: [RELEASE] NHL Gamecenter Addon - branana - 2013-02-01
That error went away after restarting XBMC. XBMC also randomly quits with no message/ log entries when I try to access game listings. I'm not sure if the 2 symptoms are related.
RE: [RELEASE] NHL Gamecenter Addon - mattmbk - 2013-02-01
I'm getting this error when starting the plugin:
Code: 18:53:25 T:1443886176 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <class 'ssl.SSLError'>
Error Contents: [Errno 8] _ssl.c:499: EOF occurred in violation of protocol
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/root/.xbmc/addons/", line 926, in <module>
File "/root/.xbmc/addons/", line 317, in CATEGORIES
File "/root/.xbmc/addons/", line 99, in login
response, content = http.request(url, 'POST', headers=headers, body=urllib.urlencode(body))
File "/root/.xbmc/addons/script.module.httplib2/lib/httplib2/", line 1436, in request
(response, content) = self._request(conn, authority, uri, request_uri, method, body, headers, redirections, cachekey)
File "/root/.xbmc/addons/script.module.httplib2/lib/httplib2/", line 1188, in _request
(response, content) = self._conn_request(conn, request_uri, method, body, headers)
File "/root/.xbmc/addons/script.module.httplib2/lib/httplib2/", line 1123, in _conn_request
File "/root/.xbmc/addons/script.module.httplib2/lib/httplib2/", line 890, in connect
self.disable_ssl_certificate_validation, self.ca_certs)
File "/root/.xbmc/addons/script.module.httplib2/lib/httplib2/", line 76, in _ssl_wrap_socket
cert_reqs=cert_reqs, ca_certs=ca_certs)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 344, in wrap_socket
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 121, in __init__
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 283, in do_handshake
SSLError: [Errno 8] _ssl.c:499: EOF occurred in violation of protocol
-->End of Python script error report<--
Running on a pivos xios ds
RE: [RELEASE] NHL Gamecenter Addon - popesterb - 2013-02-01
I'm running xbmc through OpenELEC. Can you tell me where to place the addon.xml file so I can add this?
RE: [RELEASE] NHL Gamecenter Addon - deschmit - 2013-02-01
I had really poor streaming quality last night. All sorts of buffering issues. Results on the ps3 and xmbc were equally poor. I think the problem is with the nhl servers. Kind of frustrating when you are paying them for the service.
RE: [RELEASE] NHL Gamecenter Addon - arqcan - 2013-02-01
I'm having an issue where the stream crashes back to the add-on game menu, its only started recently happening i'll see if i can get a log and post it. Its almost as if its buffering and then i just gives up on the whole thing.
RE: [RELEASE] NHL Gamecenter Addon - Carb0 - 2013-02-01
@mattmbk: Try updating the httplib2 module: httplib2 0.7.7
Extract it and overwrite the files in the addon folder. You can also try updating trough XBMC but I don't know if it works. If it still doesn't work and you use a proxy, disable it and try to start the addon again.
@popesterb: Download the repo (zip file) in the first post and upload it to your OpenELEC device. Then go to "Settings->Addons->Install from zip file" in XBMC and load the downloaded zip file. You can then install the addon from my repo in XBMC.
RE: [RELEASE] NHL Gamecenter Addon - arqcan - 2013-02-01
(2013-02-01, 21:24)arqcan Wrote: I'm having an issue where the stream crashes back to the add-on game menu, its only started recently happening i'll see if i can get a log and post it. Its almost as if its buffering and then i just gives up on the whole thing.
Code: 20:58:14 T:2764 DEBUG: CPullupCorrection: pattern lost on diff 83416.666667
20:58:14 T:956 DEBUG: CSoftAEStream::Flush
20:58:16 T:2764 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 2 times.
20:58:16 T:2764 DEBUG: CPullupCorrection: detected pattern of length 1: 16683.33, frameduration: 16683.333333
20:58:17 T:956 DEBUG: CSoftAEStream::Flush
20:58:26 T:2220 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 9 times.
20:58:26 T:2220 DEBUG: CDVDPlayer::SetCaching - caching state 1
20:58:26 T:2220 DEBUG: ffmpeg[8AC]: [NULL] Current profile doesn't provide more RBSP data in PPS, skipping
20:58:26 T:988 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogSeekBar.xml) ------
20:58:26 T:2360 DEBUG: CSoftAE::Run - Sink restart flagged
20:58:26 T:2360 DEBUG: CAESinkWASAPI::IsCompatible: Formats compatible - reusing existing sink
20:58:26 T:2360 INFO: CSoftAE::InternalOpenSink - keeping old sink with : AE_FMT_FLOAT, FL,FR, 44100hz
20:58:26 T:2360 DEBUG: CSoftAE::InternalOpenSink - Using speaker layout: 2.1
20:58:26 T:2360 DEBUG: CSoftAE::InternalOpenSink - Internal Buffer Size: 17664
20:58:46 T:2220 DEBUG: CDVDPlayer::SetCaching - caching state 0
20:58:46 T:2764 INFO: CDVDPlayerVideo - Stillframe left, switching to normal playback
20:58:46 T:2764 DEBUG: CPullupCorrection: pattern lost on diff -11961955.555584
20:58:46 T:2764 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(video)::Get - asked for new data packet, with nothing available
20:58:46 T:2360 DEBUG: CSoftAE::Run - Sink restart flagged
20:58:46 T:2360 INFO: CSoftAE::InternalOpenSink - sink incompatible, re-starting
20:58:46 T:2360 INFO: CAESinkWASAPI::InitializeExclusive: Format is Supported - will attempt to Initialize
20:58:46 T:2360 INFO: CAESinkWASAPI::InitializeExclusive: WASAPI Exclusive Mode Sink Initialized using: AE_FMT_S24NE4, 44100, 2
20:58:46 T:2360 DEBUG: CSoftAE::InternalOpenSink - WASAPI Initialized:
20:58:46 T:2360 DEBUG: Output Device : SPDIF - Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device)
20:58:46 T:2360 DEBUG: Sample Rate : 44100
20:58:46 T:2360 DEBUG: Sample Format : AE_FMT_S24NE4
20:58:46 T:2360 DEBUG: Channel Count : 2
20:58:46 T:2360 DEBUG: Channel Layout: FL,FR
20:58:46 T:2360 DEBUG: Frames : 2208
20:58:46 T:2360 DEBUG: Frame Samples : 4416
20:58:46 T:2360 DEBUG: Frame Size : 8
20:58:46 T:2360 DEBUG: CSoftAE::InternalOpenSink - Using speaker layout: 2.1
20:58:46 T:2360 DEBUG: CSoftAE::InternalOpenSink - Internal Buffer Size: 17664
20:58:46 T:2360 DEBUG: AERemap: Downmix normalization is enabled
20:58:46 T:2360 DEBUG: CSoftAEStream::CSoftAEStream - Converting from AE_FMT_S16NE to AE_FMT_FLOAT
20:58:46 T:956 DEBUG: CDVDPlayerAudio - CDVDMsg::GENERAL_EOF
20:58:46 T:2220 DEBUG: CDVDPlayer::HandleMessages - player started 2
20:58:46 T:2220 DEBUG: CDVDPlayer::HandleMessages - player started 1
20:58:46 T:2764 INFO: CDVDPlayerVideo - Stillframe detected, switching to forced 59.940060 fps
20:58:46 T:988 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogSeekBar.xml) ------
20:58:47 T:956 DEBUG: CSoftAEStream::Flush
20:58:48 T:2764 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
20:58:48 T:2764 DEBUG: CPullupCorrection: detected pattern of length 1: 16683.33, frameduration: 16683.333333
20:58:49 T:956 DEBUG: CSoftAEStream::Flush
20:59:06 T:2220 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 18 times.
20:59:06 T:2220 INFO: CDVDPlayer::Process - eof reading from demuxer
20:59:06 T:2220 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit()
20:59:06 T:2220 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: eof, waiting for queues to empty
20:59:06 T:2220 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: closing audio stream
20:59:06 T:2220 NOTICE: Closing audio stream
20:59:06 T:2220 NOTICE: CDVDMessageQueue(audio)::WaitUntilEmpty
20:59:06 T:2220 NOTICE: Waiting for audio thread to exit
20:59:06 T:956 DEBUG: CDVDPlayerAudio::Process - Abort received, exiting thread
20:59:06 T:956 NOTICE: thread end: CDVDPlayerAudio::OnExit()
20:59:06 T:2220 NOTICE: Closing audio device
20:59:06 T:956 DEBUG: Thread CDVDPlayerAudio 956 terminating
20:59:06 T:2360 DEBUG: CSoftAE::Run - Sink restart flagged
20:59:06 T:2360 DEBUG: CAESinkWASAPI::IsCompatible: Formats compatible - reusing existing sink
20:59:06 T:2360 INFO: CSoftAE::InternalOpenSink - keeping old sink with : AE_FMT_FLOAT, FL,FR, 44100hz
20:59:06 T:2360 DEBUG: CSoftAE::InternalOpenSink - Using speaker layout: 2.1
20:59:06 T:2360 DEBUG: CSoftAE::InternalOpenSink - Internal Buffer Size: 17664
20:59:06 T:2220 DEBUG: CSoftAEStream::~CSoftAEStream - Destructed
20:59:06 T:2220 NOTICE: Deleting audio codec
20:59:06 T:2220 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: closing video stream
20:59:06 T:2220 NOTICE: Closing video stream
20:59:06 T:2220 NOTICE: CDVDMessageQueue(video)::WaitUntilEmpty
20:59:06 T:2764 ERROR: Got MSGQ_ABORT or MSGO_IS_ERROR return true
20:59:06 T:2220 NOTICE: waiting for video thread to exit
20:59:06 T:2764 NOTICE: thread end: video_thread
20:59:06 T:2220 NOTICE: deleting video codec
20:59:06 T:2764 DEBUG: Thread CDVDPlayerVideo 2764 terminating
20:59:06 T:2220 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit() deleting demuxer
20:59:06 T:2220 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit() deleting input stream
20:59:06 T:2220 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnStop from xbmc
20:59:06 T:2220 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 1, from xbmc, message OnStop
20:59:06 T:2220 DEBUG: Thread CDVDPlayer 2220 terminating
20:59:06 T:988 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Deactivate
20:59:06 T:988 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (VideoFullScreen.xml) ------
20:59:06 T:988 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Activate new
20:59:06 T:988 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (MyVideoNav.xml) ------
20:59:06 T:988 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (plugin://
20:59:06 T:988 DEBUG: ParentPath = [plugin://]
20:59:06 T:988 DEBUG: Loading fileitems [plugin://]
20:59:07 T:988 DEBUG: -- items: 99, directory: plugin:// sort method: 0, ascending: false
20:59:07 T:3440 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
20:59:07 T:3872 NOTICE: Thread Jobworker start, auto delete: true
20:59:07 T:3440 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
20:59:07 T:3440 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader 3440 terminating
20:59:07 T:3872 DEBUG: CTextureCacheJob::GetImageHash - unable to stat url C:\Users\Server\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\\resources/images/square_black/EDMvsSAN.png
20:59:07 T:3044 NOTICE: Thread Jobworker start, auto delete: true
20:59:07 T:988 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile()
20:59:07 T:988 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
20:59:07 T:988 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
20:59:07 T:988 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: finished waiting
20:59:07 T:612 DEBUG: CSaveFileStateJob::DoWork - Saving file state for video item
20:59:07 T:988 DEBUG: SECTION:UnloadDelayed(DLL: special://xbmcbin/system/ImageLib.dll)
20:59:07 T:612 DEBUG: Mysql execute: update files set playCount=NULL,lastPlayed='2013-02-01 20:59:07' where idFile=8471
20:59:07 T:612 DEBUG: Mysql execute: update bookmark set timeInSeconds = 1362.105103, totalTimeInSeconds = 6669.000488, thumbNailImage = '', player = 'DVDPlayer', playerState = '' where idBookmark = 60
20:59:07 T:612 DEBUG: Mysql execute: update settings set Deinterlace=1,ViewMode=0,ZoomAmount=1.000000,PixelRatio=1.000000,VerticalShift=0.000000,AudioStream=-1,SubtitleStream=-1,SubtitleDelay=0.000000,SubtitlesOn=0,Brightness=50.000000,Contrast=50.000000,Gamma=20.000000,VolumeAmplification=0.000000,AudioDelay=0.000000,OutputToAllSpeakers=0,Sharpness=0.000000,NoiseReduction=0.000000,NonLinStretch=0,PostProcess=0,ScalingMethod=1,DeinterlaceMode=0,ResumeTime=0,Crop=0,CropLeft=0,CropRight=0,CropTop=0,CropBottom=0 where idFile=8471
20:59:28 T:988 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (Pointer.xml) ------
20:59:28 T:612 DEBUG: CTextureCacheJob::GetImageHash - unable to stat url C:\Users\Server\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\\resources/images/square_black/EDMvsPHX.png
20:59:29 T:3044 DEBUG: CTextureCacheJob::GetImageHash - unable to stat url C:\Users\Server\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\\resources/images/square_black/CHIvsMIN.png
20:59:29 T:3872 DEBUG: CTextureCacheJob::GetImageHash - unable to stat url C:\Users\Server\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\\resources/images/square_black/EDMvsPHX.png
20:59:29 T:3044 DEBUG: CTextureCacheJob::GetImageHash - unable to stat url C:\Users\Server\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\\resources/images/square_black/CHIvsMIN.png
20:59:29 T:3044 DEBUG: CTextureCacheJob::GetImageHash - unable to stat url C:\Users\Server\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\\resources/images/square_black/MONvsOTT.png
20:59:30 T:3872 DEBUG: CTextureCacheJob::GetImageHash - unable to stat url C:\Users\Server\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\\resources/images/square_black/ANAvsSAN.png
RE: [RELEASE] NHL Gamecenter Addon - juggie - 2013-02-03
(2013-02-01, 21:24)arqcan Wrote: I'm having an issue where the stream crashes back to the add-on game menu, its only started recently happening i'll see if i can get a log and post it. Its almost as if its buffering and then i just gives up on the whole thing.
I have seen the same thing. Would it be possible to add a retry assuming you can detect/handle the stream ending abruptly?
RE: [RELEASE] NHL Gamecenter Addon - mattmbk - 2013-02-03
(2013-02-01, 21:49)Carb0 Wrote: @mattmbk: Try updating the httplib2 module: httplib2 0.7.7
Extract it and overwrite the files in the addon folder. You can also try updating trough XBMC but I don't know if it works. If it still doesn't work and you use a proxy, disable it and try to start the addon again.
Thanks, but no joy. I got the same error
RE: [RELEASE] NHL Gamecenter Addon - Metatt - 2013-02-04
(2013-01-30, 21:09)91dxcrx Wrote: Just did a fresh install of Frodo and now the addon crashes XBMC when attempting to stop or back out of a stream. Any ideas on what may be causing this?
I'am having the same issue and no sound until today (but this could be a server problem).
Which information do you need from me?
I can provide you the debug log (/storage/.xbmc/temp/xbmc.log)
22:46:33 T:3043037184 NOTICE: Webserver: Starting...
22:46:33 T:3043037184 NOTICE: WebServer: Started the webserver
22:46:33 T:3043037184 NOTICE: ES: Starting event server
22:46:33 T:3043037184 NOTICE: starting zeroconf publishing
22:46:33 T:2886480992 NOTICE: Thread Jobworker start, auto delete: true
22:46:33 T:2894869600 NOTICE: Thread CTCPServer start, auto delete: false
22:46:33 T:2903258208 NOTICE: Thread CEventServer start, auto delete: false
22:46:33 T:2903258208 NOTICE: ES: Starting UDP Event server on
22:46:33 T:2903258208 NOTICE: UDP: Listening on port 9777
22:46:34 T:3033633888 NOTICE: Thread CRssReader start, auto delete: false
22:47:28 T:2886480992 NOTICE: Thread Jobworker start, auto delete: true
22:47:33 T:2878092384 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
22:47:38 T:2878092384 NOTICE: Thread XBPyThread start, auto delete: false
22:47:39 T:2878092384 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
22:47:43 T:2878092384 NOTICE: Mode: None
22:47:43 T:2878092384 NOTICE: URL: None
22:47:43 T:2878092384 NOTICE: Name: None
22:47:43 T:2858353760 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
22:47:49 T:2858353760 NOTICE: Thread XBPyThread start, auto delete: false
22:47:49 T:2858353760 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
22:47:51 T:2858353760 NOTICE: Mode: 8
22:47:51 T:2858353760 NOTICE: URL: /live
22:47:51 T:2858353760 NOTICE: Name: Live
22:47:51 T:2858353760 NOTICE: /live
22:47:52 T:2858353760 NOTICE: File Saved
22:47:52 T:2878092384 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
22:48:01 T:2878092384 NOTICE: Thread XBPyThread start, auto delete: false
22:48:01 T:2878092384 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
22:48:02 T:2878092384 NOTICE: Mode: 9
22:48:02 T:2878092384 NOTICE: URL: /liveNJD vs. NYI 02/03/2013
22:48:02 T:2878092384 NOTICE: Name: 2013-02-03: Devils vs. Islanders
22:48:02 T:2878092384 NOTICE: /liveNJD vs. NYI 02/03/2013
22:48:06 T:2878092384 WARNING: Attempt to use invalid handle -1
22:48:30 T:3043037184 NOTICE: Samba is idle. Closing the remaining connections
22:49:04 T:2886480992 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
22:49:05 T:2886480992 NOTICE: Thread Jobworker start, auto delete: true
22:49:06 T:2953589856 NOTICE: Thread XBPyThread start, auto delete: false
22:49:06 T:2953589856 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
22:50:06 T:2903258208 NOTICE: ES: Client from timed out
The Client .22 is yatse remote on android phone.
I'am using a raspberry pi with addon version 0.42.