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Moving files around - Printable Version

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Moving files around - xbmcHerb - 2012-02-14

I'm not a linux guy. I do all my XBMC management via Transmit sftp on OS X.

There are some things I just don't get with XBMC / Ubuntu / etc... Like moving files from one drive to another.

My external drive is mounted: xbmc/Media. When I try to copy folders from xbmc/Media/TV Shows to (my boot drive) xbmc/TV Shows it won't let me.

What is it that I am doing wrong?

My Eden Beta 3 install is just about perfect. Thank you to the entire community.

- xbmcHerb - 2012-02-15

I'm probably missing something obvious...

Any help?

- dnixx - 2012-02-15

I have no idea about your setup, but I'll try:

What user are you logging in with? Does it have permission to move the files and write to the target directory?

You can find this out using your FTP client: Who owns xbmc/Media, who owns xbmc/TV Shows, and who can read/write/execute xbmc/TV Shows. I'm sure you can right-click the directories in Transmit and get the info you need.

- xbmcHerb - 2012-02-15


Thanks for the help.

xbmc/Media owner:root
xbmc/TV Shows owner:xbmc

Based on this, I chown -hR Media to xbmc. Copying still doesn't work.

- pumkinut - 2012-02-15

Easiest way would be to SSH in and move the files vi cli with mv.

- xbmcHerb - 2012-02-15


Just discovered that I am able to move between drives via ssh, using mv. It is working great. Wish I could do it via Transmit, since I am not comfortable with navigating via the terminal.

- pumkinut - 2012-02-15

It's not that bad once you get the hang of it. It should be quicker moving files around as well, since there's no third computer in the mix. You can't really break anything if you're just moving files from one directory to another.

- xbmcHerb - 2012-02-15


Last question. I just started a mv of a 35GB directory. Didn't know about the -v option. I accidentally closed the terminal window.

Did that kill the mv or is it still running? Is there a command to find that out?

Thanks so much for the help

- dnixx - 2012-02-15

Yes, it probably stopped. You can check by doing

$ ls -lh /xbmc/TV Shows (or wherever you moved the files to)

"ls" lists directory contents, "l" is for "long listing format" and "h" is for human readable sizes

You should check out the manual pages for "mv", "cp" and "ls" before doing too much:

$ man ls
$ man mv
$ man cp

Quit by pressing "q"

- xbmcHerb - 2012-02-15


I will do. Thanks. I'm learning.

Still trying to figure out is closing my terminal window killed my mv. The 35GB directory is so big that it will take a while to see the results. Trying to do an "ls" of it gets me "permission denied"

It doesn't seem to be updating in Transmit, but then neither did a smaller 13GB directory. It updated once it had finished.

- dnixx - 2012-02-15

It seems like you don't have permission to do anything on /xbmc/Media/. If this is a one-time thing it might be easier to simply move the files as root. Try:

$ sudo ls -lh /xbmc/Media/

If you see a list of files, but not the ones you tried to copy from /xbmc/Media, try:

$ sudo cp -Rv /xbmc/Media/TV Shows/ /xbmc/TV Shows/
$ sudo chown -R xbmc.xbmc /xbmc/TV Shows/*

This will copy the TV Shows directory from "/xbmc/Media/" to "/xbmc/TV Shows/TV Shows", and change the owner of every file inside "/xbmc/TV Shows/" to the xbmc user.

- pumkinut - 2012-02-16

Quote:Still trying to figure out is closing my terminal window killed my mv.
Yes, killing the window kills any ongoing operations, it's basically the same as logging out.

As dnixx said, if you're cool with user xbmc being able to manipulate all the files in the directories you want, just change ownership with chown to xbmc. This should eliminate the permissions issues you've been having and the need to use sudo to move, copy, delete, or otherwise change your files in those directories.