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24p audio out of sync - Printable Version

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24p audio out of sync - Nadu - 2012-03-28


First of all thanks to the xbmc team, amazing work you're doing!

Unfortunately one thing has been bothering me a while now: When I'm playing a movie with 24p, audio is out of sync (around 100-300ms).
First of all, I read a lot regarding this problem in similar threads around this board, however I could not get it to work properly. I was hoping that Eden will solve it after all, however there was no improvement. Well, I think it got even worse, now this phenomenon seems to appear for 50hz/60hz tv shows too.

"Frustrated" as I am, I'm finally seeking for help directly. I will list my hardware specification and my xbmc configuration now, maybe someone is able to spot bad settings. Although I think I really tried every possible configuration, there's got to be a mistake somewhere.

+ Nvidia 560 Ti graphics card
    ---sending it's 24p Full-HD picture over a HDMI connection to-->
      LG 47W4500 LCD, Full-HD, 24p able television
+ Asus P8P67 motherboard w/ Realtek ALC 892
    ---sending it's audio through the 3.5mm line-out port to-->
      Logitech Z-2300 2.1 speakers
+ Intel i5-2400 sandy bridge processor

+ Windows 7 x64
+ Current Nvidia beta drivers
+ Current XBMC Eden stable release
+ Aeon Nox stable release skin

XBMC launch shortcut:
+ No compatibilty mode
+ Disabled desktop composition
+ Enabled administrator rights

XBMC > Video > Playback settings:
+ Render Method: Auto detect
+ Allow hardware acceleration (DXVA2): checked
+ Adjust display refresh rate to match video: checked
+ Pause during refresh rate change: 2 seconds
+ Sync playback to display: unchecked
+ ...

XBMC > System > Video Output settings:
+ Display Mode: Full Screen #1
+ Resolution: 1920x1080
+ Use a fullscreen window rather than true fullscreen: unchecked
+ Blank other displays: unchecked (not relevant)
+ Vertical blank sync: Always enabled

XBMC > System > Audio Output settings:
+ Audio output: Analog
+ Speaker Configuration: 2.1
+ Boost volume level on downmix: checked
+ Audio output device: DirectSound: Primary Sound Driver (=Logitech Z-2300)

Thank you in advance for any help!
Kind regards

RE: 24p audio out of sync - DDDamian - 2012-03-28

Search for Global Delay Patch....

RE: 24p audio out of sync - vicmanpergar - 2012-03-29

May be ReClock could help?

RE: 24p audio out of sync - candyman2000 - 2012-03-31

I've got the same issue. Is this going to be fixed in SW at any point?

This is a major issue in my opinion, I'm forever having to use the Audio Delay option to get lip sync. I'll give the new advancedsettings delay option a go but I imagine it's going to take a lot of trial and error before I get consistent results across all refresh rates.

Not sure if there is any point in asking for recommended settings as everyone's equipment will differ and delay settings that work for one may not work for another.

How was this introduced? I never had this issue with Dharma. For the first time in years I'm now considering moving away from XBMC... gutted.

RE: 24p audio out of sync - relayer35 - 2012-03-31

The search function of this forum is not too helpful. I searched for "Global Delay Patch" and got any thread that had any of the words in it, and when I put the exact phrase in quotes, this was the only thread that showed up.

Anyway, I saw this setting in the wiki for the advancedsettings.xml file http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=Userdata/advancedsettings.xml . I'm confused because I thought this wasn't going to be a part of Eden, and if that's true, then the "Requires XBMC 11.0 (Eden) or later" is misleading. So is this part of Eden? It seems like it's not, because it doesn't seem to work.

<!-- Compensate display latency (video lag). Latency is given in msecs. -->
  <!-- Requires XBMC 11.0 (Eden) or later. -->

    <!-- Global default display latency -->

      Override latency for given display (not video) refresh rates.
      When XBMC is in windowed mode, override is ignored. Multiple
      overrides are allowed.

      Syntax of an override entry:
          <min>, <max> refresh rate range, OR
          <rate> exact refresh rate
          <delay> display latency for the given refresh rate

    <!-- Example: display has 125 msec latency at 23-24 Hz -->

    <!-- Example: display has 50 msec latency at 50 (+/-0.01) Hz -->


RE: 24p audio out of sync - thaiboxer - 2012-04-01

this is the thread, http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=96916&highlight=global+delay+patch

and from what i see its been merged into rc2 wich means it should be in eden final...

RE: 24p audio out of sync - relayer35 - 2012-04-01

Thanks for the response. I did see that thread, but still thought it wasn't included for some reason.

So, if it is in fact included, I must be doing something wrong, because I can't get it to make any difference. I am still getting my default set in the gui for all videos. I tried changing the default back to 0, but it does not pick up my delay from the xml, and 24p content remains out of sync. Here is my advancedsettings.xml file:


RE: 24p audio out of sync - robl45 - 2012-04-01

not to be a jerk, but how in any shape or form is a global delay patch a solution? I guess its a solution for the people that have the same sync issue across everything, I think maybe ATI has that, but its not a solution for people with some sync issues on some things and not others.

The correct approach would be to fix the broken sync to display function. I understand part of the problem is that it doesn't work if you using the same refresh as the video, with 24p, thats usually the only refresh most people can use, and reclock can seem to make it work correctly.

the sync to display doesn't work at all for AVI's and only sometimes for h264 on my system. it even will drop out randomly part through the film and the film will go out of sync.

RE: 24p audio out of sync - relayer35 - 2012-04-01

Well, it might not be a solution, but it's a pretty good work around for those of us who have a consistent sync issue with only 24p material when the Adjust Refresh rate option is selected.

Anyway, I finally figured out the problem. Evidently I have to use <min> & <max> tags, as the refresh rate isn't exactly 24. I had tried that before and it didn't work, but at that time I must have something else wrong with the file. Hope this helps anyone else who might have the same issue as me.

RE: 24p audio out of sync - Nadu - 2012-04-03

(2012-03-28, 22:26)DDDamian Wrote: Search for Global Delay Patch....

Thanks DDDamian for the fast reply, this seems to be a proper solution for me. I've played around a bit with it and my current setting for 24p videos is a delay of ~0.287ms.

I guess there is nothing else the xbmc team can do to resolve this issue because it's a hardware-only related problem. I've tested a movie with windows media player and a manual display refresh rate of 23.976 ("Nvidias 23Hz") and I've noticed some delay there too, however I believe it was not as high as with xbmc. Well, I just hope that my current setting is suitable for every 24p video, cause I don't wanna play around with audio syncing everytime I play a movie..

What might could work as well is sending video AND audio through hdmi to the television. Because then the tv itself could handle the synchronisation and take account of the display delay.

RE: 24p audio out of sync - DDDamian - 2012-04-03

It is largely a hardware timing issue. My ATI 6450 handles it flawlessly, and is ranked one of the tighter ones out there. If you google the wider world (esp AVS Forums) you'll find a lot of people have issues with other software too.

The GPU guys are largely to blame - they make much more money off of gamers wanting to squeeze every fps out of the latest game than the HTPC market, if only out of ignorance of the size of that market too.

RE: 24p audio out of sync - kricker - 2012-04-03

Well, that and if you send audio and video thru different paths to get to the TV that can cause sync issues. Any hardware component in the chain from source to TV can cause a delay. That is why most AVRs have a delay adjustment.

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