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Linux XBMCBuntu / EB1501 Remote -> power off - Printable Version

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XBMCBuntu / EB1501 Remote -> power off - kccoyote - 2012-04-09


I've been searching all over, but can't seem to find a suitable solution for my problem.

I have the Asus EB1501 with the remote control receiver (identified as PHILIPS MCE USB IR Receiver- Spinel plusf0r ASUS).

With Dharma, I've largely followed the instructions described here, and everything works fine.

With Eden, I can't use the power button to turn off my system and the sms-style browsing doesn't work anymore either. All the other buttons seem to work however.

As the remote is now treated as a keyboard and doesn't rely on LIRC anymore, it's pretty difficult to find any information that still applies.
I've seen several threads mentioning ir-keytable to inspect the actual button presses, but for some reason, this won't work for me as /sys/class/rc/... does not exist (I guess it doesn't get created -- don't know why).
Lirc's irw doesn't work either, because lirc does not start correctly in XBMCBuntu -- is this expected or something to worry about? (I think it's because it's still referring to the old style modules instead of the new kernel modules and hence won't start)

As for the number buttons, they don't return 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 etc like they used to, but instead xbmc reports OnKey values of ampersand (f026), 0 (f200), doublequote (f022), quote (f027), leftbracket (f028), browser_forward (f0b1), 0 (f200), exclaim (f021), 0 (f200), 0 (f200) respectively. The accompanying line of SDLKeyboard all returns different values for each button press.

I've also seen another thread, but as mentioned above button 0, 2, 7 and 9 on my remote also return "OnKey: 0 (f200) pressed, action is", so I'm not sure this is the correct approach. I don't want to shut down xbmc by pushing those numbers, obviously.

Long story short: does somebody have any pointers on how to configure a remote in this new version?


RE: XBMCBuntu / EB1501 Remote -> power off - kccoyote - 2012-04-10

I got it figured out.

-) configured lirc to use /dev/input/by-id/<whatever-my-remote-is-called-here> by running 'dpkg-reconfigure lirc'
(this also made irw respond to keypresses again - power toggle was KEY_SLEEP again)
-) downloaded the lircmap.xml that is referenced in the tutorial for Dharma (see above) and put it in ~/.xbmc/userdata

Restarted and the remote works completely again, like before!