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Linux [XBMCbuntu] SQL: database disk image is malformed - Printable Version

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[XBMCbuntu] SQL: database disk image is malformed - Pengrus - 2012-05-30


Due to a massive power outage yesterday, my Eden XBMCbuntu machine was shutdown whilst suspended. I use mySQL databases on a NAS, and it has a graceful shutdown script that shuts mySQL down that did function properly, but when I tried to start the machine back up this morning, it dumped to the "x" screen twice, then to an Ubuntu desktop with XBMCbuntu on a blue background, just a nice little GUI. And XBMC won't start.
If I try to reboot, it just starts back up to the desktop, and when I try to start XBMC, it goes black then dumps me back to the desktop and generates a crash log.

I will attach the logs and my advancedsettings below.

I have tried the following to correct the problem:

renamed both MyVideos60 and MyMusic18 to bak

renaming addons15.db

renaming guisettings

changing my advancedsettings to not point to the NAS

multiple reboots

And still no joy. Any help is much appreciated, these devs make an unbelievably fine product!



RE: [XBMCbuntu] SQL: database disk image is malformed - Hudson_Hawk04 - 2012-06-01

try removing the database code from the advancedsettings.xml and it should let you back into xbmc. As far as getting the db back on its feet you may have to drop it and re create, you may be able to keep the user but to be honest I am not sure. To err on the side of caution I would remove the db code from the advanced settings.xml and completely kill my sql and reinstall you may have to google uninstallation of my sql as it is kinda tricky.

RE: [XBMCbuntu] SQL: database disk image is malformed - Pengrus - 2012-06-01

I tried not having any reference to the databases in advanced settings and still no joy. I also tried simply removing advancedsettings and still nothing. I'm hesitant to reinstall MySQL, it's on my unraid server, which subscribes to the harshest form of if it isn't broke don't fix it, and MySQL, according to the logs anyway, shut down just fine. I should also mention that I installed Eden next to a dharma release of xbmc live, which uses databases, albeit not the same ones, on that same MySQL install and they work just fine. It seems like the problem is in xbmc, no?

RE: [XBMCbuntu] SQL: database disk image is malformed - Pengrus - 2012-06-05


And also, it appears that XBMCbuntu is not even trying to start XBMC automatically anymore, just dumping me to the desktop...any thoughts?