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XBMC Crashing Since Updating - Printable Version

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XBMC Crashing Since Updating - SydneyGuy - 2012-06-10

I've recently updated my 3 ATVs after noticing there were a number of updates outstanding. Note that I did not update iOS. I just used NitoTV to update XBMC and other components. Therein lie the problem I think. I should have only updated XBMC!!

The problem I have is that the ATV2 starts OK and comes up with the standard Apple Menu. I can select XBMC and it runs properly. If I then just leave it it will crash back to the Apple menu after a minute or 2. However, if I am quick enough to actually select something to watch it will keep running for the duration of the show and then go back to the XBMC menu as normal. Then a minute or two later it crashes back to the Apple menu.

Here is the info asked for in the sticky ....

Platform: AppleTV2
Version: iOS 4.2.1 (8C154) Apple TV software 4.1.1
XBMC Build vesion and date compiled: 11.0 Git:20120331-ebfd899 Compile Apr 1 2012 (Seems strange if it is completely up to date as I thought there had been updates)
Install Method: NitoTV
FULL Debug Log: http://pastebin.com/qpifRheG
Detailed Instructions to Reproduce the Problem: See above. 100% reproducible
If your issue is a crash back to ATV2 main menu / iOS - CrashReporter and Syslog are needed too!
CrashReporter: http://pastebin.com/hWDAZLeB
Syslog: http://pastebin.com/tDTQhPWm Note that the original syslog was 140MB so I renamed, created a new one, rebooted ATV2, ran XBMC, waited for it to crash and then grabbed the syslog file.

I hope all that helps. It took quite a while to gather all the info so I hope it can assist someone try to work out how I can fix my ATVs. Thanks in advance!

RE: XBMC Crashing Since Updating - davilla - 2012-06-10

crashreporter log show the crash was in libsmbclient.dylib.0.

last thing in xbmc.log was "NOTICE: Samba is idle. Closing the remaining connections" after doing a lib scan.

so somehow related to smb and scanning.

RE: XBMC Crashing Since Updating - SydneyGuy - 2012-06-10

Thanks for the quick reply. I can understand the scan causing the problem when XBMC starts as I do have it set to do a library update on startup. Not sure why it would still crash after watching something as I don't think it does another scan then.

I guess the hard part now is to work out which update is causing the problem, especially when I don't even know what NitoTV updated. I wonder if libsmbclient could have been updated? I can try rolling things back if I know what was updated and what the old version was.

Once I fix this I don't think I will ever update it again!

RE: XBMC Crashing Since Updating - Jester - 2012-06-10

interesting ....

can you try and disable the lib update on startup, then start xbmc, and do a clean library under system setting, video, library

also, just curious, why do you have an advancedsetting <defaultplayer>dvdplayer</defaultplayer> set ??

I just noticed something, I run iOS 4.3 with eden, when I do a apt-get update, it tells me there is an XBMC update, i'm assuming its saying this because it finds the take3 update for iOS 5.
@davilla, is there any issue in running the iOS 5 take 3 eden release on a iOS < 5 ?? if so, people with iOS < 5 doing an apt-get update will have issues....

RE: XBMC Crashing Since Updating - SydneyGuy - 2012-06-10

I did actually try disabling the library update and also did a clean. Unfortunately it had no effect on the fault :-(

I don't remember the exact reason for that advanced setting now. There was an issue some months ago, maybe even a year ago, and that was the recommended fix. It's been there ever since. Should I remove it?

I'm wondering if if I should bite the bullet and upgrade iOS on all 3 ATVs, rejailbreak and install again. Hopefully I can at least restore my current userdata directory to new installations so I don't have to start from scratch.

I really would prefer to fix them if at all possible both from a learning perspective and because the general consensus is that iOS 4 is thought to be better for XBMC.

RE: XBMC Crashing Since Updating - Jester - 2012-06-10

(2012-06-10, 09:44)SydneyGuy Wrote: I did actually try disabling the library update and also did a clean. Unfortunately it had no effect on the fault :-(

I don't remember the exact reason for that advanced setting now. There was an issue some months ago, maybe even a year ago, and that was the recommended fix. It's been there ever since. Should I remove it?

I'm wondering if if I should bite the bullet and upgrade iOS on all 3 ATVs, rejailbreak and install again. Hopefully I can at least restore my current userdata directory to new installations so I don't have to start from scratch.

I really would prefer to fix them if at all possible both from a learning perspective and because the general consensus is that iOS 4 is thought to be better for XBMC.

I would NOT upgrade to iOS 5, see my EDIT post above this one about a hunch i'm having...

what you can try is to make sure you don't have this take3 iOS 5 release installed.

I don't think your advancedsettings entry is the issue, but you might try and remove it and see if everything is working fine, no reason to have it if the issue is fixed in Eden.
What I do see is an issue in XBMC with scanning files/folder with a - part 1 in them, the error enumerating part of you debug log.
I think I remember a trac ticket about it, but i'd have to check and i'm not sure this is causing your crash

RE: XBMC Crashing Since Updating - SydneyGuy - 2012-06-10

Not sure if have the take3 version installed or not but it could be as I believe it is version 11.0-3 Maybe you are on to something! I'll happily downgrade to the base 11.0 release if you can give me the magic incantation.

I have HEAPS of - in my TV show filenames so if that is a problem then that could definitely be the cause here although it has never been a problem in the past.

Interestingly, I just went through the disable library update on startup and clean library process again and on the ATV2 that I am currently testing it seems to be staying up!

EDIT: It did eventually crash do disabling the library update definitely didn't fit. I'm really hoping that downgrading to 11.0 will be the fix. Just need to know how.

Thanks for your help. The idea of rebuilding 3 ATV2s isn't all that appealing to me!!!

RE: XBMC Crashing Since Updating - SydneyGuy - 2012-06-11

With the help of a few of the devs/mods I have managed to downgrade my 3 ATVs to 11.0 from 11.0-3, I'm very happy to report that so far the problem seems have been fixed.

Hopefully the devs can use the info in the logs I posted to track down what the problem may be before too many others have the same issue.

EDIT: My ATVs have now been up for about 3 hours so I think it is definitely safe to say that the downgrade has fixed the problem given they were crsahing after only a few minutes.

RE: XBMC Crashing Since Updating - shadow.jedi - 2012-06-11

i have the same problem and i am on ios 4.2.2 with 4 ATV's
never had that problem before i am happy i only updated one of them so i moved it to another room that i do not use very much.
so all my other ones work perfectly.
when the next update comes out i will test it on the one that is playing up.

RE: XBMC Crashing Since Updating - Memphiz - 2012-06-11

You could backup the file /Applications/AppleTV.app/Appliances/XBMC.frappliance/Frameworks/libsmbclient.dylib.0 from 11.0, install 11.0-3, copy the backed up libsmbclient.dylib.0 to the 11.0-3 installation (same folder again), reboot the atv2 and then report back if this fixes the issue. At least if you are willing to help to track the problem down.

RE: XBMC Crashing Since Updating - SydneyGuy - 2012-06-11

I would have been very happy to do that if I hadn't already downgraded my 3 ATVs. I don't really want to break them again. Maybe shadow.jedi can help as it sounds like he still has a broken one and 3 others on 11.0 that he could grab the required file from.

RE: XBMC Crashing Since Updating - geoboi - 2012-06-12

Hi Sydney guy.

I was hoping someone had run into this issue! It has been driving me nuts for the last 2 - 3 days. I, like yourself have just recently upgraded my XBMC, and it went to version 11.03 (or something like that). Also using Nito TV and the same version of IOS as yourself. Are you able to advise on how you reversed your upgrade of XBMC?


Should also mention that I am running XBMC on ATV2!


RE: XBMC Crashing Since Updating - Jester - 2012-06-12

(2012-06-12, 13:40)geoboi Wrote: Hi Sydney guy.

I was hoping someone had run into this issue! It has been driving me nuts for the last 2 - 3 days. I, like yourself have just recently upgraded my XBMC, and it went to version 11.03 (or something like that). Also using Nito TV and the same version of IOS as yourself. Are you able to advise on how you reversed your upgrade of XBMC?


Should also mention that I am running XBMC on ATV2!



RE: XBMC Crashing Since Updating - Memphiz - 2012-06-12

Just wanted to state that this update wasn't pushed out to the public by us and was only ment for ios 5 users. The NitoTV dev must have taken it into his repo (by accident i guess).

RE: XBMC Crashing Since Updating - geoboi - 2012-06-13

Thanks Jester! Much appreciated!

(2012-06-12, 14:43)Jester Wrote:
(2012-06-12, 13:40)geoboi Wrote: Hi Sydney guy.

I was hoping someone had run into this issue! It has been driving me nuts for the last 2 - 3 days. I, like yourself have just recently upgraded my XBMC, and it went to version 11.03 (or something like that). Also using Nito TV and the same version of IOS as yourself. Are you able to advise on how you reversed your upgrade of XBMC?


Should also mention that I am running XBMC on ATV2!



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