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Release CU LRC Lyrics - Printable Version

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RE: [RELEASE] CU LRC Lyrics - neoleo - 2015-10-29

(2015-08-23, 12:42)ronie Wrote:
(2015-08-22, 20:55)tymmy Wrote: I use media monkey and mini lyrics to get my lrc lyrics. They are stored in the same folder as the song. They are named the same as the filename which is track number - song title.
Is there a setting in CU LRC lyrics that would find these lyrics. I have had no luck in getting it to work. In reading all the posts here I come away with the impression that this is not possible and before I give up wanted to check here.

works for me...

disable this setting: 'Save lyrics to lyrics folder'

enable this setting: 'Save lyrics to song folder'

please let me know if you can get it to work with those settings.

'Search for local lyrics files' needs to be enabled too ofc.

I am in the same situation as tymmy and enabling 'Save lyrics to song folder' did the trick, I don't understand why. There's just one problem: sync is not correct. Using the same lrc file in foobar or wmp or mpc hc sync is ok. In CU Lyrics there's a gap of 1 second later, more or less.

I'm using Jarvis nightlies with 4.0.2 CU LRC Lyrics version.

Thanks guys for this amazing script.

RE: [RELEASE] CU LRC Lyrics - ronie - 2015-10-29

(2015-10-29, 12:26)neoleo Wrote: There's just one problem: sync is not correct. Using the same lrc file in foobar or wmp or mpc hc sync is ok. In CU Lyrics there's a gap of 1 second later, more or less.

if you could pm me a download link to both the song and the lrc file i'll have a look.

RE: [RELEASE] CU LRC Lyrics - Ubel - 2015-11-02

Does this support DTS or AC3?

They don't support tagging, I tried to get it to work off file name, with Porcupine Tree's album "Deadwing"

The track's file name was "09 - Glass Arm Shattering.dts" and it couldn't find lyrics, so I changed the name to "09. Porcupine Tree - Glass Arm Shattering.dts" and it still found nothing.

I said okay, switch to something much more popular and played Time by Pink Floyd on The Dark Side of the Moon.

The file name was "04 - Time.dts" it found lyrics, but not the right ones at all, apparently from a song with a completely different title.

Link to a screenshot of the wrong lyrics

I understand having tags and the information they contain much improves the search, but why can't it search off folder names (formatted as "Artist - Album") and then file names for the track name?

Why would some 8 minute long song called Burning Bridges show up as the lyrics for Time? There was absolutely nothing to do with the word burning or bridges in these files/folders.

I really appreciate your work on this plugin, it's probably the most accomplished lyric grabber I've had the pleasure to use and I just want to thank you for that Smile

RE: [RELEASE] CU LRC Lyrics - ronie - 2015-11-02

(2015-11-02, 20:09)Ubel Wrote: I understand having tags and the information they contain much improves the search, but why can't it search off folder names (formatted as "Artist - Album") and then file names for the track name?

if tags are unavailable, cu lyrics does try to find lyrics by using the path/filename.
but since people name and organize their music in various ways, you have to tell the addon about how you format the filename and what your directory structure looks like.
there are various formats supported by the addon:
  • artist - title.ext
  • tracknumber artist - title.ext
  • artist\album\tracknumber - title.ext
  • artist\album\title.ext
you can select the one that applies to your setup in the addon settings:
Options > Filename format

in case none of the options fits your track naming scheme, let me know and i'll see if i can add it.

RE: [RELEASE] CU LRC Lyrics - host505 - 2015-11-03

I have a large collection of lyrics in one lyrics folder which I can't use because of this: My songs filename format doesn't match any of the fixed supported formats...
Do you consider making this user-configurable ronie? (well I assume it must be more complicated than I think, otherwise you would have it already).
fwiw my song filename format is: tracknumber title.ext, If you think it's a common format, please add it (I wouldn't know if it is).
And btw thanks for maintaining this addon, it's one of the first I always install.

RE: [RELEASE] CU LRC Lyrics - ronie - 2015-11-03

(2015-11-03, 01:51)host505 Wrote: I have a large collection of lyrics in one lyrics folder which I can't use because of this: My songs filename format doesn't match any of the fixed supported formats...
Do you consider making this user-configurable ronie? (well I assume it must be more complicated than I think, otherwise you would have it already).
fwiw my song filename format is: tracknumber title.ext, If you think it's a common format, please add it (I wouldn't know if it is).
And btw thanks for maintaining this addon, it's one of the first I always install.

i assume they are saved in separate folder for every artist ?
so: ..\artist\tracknumber title.ext ?

if so, yeah i think it should be possible to add support for that.

RE: [RELEASE] CU LRC Lyrics - host505 - 2015-11-03

Scratch that, before your post I hadn't realised that the "Filename format" setting covers folder structure too, so %A\%B\%N %T covers me, because that is my music file structure.
Lyrics are stored in a separate location from the music, all of them in one single folder. So if I enable "Save lyrics to lyrics folder" and select that folder underneath, it works. When the lyric is available in that folder (with its name format same as the "save format" setting) it displays. Brilliant.
Thanks for considering adding it though, if you think %A\%N %T is common add it.

RE: [RELEASE] CU LRC Lyrics - Sajarac - 2015-11-03

You are using dark lirycs, try instead CU Lirycs, that works for me.

RE: [RELEASE] CU LRC Lyrics - Dunkler2Engel - 2015-11-17

Hi! I have a problem with lyrics, don't show when start with [ for example...

Ahí afuera está lloviendo, y el mundo es un rumor lejano,
y yo estoy escribiendo versos a la luz de un piano,

But if is

Ahí afuera está lloviendo, y el mundo es un rumor lejano,
y yo estoy escribiendo versos a la luz de un piano,

Works fine, how i can fix it? I prefer [ ]

Another thing is with 2.4 ID3 is not compatible, and don't show anything but with 2.3 works fine.

RE: [RELEASE] CU LRC Lyrics - ronie - 2015-11-17

(2015-11-17, 14:21)Dunkler2Engel Wrote: Hi! I have a problem with lyrics, don't show when start with [ for example...

Ahí afuera está lloviendo, y el mundo es un rumor lejano,
y yo estoy escribiendo versos a la luz de un piano,

But if is

Ahí afuera está lloviendo, y el mundo es un rumor lejano,
y yo estoy escribiendo versos a la luz de un piano,

Works fine, how i can fix it? I prefer [ ]

Another thing is with 2.4 ID3 is not compatible, and don't show anything but with 2.3 works fine.

can you please provide a sample file for both issues?
feel free to PM me the links where i can download them.

RE: [RELEASE] CU LRC Lyrics - leejk - 2015-11-19

I'm getting a fair amount of lyrics that display as squares with x's. What causes that?

RE: [RELEASE] CU LRC Lyrics - ronie - 2015-11-19

(2015-11-19, 02:13)leejk Wrote: I'm getting a fair amount of lyrics that display as squares with x's. What causes that?

most (if not all) lrc based lyrics are scraped from chinese websites.
sometimes those lyrics contain the lyrics both in english and in chinese.
if the skin you're using doesn't support chinese characters, you'll get those x's instead.

RE: [RELEASE] CU LRC Lyrics - ronie - 2015-11-20

i've made a lot of changes to the code that handles embedded lyrics.
before releasing the new version, it needs some proper testing.

if you have music files with embedded lyrics, please help out by installing:

in case you find an issue, please report here (include a Debug Log),
and upload the audiofile somewhere so i can try to reproduce the problem (PM me a download link please).

RE: [RELEASE] CU LRC Lyrics - Dunkler2Engel - 2015-11-22

With the same files that you send, now charging lyrics in both cases (2.3 & 2.4 with ( or [ )
The problem is that I can not make me carge synchronized lyrics. Always load the simple, if you delete simple and let the LRC, none appears.

You need to send you the log?

RE: [RELEASE] CU LRC Lyrics - ronie - 2015-11-22

(2015-11-22, 02:58)Dunkler2Engel Wrote: With the same files that you send, now charging lyrics in both cases (2.3 & 2.4 with ( or [ )
The problem is that I can not make me carge synchronized lyrics. Always load the simple, if you delete simple and let the LRC, none appears.

You need to send you the log?

thx for the feedback!

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