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Release CU LRC Lyrics - Printable Version

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RE: CU LRC Lyrics - telexxingou - 2017-01-14

is there any way to get the current line lyric of the song playing whitout open culyric window ?

like Window(Home).Property(culrc.lyrics) but only for current line (Container(110).ListItem.Property(part1),...)

i would to display lyrics text on musicvisualisation window not inside script-cu-lrclyrics-main.xml window....

i've tried to add list container 110 inside musicvisualisation.xml but stay empty even culyrics is visible....:-(
any possibility ?

thank you

RE: CU LRC Lyrics - ronie - 2017-01-14

(2017-01-14, 14:25)telexxingou Wrote: is there any way to get the current line lyric of the song playing whitout open culyric window ?

if you close the lyrics window, the script stops running :-)
so nope.

RE: CU LRC Lyrics - telexxingou - 2017-01-14

(2017-01-14, 14:31)ronie Wrote:
(2017-01-14, 14:25)telexxingou Wrote: is there any way to get the current line lyric of the song playing whitout open culyric window ?

if you close the lyrics window, the script stops running :-)
so nope.

Are you sure ? i get this even lyric window is closed :

first line = Window(Home).Property(culrc.running)
lines after = Window(Home).Property(culrc.lyrics)


RE: CU LRC Lyrics - ronie - 2017-01-14

but does it update when the next song starts playing?

RE: CU LRC Lyrics - telexxingou - 2017-01-14

adding <visible>false</visible> in my script-cu-lrclyrics-main.xml ....

now window is not displayed anymore but script still udpate those informations on my screen when new song is played.....

i've added this on MusicVisulation.xml :

edit : sorry i'm not so sure about this now...i'm testing more things....and i'll put my result here ...

but it would be great to get :
when song is played ...so we can display lyrics on any window.....

and may be a context menu displaying with a runscript(script.cu.lrclyrics&action=setting) .... on button clic or key pressing ...

But when lyrics window is display we can't control forward/backward etc....

RE: CU LRC Lyrics - telexxingou - 2017-01-14

you're rigth, when Dialog is closed no update...sorry....

but may be in next version, you could integrate a "service" who can set current lyrics line to window home property for use in any window during playing song...

anyway your addon is great Wink


RE: CU LRC Lyrics - ronie - 2017-01-14

can't you create a custom script-cu-lrclyrics-main.xml that only displays the current line?

RE: CU LRC Lyrics - ronie - 2017-01-14

(2017-01-14, 14:51)telexxingou Wrote: But when lyrics window is display we can't control forward/backward etc....

that should really work just fine.

RE: CU LRC Lyrics - telexxingou - 2017-01-14

i would to display lyrics in small window on home window, like for RSS .... that's why i would get a service not a window Wink......

RE: CU LRC Lyrics - ronie - 2017-01-17

(2017-01-14, 21:49)telexxingou Wrote: i would to display lyrics in small window on home window, like for RSS .... that's why i would get a service not a window Wink......

i'm afraid that will require quite some changes to the current code.
not something that is easy to implement in the current code.

RE: CU LRC Lyrics - ronie - 2017-01-17

(2017-01-11, 13:20)manfeed Wrote: maybe offering the user in the config addon and option to enter a list of strings so that those lines would not be shown?

(2017-01-12, 16:28)martinconroy Wrote: Yep - would love the ability to filter the crap out of downloaded lyrics with a list of "words/phrases" to be "blanked"

i've added the option, feel free to get cu lrc from my github repo and test :-)

RE: CU LRC Lyrics - manfeed - 2017-01-17

(2017-01-17, 14:13)ronie Wrote:
(2017-01-11, 13:20)manfeed Wrote: maybe offering the user in the config addon and option to enter a list of strings so that those lines would not be shown?

(2017-01-12, 16:28)martinconroy Wrote: Yep - would love the ability to filter the crap out of downloaded lyrics with a list of "words/phrases" to be "blanked"

i've added the option, feel free to get cu lrc from my github repo and test :-)

Ok, I can see that the new option removes the words that you enter, but only those words; however I meant to remove the whole line in which that words appear. For instance, you often found lines in lyrics such as:

twitter @Whatever
lyrics from whoever
visit www.whatever.com

My goal would be to enter in the config: QQ,@,lyrics,www so as to prevent those whole lines from appearing...


RE: CU LRC Lyrics - ronie - 2017-01-17

ok, i get it. people not happy... must.do.better!

please check github again ;-)

RE: CU LRC Lyrics - Wanilton - 2017-01-17

@ronie, tested new version, work perfect, great job!!! remove all line now, when find specific word.


RE: CU LRC Lyrics - manfeed - 2017-01-18

(2017-01-17, 20:14)ronie Wrote: ok, i get it. people not happy... must.do.better!

Rofl You're a genius... sorry for pushing you so hard Wink

I have made extensive testing and the script works well... but now my pickiness returns, so feel free to ignore my comments from this point on... Rofl

When I select lyric,@,qq as strings to be filtered the following happens:

Don't appear:
lyric by whomever
qq 999999

Still appear:
lyrics by whomever
twitter @Whatever
twitter @ whatever

Maybe it's on purpose, I don't know, but I would prefer to get completely removed the lines that contain those strings whether or not they have spaces, punctuation, etc. before or after, since those strings are (almost) impossible to be on the actual lyrics no matter what...

Thanks and sorry!

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