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Release CU LRC Lyrics - Printable Version

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RE: CU LRC Lyrics - ronie - 2017-12-03

nope, you'd need to ask in the support thread of the skin you're using.
the skin determines how the lyrics are shown.

RE: CU LRC Lyrics - rocko - 2017-12-04

Thanks Ronnie,

I didn't realize it was a skin problem. I reinstalled Kodi 17 and Aeon MQ7 skin and there is a button in general settings that's missing in Aeon MQ8.

Now that I know the problem I will request for it to be added to Aeon MQ8 before its official release.

Thanks again

RE: CU LRC Lyrics - Wanilton - 2017-12-04

@rocko, version 0.9.0 have support animated lyrics, button for setting (where is possible turn off) has been moved to the Top Menu/Art.
Video show how work now:

RE: CU LRC Lyrics - manfeed - 2017-12-04

(2017-12-04, 02:46)Wanilton Wrote: @rocko, version 0.9.0 have support animated lyrics, button for setting (where is possible turn off) has been moved to the Top Menu/Art.
Hi Wanilton, glad to see you like my animated lyrics option, but you should use the last version instead, since it's nicer (better animations and colors). You can find it in my thread Aeon Nox Spin (Krypton). Tell Marcos when you can... Cheers!

RE: CU LRC Lyrics - Wanilton - 2017-12-04

Thanks manfeed and ronie, amazing job. @manfeed, Marcos give credit for your work, and thanks for share latest version. MQ8 is only for use with Kodi Leia, but I will inform Marcos about this new version.


RE: CU LRC Lyrics - rocko - 2017-12-04


Thanks for the reply.

I have Aeon MQ8 version 0.7.5. How do I update to 0.9.0.


RE: CU LRC Lyrics - ronie - 2017-12-04

please stop abusing this thread ;-)
as i said, please go to the mq support thread for help.

RE: CU LRC Lyrics - rocko - 2017-12-04

Thanks to Wanilton and Manfeed for your help.

Ronnie, sorry I won't post in your thread anymore.

RE: CU LRC Lyrics - eagle72 - 2017-12-13

Trouble here with the embedded mp3  lyrics (UNSYNCHEDLYRICS). They won't show.
In my old KODI version this did work, but in Kodi 17.4 Estuary (and (fuse) Neue) they are not found or displayed.
I'm using CU LRC v5.4.4.

I've choosen an obscure song so it will have to use the embedded lyrics.
As you can see the embedded lyrics are in the UNSYNCEDLYRICS tag.

However these lyrics are not found as you can see in the debug log below.

What's going wrong? Can I fix this, or is this a bug in CU LRC lyrics.
Quote:14:25:12.480 T:4208   DEBUG: script.cu.lrclyrics: Current Song: Arnold & Gerrie Mühren - Ajax Is De Koning Van De Mat
14:25:12.480 T:4208   DEBUG: script.cu.lrclyrics: searching memory for lyrics
14:25:12.480 T:4208   DEBUG: script.cu.lrclyrics: searching for embedded lrc lyrics
14:25:12.533 T:4208   DEBUG: script.cu.lrclyrics: searching files for lyrics
14:25:12.533 T:4208   DEBUG: script.cu.lrclyrics: MiniLyrics: searching lyrics for Arnold & Gerrie Mühren - Ajax Is De Koning Van De Mat
14:25:15.478 T:4208   DEBUG: script.cu.lrclyrics: TTPlayer: searching lyrics for Arnold & Gerrie Mühren - Ajax Is De Koning Van De Mat
14:25:16.313 T:4208   DEBUG: script.cu.lrclyrics: Xiami: searching lyrics for Arnold & Gerrie Mühren - Ajax Is De Koning Van De Mat
14:25:19.295 T:4208   DEBUG: script.cu.lrclyrics: Baidu: searching lyrics for Arnold & Gerrie Mühren - Ajax Is De Koning Van De Mat
14:25:21.435 T:4208   DEBUG: script.cu.lrclyrics: GomAudio: searching lyrics for Arnold & Gerrie Mühren - Ajax Is De Koning Van De Mat
14:25:22.412 T:4208   DEBUG: script.cu.lrclyrics: Alsong: searching lyrics for Arnold & Gerrie Mühren - Ajax Is De Koning Van De Mat
14:25:22.984 T:4208   DEBUG: script.cu.lrclyrics: searching for embedded txt lyrics
14:25:22.992 T:4208   DEBUG: script.cu.lrclyrics: searching files for lyrics
14:25:22.992 T:4208   DEBUG: script.cu.lrclyrics: lyricwiki: searching lyrics for Arnold & Gerrie Mühren - Ajax Is De Koning Van De Mat
14:25:23.013 T:4208   DEBUG: script.cu.lrclyrics: genius: searching lyrics for Arnold & Gerrie Mühren - Ajax Is De Koning Van De Mat
14:25:25.741 T:4208   DEBUG: script.cu.lrclyrics: lyricsmode: searching lyrics for Arnold & Gerrie Mühren - Ajax Is De Koning Van De Mat
14:25:25.741 T:4208   DEBUG: script.cu.lrclyrics: lyricsmode: search url: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/a/arnold_and_gerrie_mühren/ajax_is_de_koning_van_de_mat.html
14:25:25.741 T:4208   DEBUG: script.cu.lrclyrics: error in direct url
14:25:25.741 T:4208   DEBUG: script.cu.lrclyrics: error in search url
14:25:25.741 T:4208   DEBUG: script.cu.lrclyrics: letssingit: searching lyrics for Arnold & Gerrie Mühren - Ajax Is De Koning Van De Mat
14:25:26.188 T:4208   DEBUG: script.cu.lrclyrics: lyricscom: searching lyrics for Arnold & Gerrie Mühren - Ajax Is De Koning Van De Mat
14:25:28.449 T:4208   DEBUG: script.cu.lrclyrics: darklyrics: searching lyrics for Arnold & Gerrie Mühren - Ajax Is De Koning Van De Mat
14:25:28.530 T:4208   DEBUG: script.cu.lrclyrics: no lyrics found

RE: CU LRC Lyrics - ronie - 2017-12-13

can you upload this song somewhere and PM me a download link?

RE: CU LRC Lyrics - eagle72 - 2017-12-13

(2017-12-13, 16:44)ronie Wrote: can you upload this song somewhere and PM me a download link?

RE: CU LRC Lyrics - ronie - 2017-12-14

will be fixed in the next version (on it's way to the repo)

RE: CU LRC Lyrics - eagle72 - 2017-12-15

(2017-12-14, 00:39)ronie Wrote: thx!
will be fixed in the next version (on it's way to the repo)
 Ok. Thanks! Cheers.

RE: CU LRC Lyrics - agungdeppe - 2018-01-08

love this add-on..thanks
btw, is there any chance to move the text lyrics (when we deactivated animated lyric) to the center or right position?
because it's overlap with weather info+clock on the top left (I'm using Layout 7 3D with Aeon MQ7).
what xml file should be modified and which part?

RE: CU LRC Lyrics - ronie - 2018-01-08

no idea, you'd have to ask in the Aeon MQ7 support thread :-)

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