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Release CU LRC Lyrics - Printable Version

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RE: CU LRC Lyrics - milkaca - 2019-04-05

(2019-03-30, 20:43)ronie Wrote: i think the kodi callbacks addon might be what you're looking for:

Hm interesting, but not sure how to use it for my case.

RE: CU LRC Lyrics - ronie - 2019-04-06

(2019-04-05, 16:42)atlind01 Wrote: Roni, 

May be you can define a set of standard tags which can be incorporated in the LRC file and that will be used to render lyrics using system colors. That way it will be agnostic of the skins.

 i prefer to stick to the 'official' lrc standard, which does not support coloring nor identifying certain parts of lyrics as male/female.

RE: CU LRC Lyrics - atlind01 - 2019-04-11

(2019-04-06, 18:26)ronie Wrote:
(2019-04-05, 16:42)atlind01 Wrote: Roni, 

May be you can define a set of standard tags which can be incorporated in the LRC file and that will be used to render lyrics using system colors. That way it will be agnostic of the skins.

 i prefer to stick to the 'official' lrc standard, which does not support coloring nor identifying certain parts of lyrics as male/female. 


RE: CU LRC Lyrics - mohannad.r - 2019-04-22


First of all I would like to thank you for this great add-on.
I have a suggestion but I don't know if it's possible to implement.
I know that this add-on only runs when you run an audio file, but I wonder if it would be possible to run it in the background to download the required lyrics files when you start a video-clip in the youtube add-on. Currently I'm able to to this if I run youtube in audio-only mode. But I would appreciate it if it runs also when I watch video clips. I don't need necessarily to see the gui when watching the video, I would be satisfied if the files get downloaded, even though I would not see them directly on the video osd.
I could also ask the question like this, is it possible to call CU LRC Lyrics manually from within the youtube addo-on.
Thanks in advance for your effort and for your time!

RE: CU LRC Lyrics - manfeed - 2019-04-30

Hi ronie, I don't know if you're aware of this...


...and especially of this...


...I have been experiencing the same issues since a long time ago, and I have narrowed down the problem just as in the link above. It's quite frustrating, because the jerkiness is there even if you don't use the music section, and the only solution that I have found is to disable the addon until I want to play music... Do you have any clue about what could be causing it? Thanks.

P.S. I'm in w10, core i7, nvidia 960, 16 mb RAM

RE: CU LRC Lyrics - ronie - 2019-05-01

yup, i saw the report.
i tried to reproduce it, but again i couldn't.

no idea what else i can do...

RE: CU LRC Lyrics - yunnysunny - 2019-06-08

I use the latest kodi with version 18.2, when I installed CU LRC Lyrics, it failed with error:
The dependency on script.module.chardet version 2.2.1 could not satisfied.

RE: CU LRC Lyrics - Norin_Radd - 2019-07-02


how do i disable lyrics for the live tv option?

I think there was an option for that on settings but iam not seeing it anymore.

i don´t know how but i activated it by mistake.


RE: CU LRC Lyrics - Karellen - 2019-07-02


Which skin are you using?

Is it the same issue as this... https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=147340&pid=2827061#pid2827061

RE: CU LRC Lyrics - Norin_Radd - 2019-07-05

(2019-07-02, 01:17)Karellen Wrote: @Norin_Radd

Which skin are you using?

Is it the same issue as this... https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=147340&pid=2827061#pid2827061

Yep, seems like so.

I am using arctic zephyr 2 from jurialmunkey.

Thanks for the reply

RE: CU LRC Lyrics - Karellen - 2019-07-05

It would be best to ping @jurialmunkey in his thread, but the issue I experienced was a skin problem. The solution is in the link, and it might be a similar solution for your setup...


Read the few posts before and after that one to get the rhythm of the conversation.

RE: CU LRC Lyrics - Norin_Radd - 2019-07-07

@karellen  I think you just have to delete !Pvr.IsPlayingTv on (launchmusicfullscreen)  module.

But i have to check the code of my skin... 

man i have no samba on mibox3 to just go to the xml file and simply edit with notepad++

maybe there's an android tv app for editing straight from the box on the pc, maybe xplorer does that but i have to pay some beers for all of you guys.


quickedit: did not tried or looked into the code on github

Edit2: Is this a trap?

+ on code? without being a mathematical operation? is this the super hack mentioned that solved the situation?

doesn´t look like so, and iam, not a developer, but please enlight me just for me to be sure.

nevertheless, i took a sneak peek to skin code but i cannot help much on that part, maybe with more free time and hints i could help.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- $INFO[Window(Home).Property(Music.FullscreenParty)] -->
<window id="1199" type="dialog">
<onload condition="!Window.IsActive(visualisation) + !Window.IsActive(musicplaylist) + ![MusicPlayer.HasNext + MusicPartyMode.Enabled]">ActivateWindow(visualisation,return)</onload>
<onload condition="String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(Music.FullscreenParty)) + !Window.IsActive(musicplaylist) + MusicPlayer.HasNext">SetProperty(Music.FullscreenParty,True,Home)</onload>
<visible>Skin.HasSetting(launchmusicfullscreen) + Player.HasAudio + !Pvr.IsPlayingTv + !Pvr.IsPlayingRadio + String.IsEmpty(Window(Videos).Property(PlayingBackgroundMedia)) + String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(script.cinemavision.running))</visible>
<controls />

RE: CU LRC Lyrics - psyburr - 2019-07-16

@Norin_Radd Without running this thread off course...I'd like to bring up adbLink as an alternative to any file management over networks. It's basically a GUI for adb, but allows for a much easier time working with a more complex file system or obscure commands.

Failed scrapers alsont / baidu / lyricwiki / mimilyrics - smrtrock - 2019-09-02

(2012-12-06, 07:23)taxigps Wrote: failed scrapers whenever I attempt to just run a scrape, I have updated to the latest and still no joy

 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <type 'exceptions.ImportError'>
                                            Error Contents: No module named bs4
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "C:\Users\marcu\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.cu.lrclyrics\default.py", line 18, in <module>
                                                from scrapertest import *
                                              File "C:\Users\marcu\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.cu.lrclyrics\resources\lib\scrapertest.py", line 10, in <module>
                                                from culrcscrapers.lyricscom import lyricsScraper as lyricsScraper_lyricscom
                                              File "C:\Users\marcu\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.cu.lrclyrics\resources\lib\culrcscrapers\lyricscom\lyricsScraper.py", line 7, in <module>
                                                from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
                                            ImportError: No module named bs4
                                            -->End of Python script error report<--

here are log files for review https://paste.kodi.tv/iqokonuluj.kodi

RE: CU LRC Lyrics - ronie - 2019-09-02

could you please check if BeautifulSoup4 is enabled here:
Settings > System > Addons > Manage dependencies

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