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AppleTV2 front end with Windows back end? - Printable Version

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AppleTV2 front end with Windows back end? - alexeix - 2012-12-12

Hi All,

I have XBMC running on my AppleTV2, but I want to set it up with a server, with a view to running the back end as a PVR with the next release of XBMC.

Can I connect my AppleTV2 to a Windows box running XBMC (as the server)?
If this is possible, are there any issues which I should look out for?

I'm thinking about getting an HP Proliant micro server, since they're cheap, low power and have expansion for a TV card.

Thanks in advance for your comments/assistance!

RE: AppleTV2 front end with Windows back end? - Ned Scott - 2012-12-13

The PVR backend can be on a Windows PC, yes. The main thing to look out for is you'll need a PVR server that can transcode if you want HD TV content, since a lot of live HD TV is either in mpeg2 or interlaced h.264, both of which won't have hardware video decoding support on the ATV2. I don't have much more advice about that yet, as I'm still learning about PVR software myself, but I hope to have more information up on the XBMC Wiki when I do: PVR (wiki).