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Amlogic TV Box with XBMC 1080P Playback - Printable Version

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RE: Amlogic TV Box with XBMC 1080P Playback - davilla - 2013-01-18

@Vissontech, I look forward to you releasing kernel source code including any mach-meson board support changes that you might have done. Just a reminder that the kernel is GPLv2 and you must release the source code and any changes for it. Your license with AMLogic permits this. I'm sure others would love to dump android and boot a pure Linux distro running XBMC.

I also look forward to your XBMC contributions in fixing issues with hardware decode playback. It's time for others to start providing support towards AMLogic platforms. You do plan on actually supporting XBMC now that you are using it to promote your device ?

RE: Amlogic TV Box with XBMC 1080P Playback - Vissontech - 2013-01-18

As you know Kernel NO. of the others are 2.6 while our MX TV Box is 3.0
that makes much differences.
our 4.0 TV Box(Amlogic 8726 M3) runs well on XBMC 1080P.
and for dual core, still developing, do u have any good idea to put forward?

RE: Amlogic TV Box with XBMC 1080P Playback - davilla - 2013-01-18

All AMLogic MX boxes run a 3.x kernel, that's nothing new. They all target JellyBean.

Regardless of kernel version, all Android kernels are GPLv2 licensed and you are still required to release source code and any modifications on shipping products. When will you do that ?

As for dual and quad AMLogic SoCs, I know all about them and have many ideas.

RE: Amlogic TV Box with XBMC 1080P Playback - RaggSokk3n - 2013-01-18

(2013-01-18, 08:35)davilla Wrote: All AMLogic MX boxes run a 3.x kernel, that's nothing new. They all target JellyBean.

Regardless of kernel version, all Android kernels are GPLv2 licensed and you are still required to release source code and any modifications on shipping products. When will you do that ?

As for dual and quad AMLogic SoCs, I know all about them and have many ideas.

I don't think he's following you, perhaps it would help if you'd send him some links to "android for beginners" guides on xda?

RE: Amlogic TV Box with XBMC 1080P Playback - davilla - 2013-01-18

Oh, he's following all right Smile He's just being evasive. Vissontech is the representative of the company that is making this Android box and they fully aware of their license requirements. In fact, AMLogic recently changed their licensing to permit just this requirement.

RE: Amlogic TV Box with XBMC 1080P Playback - Vissontech - 2013-01-18

We have Source code but it is confidential.
we are factory of TV Box not XBMC developer.


This is Shirley, female not male, I m sales not technical person.

But I wanna know much more about XBMC so Here I came, for promoting and also Learning.
Hope can be friends with you here,

RE: Amlogic TV Box with XBMC 1080P Playback - j1nx - 2013-01-18

(2013-01-18, 09:52)Vissontech Wrote: @davilla
We have Source code but it is confidential.

That is just plain wrong !!!

GPLv2 sources are NOT yours and NOT confidential.

I hope XBMC can make a stand here. Communitity talking about a box is one thing, but if manufacturers are actively are going to propmote the products on this boards, as a rule they have to comply to the GPL license.

So I would say, choose;
1) Release the GPLv2 parts of the sources and be suprised what might happen here, or ...
2) Ban Vissiontech for violating the GPL license.

What's next ....

RE: Amlogic TV Box with XBMC 1080P Playback - nickr - 2013-01-18

You guys want any legal help on this issue, PM me.

Lawyer, not copyright specialist, but reasonably versed in GPL issues, and knows how to speak legalese Smile

RE: Amlogic TV Box with XBMC 1080P Playback - 01merced - 2013-01-18

Well I was about to purchase one of these boxes, but not from what I'm seeing here...

RE: Amlogic TV Box with XBMC 1080P Playback - Vissontech - 2013-01-18

I did not made ads about my device.
Sincerely wanna know more about XBMC.

RE: Amlogic TV Box with XBMC 1080P Playback - RaggSokk3n - 2013-01-18

(2013-01-18, 09:52)Vissontech Wrote: @davilla
We have Source code but it is confidential.
we are factory of TV Box not XBMC developer.


This is Shirley, female not male, I m sales not technical person.

But I wanna know much more about XBMC so Here I came, for promoting and also Learning.
Hope can be friends with you here,

Last time i checked android was open source - but if you don't believe me; here's the contact information for Google support:

Might be nice to know since you're a reseller. Tongue

Not trying to be mean but I'm prepared to pay twice as much as you currently charge for the product you describe, but the product I've come to know from your post isn't really worth more for me than any other no name brand android stick for 30$.
You're marketing this with the XBMC logo but you dont support it with development nor donation - where I come from that's booth lying and stealing.

Oh and last time i went to a store, a salesman (or woman) that didn't know more about their own product than a random guy on a forum wasn't really a salesman but a cashier...

(2013-01-18, 12:02)Vissontech Wrote: I did not made ads about my device.
Sincerely wanna know more about XBMC.

Well if you don't know anything about it; remove the xbmc logo from your product

RE: Amlogic TV Box with XBMC 1080P Playback - Ned Scott - 2013-01-18

Violating the GPL... that's a paddlin'


RE: Amlogic TV Box with XBMC 1080P Playback - RaggSokk3n - 2013-01-18

(2013-01-18, 15:53)Ned Scott Wrote: Violating the GPL... that's a paddlin'



RE: Amlogic TV Box with XBMC 1080P Playback - davilla - 2013-01-18

@Vissiontech, The AMLogic kernel is NOT confidential, in fact AMLogic changed their license so that manufactors such as yourself can release kernel source code and modifications. Since I work closely with AMLogic, I know this to be a fact. You are stalling.

If you refuse to release kernel source code, you will be reported as a GPLv2 license violator. The Linux/Android kernel developers will take an aggressive action on license violators.

Why do you think that Pivos posted their kernel source code on github ? For others to take and hide ? No, it is a GPLv2 license requirement.

RE: Amlogic TV Box with XBMC 1080P Playback - eskro - 2013-01-18

+1 davilla

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