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Linux Live TV Audio is Horrific - Printable Version

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Live TV Audio is Horrific - sfrooster - 2013-01-25

I just built a POC Xbmc FE (Frodo RC3) / MythTV BE (.26) / HDHomerun Prime system on top of Ubuntu 12.04. It all lives on a Zotac Mag N330 box with storage to an eSATA connected array.

All seemed to be working fine (with some *minor* performance issues) with the exception of audio in live/recorded tv:

-I'm able to get perfect video/audio from amazon Instant Video in Xbmc
-I'm able to get Myth to record live tv, and that recording (both audio and video) plays perfectly on a windows machine
-I'm able to get Xbmc to change channels and generally act as expected with live tv except...
-The audio is horrific. Just an endless series of loud... clicks?

All the audio/video is just straight to the TV via HDMI (same for the Amazon Instant Video)

Any ideas?

RE: Live TV Audio is Horrific - User 57826 - 2013-01-25

I'm not 100% sure on this, but from the few threads I've read... I think you might be pushing it with the hardware.

An ATOM 330 will run the backend software just fine, and it will run XBMC just fine, but I'm not sure it can do both.


One thing you could do is leave your Atom box as your backend, and buy a SheevaPlug or Raspberry Pi and use that as your front end.

RE: Live TV Audio is Horrific - sfrooster - 2013-01-26

Thanks for the reply.

Sure, it's not an ideal setup performance-wise, but it was never meant to be "production" - just prove that all the parts could talk to each other and do what they're supposed to. So some buffering/stuttering would be ok, and then I could come back and round-out the hardware.

And it was almost all the way there. The only issue was the sound isse described above: the only sound during live tv (or playback of recorded tv) is a loud, quickly repeating, clicking (?) noise. During playback from Amazon, the sound is fine. And that same recording, it plays just fine from WMP on my win 7 box - so it's something with Xbmc or the Myth plugin.

RE: Live TV Audio is Horrific - jmarshall - 2013-01-26

Sounds like it's feeding encoded audio out. Tried disabling passthrough etc? Check what format it's using (O during playback).

RE: Live TV Audio is Horrific - opdenkamp - 2013-01-26

a debug log would help too

RE: Live TV Audio is Horrific - sfrooster - 2013-01-26

(2013-01-25, 22:09)djroketboy Wrote: I'm not 100% sure on this, but from the few threads I've read... I think you might be pushing it with the hardware.

An ATOM 330 will run the backend software just fine, and it will run XBMC just fine, but I'm not sure it can do both.


One thing you could do is leave your Atom box as your backend, and buy a SheevaPlug or Raspberry Pi and use that as your front end.

FYI for the hardware curious - this setup is working admirably with no settings tweaks.

So, I didn't mention in the previous post that the HDHR developed a tuner issue because it was after my audio issues and seemed unrelated. I swapped the HDHR out today and the tune issue was fixed. After running through and fixing up changed tuners, and a failed mythdatabase upgrade, and everything works!

Even though the timelines don't match up and the sequence seems wrong, I'm just going to chalk this up to a tuner issue.