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[MOD] Cirrus Extended - Support thread - Printable Version

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RE: [MOD] Cirrus Extended v3 - Support thread - paradix - 2013-03-13

(2013-03-12, 17:34)scool Wrote: hello,
don't know if it's me or what, but there is no icon to say a movie was watched a bit ? i mean when i press a video it ask me if i want resume it (ok) but before this popup, nothing show this video can be resume, in confluence there is a litle play icon (>)

best regards

keibertz : what backgound do you use for sections in home ? will be interting to see them at least for me.. lol

I intend to add the icon, but I was thinking about a different behaviour than in the confluence skin.
Confluence shows the icon whenever the movie is in progress, I would like to show the icon only if the movie is in progress and was never watched to the end (playcount = 0)

RE: [MOD] Cirrus Extended v3 - Support thread - keibertz - 2013-03-13

there is a BIG BUG in the new repo Version. At least for me the Extra Info on Homescreen and the Watchlist dont work any longer on Smartplaylists.

NOW with BUG:

PAST without BUG:

RE: [MOD] Cirrus Extended v3 - Support thread - paradix - 2013-03-13

git repo or passion repo? And maybe some logfile Wink

RE: [MOD] Cirrus Extended v3 - Support thread - keibertz - 2013-03-13

(2013-03-13, 19:55)paradix Wrote: git repo or passion repo? And maybe some logfile Wink
passion repo
normal: http://xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=4150
debug: http://xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=4152

git repo is still downloading .... realy slow today ....

gut repo:
normal: http://xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=4159
debug: http://xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=4160

same error on the XBMC frontend, see images ....

RE: [MOD] Cirrus Extended v3 - Support thread - User 159621 - 2013-03-13

Same error here, but with TV-Shows. Movies and music work fine.
I can select them, but the thumb of the episode dosn't show.

RE: [MOD] Cirrus Extended v3 - Support thread - paradix - 2013-03-13

Is the bug for both of you present in the horizontal view or listview of the recent/recommended widget?

RE: [MOD] Cirrus Extended v3 - Support thread - john.doe - 2013-03-13

Could you tell us, how we can use your two views?

xml in 720p and folders in extra?

RE: [MOD] Cirrus Extended v3 - Support thread - keibertz - 2013-03-13

(2013-03-13, 21:23)paradix Wrote: Is the bug for both of you present in the horizontal view or listview of the recent/recommended widget?
That was the kick in the right direction.
The ERROR only comes up if u only have activatet the horizontal widget. If u first activate the "normal" widget and then activate the horizontal one without changing the settings for the normal everything is working fine. strange .... but its working again ...

RE: [MOD] Cirrus Extended v3 - Support thread - keibertz - 2013-03-13

(2013-03-13, 21:29)john.doe Wrote: Could you tell us, how we can use your two views?

xml in 720p and folders in extra?
At the moment i only know a german howto for this. http://www.xbmcnerds.com/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=8995

folders in media ... but the Viewtype_PosterWrap3.xml is not Season ready yet. For Movies its working fine.

RE: [MOD] Cirrus Extended v3 - Support thread - paradix - 2013-03-13

fix is on the way. I already figured the problem out. Soon I'll check in the changes.

should be fixed now in the git repo.

RE: [MOD] Cirrus Extended v3 - Support thread - gates - 2013-03-13


I had a bug from few day (dont know when exactly).
It's about extrafanart with tv-show (and maybe music).

When I go in TV show "A" (right list view - if it's matter)
extrafanart1 is diplayed, then extrafanart2 ...
After that i go back on all tv-show level and select (not enter in - just select) TV show "B" , it's displayed the good fanart, but 5 sec later, it's displayed extrafanart2 from TV show "A" instead "B".

Sorry, i have no debug log.
If some can take a look, and confirm or not this bug.


RE: [MOD] Cirrus Extended v3 - Support thread - keibertz - 2013-03-14

(2013-03-13, 22:29)paradix Wrote: fix is on the way. I already figured the problem out. Soon I'll check in the changes.

should be fixed now in the git repo.
will test it tomorrow, at the moment i have to switch on and off the Setting after each XBMC restart before its working again...

EDIT: Tested and Bug is gone Big Grin THX

RE: [MOD] Cirrus Extended v3 - Support thread - paradix - 2013-03-14

(2013-03-14, 01:10)keibertz Wrote: EDIT: Tested and Bug is gone Big Grin THX

Thnx for the info Smile Good to have active testers on the forum.

RE: [MOD] Cirrus Extended v3 - Support thread - saitoh183 - 2013-03-14

(2013-03-14, 13:10)paradix Wrote:
(2013-03-14, 01:10)keibertz Wrote: EDIT: Tested and Bug is gone Big Grin THX

Thnx for the info Smile Good to have active testers on the forum.

which version is the most up to date now? Git or repo? because my original installation is from repo and since the Git and Repo dont have the same addon.xml content nor the same naming structure (Repo : skin.cirrus.extended.v3.svn .... Git: skin.cirrus.extended.v3-master) if you want to switch between the 2 you have to edit the folder name and the addon.xml. So i was wondering is it worth doing the modification from Git to repo or just wait from repo update cuz the delay of repo update to reflect Git changes is minimal?

RE: [MOD] Cirrus Extended v3 - Support thread - User 159621 - 2013-03-14

Thumbs are shown after the last fix.
But for seasons, thumbs for .iso files don't show.
For movies .iso is no problem but there the poster is shown and not the episode thumb.

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