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Release Picture Slideshow Screensaver - Printable Version

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RE: [Release] Picture Slideshow Screensaver - aktarus - 2014-11-23

(2014-11-17, 19:23)ronie Wrote:
(2014-11-17, 17:42)aktarus Wrote:
(2014-11-15, 01:32)ronie Wrote: disable this setting:
settings > appearance > screensaver > use visualisation if playing audio


I changed my settings, but no screensaver start after 10 minutes while listen musik !!!! Sad

Another question/bug:
When i'm idle at the welcome screen...the screensaver start well after 10 minutes,
but if library scan start during the screensaver, slideshow freeze on a single photo ... and if I click "escape" on my keypad, XBMC crash 1/2 of time !!!!

Any hint to solve my last two problem ??


make sure you have the latest version of the screensaver (v1.0.8 if you're using xbmc gotham).
other than that, i'm afraid i don't know.


I think that I founded a part of my problem...
If I check the 'display photo date" in the options, the slideshow crash after a random amount of picture... but if the option is uncheck, slideshow run for hours and hours .. Smile

Last problem, slideshow NEVER start during music playback. All settings supposed to be good, but nothing. Sad
Is it possible to start it manually with a keayboard shortcut during musik playback ??


RE: [Release] Picture Slideshow Screensaver - ronie - 2014-11-23

(2014-11-23, 16:29)aktarus Wrote: I think that I founded a part of my problem...
If I check the 'display photo date" in the options, the slideshow crash after a random amount of picture... but if the option is uncheck, slideshow run for hours and hours .. Smile
if you can get me a Debug Log of this, i might be able to fix it.
(2014-11-23, 16:29)aktarus Wrote: Last problem, slideshow NEVER start during music playback. All settings supposed to be good, but nothing. Sad
Is it possible to start it manually with a keayboard shortcut during musik playback ??
i don't know.. and it shouldn't be needed really.
the screensaver works fine at my end during music playback.

RE: [Release] Picture Slideshow Screensaver - aktarus - 2014-11-24


Here is me log file for the slideshow problem:

Also, I found something about my slideshow start problem.
In fact, if i'm on "now playing" screen during playback, no slideshow start...
But, if i'm at HOME screen during playback, slideshow start after desired time !! Smile
So, I think it's ok like that... if I want picture slideshow, I go to home screen..
Else, I stay on now playaing and see artist fanart and song info !!


RE: [Release] Picture Slideshow Screensaver - ronie - 2014-11-25

(2014-11-24, 01:31)aktarus Wrote: Hello,

Here is me log file for the slideshow problem:

the last picture that is displayed is:
smb://AKTA-SAN/photo/Personne/Petit Chriss/7_Page_04.jpg

if you want me to look into it further, i'm going to need a copy of that image.
feel free to PM me a link where i can download it...if you're interested.

RE: [Release] Picture Slideshow Screensaver - Oddsodz - 2014-11-27

(2013-02-25, 00:23)ronie Wrote:
(2013-02-24, 07:30)DJ_Izumi Wrote: 0.0.9 is sorta a trainwreck for me. My XBMC is set to blank the display after 30mins, but instead what happens after 30mins is the slide show screensaver 'vanishes' and the XBMC screen it was covering comes up at about 2fps and it just stays like that instead. So not only does the display not blank to save power, the screen saver stops saving the screen.

xbmc kills the screensaver right before it suspends the monitor.
whether this is intended behaviour or not, i don't know.

i'm not sure why xbmc fails to suspend your monitor.
it works fine on my end.

Did anybody find a fix for this issue, As I am having the same thing happening on my setup of Windows 7 Pro with XBMC 13.2 Gotham. I Even tried an install of Helix (fresh install) And I am getting the same issue. Now in my testing to find out what is going on. I found that if I don't set any screen saver, My Monitor will power of as planed (5mins). But if I set any type of screen saver. Be it this one (the best one I might add) or any other screen saver. My Monitor will not power off. In fact the screen saver is stopped at the planed 5 miniute mark for when the monitor is ment to power off and then the screen goes back to where ever I was when the screen saver first started but there is a frame rate change of some sort. The tale tale sign is the RSS feed crawling along at slow and stuttering pace. I Have tried turning off the "Windows OS Power Management". I have tried running Kodi (or XBMC if you will) as a Administrator. This used to work fine before Gotham. So I am at a lost as how to fix it.

Hope somebody can point me to the right place to read.


RE: [Release] Picture Slideshow Screensaver - ronie - 2014-11-27

(2014-11-24, 01:31)aktarus Wrote: Hello,

Here is me log file for the slideshow problem:

Also, I found something about my slideshow start problem.
In fact, if i'm on "now playing" screen during playback, no slideshow start...
But, if i'm at HOME screen during playback, slideshow start after desired time !! Smile
So, I think it's ok like that... if I want picture slideshow, I go to home screen..
Else, I stay on now playaing and see artist fanart and song info !!


thanx, i managed to track down the issue and i've pushed a fix to the addon repo.
you should receive the updated version (1.0.9) within the next 24 hours.

RE: [Release] Picture Slideshow Screensaver - teredactle - 2014-11-29

Just curious, and sorry if it's already in here, 26 pages...of posts..

1.Is there a way to have this slide show also plays video files that is finds in the folders? Like if you view pictures (from the Pictures menu), and the folder has videos, it will play them.
2.Is there a way to scale pictures so they either magnify in/out so that the whole picture fits on the screen? there is a function to fit to screen, but whether this is selected or not, some pictures still don't size down properly.

Thanks, and great work, I love this screensaver!!

RE: [Release] Picture Slideshow Screensaver - ronie - 2014-11-29

(2014-11-29, 00:55)teredactle Wrote: Just curious, and sorry if it's already in here, 26 pages...of posts..

1.Is there a way to have this slide show also plays video files that is finds in the folders? Like if you view pictures (from the Pictures menu), and the folder has videos, it will play them.
2.Is there a way to scale pictures so they either magnify in/out so that the whole picture fits on the screen? there is a function to fit to screen, but whether this is selected or not, some pictures still don't size down properly.

Thanks, and great work, I love this screensaver!!

1. nope
2. 1836474 (post)

RE: [Release] Picture Slideshow Screensaver - Hitcher - 2014-11-30

Been using this for a while now but came across a bug yesterday when the source folder was offline - obviously nothing is displayed but focus is lost on the current window and there's no way to regain control apart from powering down or killing Kodi.

I can post a log later if you need one.


RE: [Release] Picture Slideshow Screensaver - ronie - 2014-11-30

(2014-11-30, 11:41)Hitcher Wrote: Been using this for a while now but came across a bug yesterday when the source folder was offline - oviously nothing is displayed but focus is lost on the current window and there's no way to regain control apart from powering down or killing Kodi.

I can post a log later if you need one.


we have a trac ticket that closely resembles your report:

mind checking the ticket if it applies to your situation as well?

RE: [Release] Picture Slideshow Screensaver - Oddsodz - 2014-12-01

Alas, I take it nobody found a fix for my issue listed above ;(

RE: [Release] Picture Slideshow Screensaver - lowjumpingfrog - 2014-12-03

I am pretty new to Kodi. I just install it on a Raspberry Pi. Everything works great but, the screensaver slideshow crossfade or slide effects do not work as expected. There is about a 3 second black screen between images, no matter the duration of displaying the image. The source of the images are in a folder on the disk that Kodi is running from. When using the slideshow from the main Pictures menu the images do change with a crossfade nicely. The set up of the screensaver slideshow is pretty straight forward but, did I miss something? Perhaps this is a known problem and just do not know where to find out about it?
Suggestions for making the transition on the images so there is not a blank screen?

RE: [Release] Picture Slideshow Screensaver - ronie - 2014-12-04

(2014-12-03, 23:28)lowjumpingfrog Wrote: I am pretty new to Kodi. I just install it on a Raspberry Pi. Everything works great but, the screensaver slideshow crossfade or slide effects do not work as expected. There is about a 3 second black screen between images, no matter the duration of displaying the image. The source of the images are in a folder on the disk that Kodi is running from. When using the slideshow from the main Pictures menu the images do change with a crossfade nicely. The set up of the screensaver slideshow is pretty straight forward but, did I miss something? Perhaps this is a known problem and just do not know where to find out about it?
Suggestions for making the transition on the images so there is not a blank screen?

there's been a few reports on issues with the screensaver on the rpi,
but only with previous version of thes addon.all known issues should be fixed now.

so could you check which version of the screensaver you are using?
it should be 1.09 for XBMC Gotham and 2.0.10 for Kodi Helix.

also, please let me know which skin you're using.
the skin has an influence on the speed of the slideshow animations,
perhaps there's a little bug somewhere in that area of the code.

RE: [Release] Picture Slideshow Screensaver - lowjumpingfrog - 2014-12-04

Thanks for the reply. It looks like I am using 1.09 on the screensaver and I am pretty sure I am using Kodi Helix is that XBMC 13.2? as for the skin I am using Confluence 2.2.20, I tried Bello and the screensaver behavior was the same. I did not see and option to get a different Screen saver version. How do I get the 2.0.10 version. Do I have to load this manually from a zip file? I just grabbed the add from the menu system.

RE: [Release] Picture Slideshow Screensaver - ronie - 2014-12-04

(2014-12-04, 01:18)lowjumpingfrog Wrote: Thanks for the reply. It looks like I am using 1.09 on the screensaver and I am pretty sure I am using Kodi Helix is that XBMC 13.2? as for the skin I am using Confluence 2.2.20, I tried Bello and the screensaver behavior was the same. I did not see and option to get a different Screen saver version. How do I get the 2.0.10 version. Do I have to load this manually from a zip file? I just grabbed the add from the menu system.

Kodi Helix is version 14.x
looks like you're using xbmc gotham (which is 13.2), so screensaver 1.0.9 is the latest available for that version.

i'm not sure what's causing this issue for you. are the images ver large in filesize perhaps?
if you could post a Debug Log of the screensaver running, i'll have a look at it.

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