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Release Picture Slideshow Screensaver - Printable Version

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RE: Picture Slideshow Screensaver - FXB78 - 2020-05-26

(2020-05-26, 14:05)ronie Wrote:
(2020-05-26, 00:31)FXB78 Wrote: Also, @ronie the addon is still rendered at 720p, could an update be pushed to change this to 1080p?

sure, i'll change it to 1080p in the release for kodi matrix.
though to the best of my knowledge, changing the skin resolution won't have any effect on the image quality. 
Thanks, presumably my own 1080p images will look clearer with the dimensions changed in the addon from 720p to their native 1080p.

RE: Picture Slideshow Screensaver - Roi Danton - 2020-05-26

(2020-05-26, 14:08)ronie Wrote: no idea, there might be some clues in a Debug Log, so could you please provide one?

Sure, here you are: https://paste.kodi.tv/mogodovoso.kodi

What I did: I started debug logging, went to the settings and Preview, waited until I saw the first image (none of mine but a video fanart) and then moved the mouse again and stopped debug logging.

So this is what happens if I normally want to see the images of my directory. I did not make a debug log of this other issue, yet.

Thanks and regards,

RE: Picture Slideshow Screensaver - ronie - 2020-05-26

thanx @Roi Danton 
do you have an advancedsettings.xml file with <pictureexcludes> defined?
also, what extension do your images have?

RE: Picture Slideshow Screensaver - Roi Danton - 2020-05-26

(2020-05-26, 16:49)ronie Wrote: thanx @Roi Danton 
do you have an advancedsettings.xml file with <pictureexcludes> defined?
also, what extension do your images have?

No, <pictureexcludes> is not defined in advancedsettings.xml.

The images are all .jpg files, the directory containing the images is mounted as CIFS from a windows machine.

The screensaver worked perfect with all these settings until I upgraded to a Milhouse build with Python 3. So with Python 2 everything worked ok. But it also can be a coincidence as I do not update the Milhouse builds daily or weekly. So other things might have changed since my last update as well, including the screensaver addon itself. But as it was a big update with the change vom Python 2 to 3, I looked deeper into it and also noticed the problem with the screensaver.

Btw, the screensaver still works perfect on my Kodi box in the living room, which was not upgraded to Python 3 because I froze it on the last Milhouse Python 2 build from ~ October 2019. But I plan/need to, as many addons do not work anymore or have problems.

RE: Picture Slideshow Screensaver - ronie - 2020-05-26

@Roi Danton could you provide another Debug Log using this version:

it will log a whole lot more and hopefully provide me with an idea of what the problem could be.

RE: Picture Slideshow Screensaver - Roi Danton - 2020-05-26

(2020-05-26, 19:01)ronie Wrote: @Roi Danton could you provide another Debug Log using this version:

it will log a whole lot more and hopefully provide me with an idea of what the problem could be.

Yes sure, here you are: https://paste.kodi.tv/mixolepise.kodi

I noticed that there are also fanart images mixed between. Related to the screensaver? Left some entries in the log, cut most identical entries (with different images) out and commented uppercase.

RE: Picture Slideshow Screensaver - ronie - 2020-05-26

ok, thx!
i have another testversion for you that may (or may not) fix it:

in case it doesn't solve the issue, please don't remove any logging from the screensaver this time.
it might be a problem with the filename from one of the images...you never know...

RE: Picture Slideshow Screensaver - Roi Danton - 2020-05-27

(2020-05-26, 23:22)ronie Wrote: ok, thx!
i have another testversion for you that may (or may not) fix it:

in case it doesn't solve the issue, please don't remove any logging from the screensaver this time.
it might be a problem with the filename from one of the images...you never know...

Yeah, it works! Thank you! :-)

It works for the image folder. And also for Video fanart. It still does not work for Music fanart - which I, like Video fanart, do not use. But I am willing to test. Does it make sense with this version and debug logging or do I need a special version?

RE: Picture Slideshow Screensaver - ronie - 2020-05-27

cool, that's one down, one to go ;-)

for the musicfanart issue, please provide a Debug Log using this version:

RE: Picture Slideshow Screensaver - Roi Danton - 2020-05-27

(2020-05-27, 13:42)ronie Wrote: cool, that's one down, one to go ;-)
Yes. Thank you again! :-)
(2020-05-27, 13:42)ronie Wrote: for the musicfanart issue, please provide a Debug Log using this version:
Sure, here you are: https://paste.kodi.tv/lozubizura.kodi

RE: Picture Slideshow Screensaver - ronie - 2020-05-27

ok, that's a bit odd.. it doesn't find any music fanart in your database..

mind testing this one: screensaver.picture.slideshow-6.2.3.zip
it uses a slightly different method to retrieve fanart from the database.

RE: Picture Slideshow Screensaver - Roi Danton - 2020-05-27

(2020-05-27, 18:04)ronie Wrote: ok, that's a bit odd.. it doesn't find any music fanart in your database..

But check out line 28 of the debug log. Lots of content. What's that?
(2020-05-27, 18:04)ronie Wrote: mind testing this one: screensaver.picture.slideshow-6.2.3.zip
it uses a slightly different method to retrieve fanart from the database.

Sure, done. Does not work. Sorry...

RE: Picture Slideshow Screensaver - ronie - 2020-05-27

(2020-05-27, 18:56)Roi Danton Wrote: But check out line 28 of the debug log. Lots of content. What's that?
it says you have no fanart for the artists. the fanart field is empty for each of them.
{'id': 1, 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'result': {'artists': [{'artist': 'Oliver Kalkofe', 'artistid': 2, 'fanart': '', 'label': 'Oliver Kalkofe'} ....

so if there isn't any fanart stored in your musicdatabase, the screensaver won't be able to display any

RE: Picture Slideshow Screensaver - Roi Danton - 2020-05-27

(2020-05-27, 19:18)ronie Wrote: so if there isn't any fanart stored in your musicdatabase, the screensaver won't be able to display any

Just checked. Facepalm, shame on me. There were no Album/Band fanart. Seems that I deactivated this at some time in the past. As I usually do not listen to music on Kodi I did not notice.

Sorry! The screensaver now works also with the third option.

But the image folder problem was a real one. Looking forward for a public release with the fix. :-)

RE: Picture Slideshow Screensaver - ronie - 2020-05-27

many thanx to you as well for all the help in testing :-)
i'll submit the updated addon to repo soon.

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