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Gbox SLAV - Printable Version

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Gbox SLAV - quantek1 - 2013-03-31

Hello newbie here.
Would like to know:
-What files there are for gbox slav. I saw there is a firmware one that I believe changes the Froto version, and then there is a DRW file.
-How do i load them to the GBOX, just use the memory card slot, or hoow it up to the computer?
-When do i need to update these files? (Froto DRW)
-When is the right time to use the toothpick method or is that for gbox midnight?

-Would like to know how to fix 1Channel Movie app if it doesn't open video and says failed to stream.
-Would like to know how to add apps to gbox :]

Please reply here since i am new and just trying to help out my father.
Searched the forum but couldn't find info on these smaller details that i'm assuming xbmc pros just know.

Re: Gbox SLAV - nickr - 2013-03-31

No 1channel questions here. The rest I can't help sorry.

RE: Gbox SLAV - artrafael - 2013-03-31

Welcome to the XBMC forums.

I'll move this to the Android support forum where you may get more responses for your hardware. Regarding 1Channel, we don't support that or other piracy add-ons here (see forum_rules (wiki)).

RE: Gbox SLAV - quantek1 - 2013-04-01

Thank you, didn't know it was a piracy app. Thank you for the information!

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