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Req Play Position Not Stored for Music - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Req Play Position Not Stored for Music (/showthread.php?tid=162450)

Play Position Not Stored for Music - jrubenol - 2013-04-14

I just found out today that unlike videos, current position is not stored for music when you push stop. This is a pretty big problem for people who use xbmc for lectures, podcasts, etc... (ie long mp3's that you're likely to listen to over the course of multiple periods)

RE: Play Position Not Stored for Music - un1versal - 2013-04-16

Music features are not as developed as video, its not a bug its just not even a feature to begin with.
Thinsg that you cant do as well and would be nice is, remove from library on context menu same as video, yet neither is a bug because its not even there.

A feature(s) request at best.


RE: Play Position Not Stored for Music - jmarshall - 2013-04-17

Quote:Music features are not as developed as video

Rubbish. Reason this doesn't exist is because most music doesn't need it, whereas practically all videos benefit from it.

RE: Play Position Not Stored for Music - nickr - 2013-04-17

Consider it a feature request. Audio books would benefit too.

RE: Play Position Not Stored for Music - artrafael - 2013-04-17

Thread moved to "Feature Suggestions" and title prefix changed to "Feature Request". I'd like to have this too for audio books and lectures.

RE: Play Position Not Stored for Music - sialivi - 2013-04-17

Audiobooks is something I'm really hoping XBMC will have better support for at some point, either from core features or add-ons.

In addition to playposition, for audiobooks there really needs to be a stacking feature, similar to what's already available for videos, since audiobooks tends to be split across a sometimes large number of files and you need to keep track of where you are in the book as a whole, not in the individual files.

A new content type might be required to better support audiobooks, lectures, podcast, and similar, since they don't really have much in common with music files when it comes to meta data and you normally don't want them mixed in with your music.

RE: Play Position Not Stored for Music - nickr - 2013-04-17

True. On my server I put audio files into two directories. music and talk, which kinda divides them up between music and everything else including podcasted radio shows, audio books, documentaries...

Metadata for audio books from, say Amazon or Book Depository or Google Books?? Depends which has an accessible api I guess.

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