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Solved Refresh rate changer jerky plaback everytime it go to 24Hz help please - Printable Version

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+---- Thread: Solved Refresh rate changer jerky plaback everytime it go to 24Hz help please (/showthread.php?tid=163133)

Refresh rate changer jerky plaback everytime it go to 24Hz help please - BrownGhost - 2013-04-23

I just changed or am maybe changing to XBMC from MePo..
So far i have everything setup and working except 3 issues

issue 1: Play movie 720 or 1080 refresh rate change to 24Hz jerky playback, if I disable refreshrate changer, then it stay at my tv 60Hz and play fine, But then others videos don’t play right, like video from YouTube and tv series that has different refresh rates, how do I solve this?

So strange in MePo, the dynamic refresh rate changer works perfect for me, so it must be some setting in XBMC that's not right.
im also not sure it should be 24Hz, should it not be 23.976 Huh
i suspect that may be the reason...

But need some help understanding XBMC and where to edit and get it sorted our right, so all movies/videos play smooth :o)

Any one can help a newbi XBMC'er ??

RE: Refresh rate changer jerky plaback everytime it go to 24Hz help please - BrownGhost - 2013-04-23

I fixed it my self.. strange that default setting is the opposite, and makes playback not work properly LOL

Fixed by: settings/system/Video Output/
Full screen #1
Disable Use a full screen window rather than true full screen.. Disable that!!!

RE: Refresh rate changer jerky plaback everytime it go to 24Hz help please - Kib - 2013-04-23

It is only an issue for some people, and this is the solution for those.
You could have gotten that from the wiki as well Smile

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