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Should 12.1 be working with SiliconDust HDHomeRun HDHR-US (older unit)? - Printable Version

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Should 12.1 be working with SiliconDust HDHomeRun HDHR-US (older unit)? - philhu - 2013-04-25

I found one of these on my shelf. I remember it used to be used with XBMC way back, but some have reported it doesn't work.

Is there still support for the older unit? For only the newer unit or not at all?


RE: Should 12.1 be working with SiliconDust HDHomeRun HDHR-US (older unit)? - Robgue - 2013-04-25

It works fine. I have 2 older units and they are still rock solid.

RE: Should 12.1 be working with SiliconDust HDHomeRun HDHR-US (older unit)? - philhu - 2013-04-25

You running latest firmware?

RE: Should 12.1 be working with SiliconDust HDHomeRun HDHR-US (older unit)? - Jmhthefirst - 2013-04-26

Works for me. Latest firmware, I believe. Just set it up yesterday with a combination of OTA ATSC and live Internet streams using the TV Guide addon. Had been the holy grail for me.

RE: Should 12.1 be working with SiliconDust HDHomeRun HDHR-US (older unit)? - philhu - 2013-04-26

(2013-04-26, 03:10)Jmhthefirst Wrote: Works for me. Latest firmware, I believe. Just set it up yesterday with a combination of OTA ATSC and live Internet streams using the TV Guide addon. Had been the holy grail for me.

Cool. A few questions....

1) What is the TV guide addon, a program guide I assume?
2) What did you use to build your channel streams? Are you on Linux or Windows?
3) Your internet streams are not thru the HDHomeRun, correct?

RE: Should 12.1 be working with SiliconDust HDHomeRun HDHR-US (older unit)? - Jmhthefirst - 2013-04-26

Yes TV Guide is an addon that can use an xmltv.xml file to generate an EPG ("tv guide") GUI. You can then link those channels to local .strm files to have a working channel guide that streams those channels. I used Hdhomerun Stream Builder (windows) to generate .strm files for all of the channels my HDHomerun gets. I used mc2xml to generate the xmltv.xml for my local cable provider. I don't have a cable subscription but I pointed the local channels in the TV Guide addon to my local .strm files, and some of the premium channels in TV Guide to .strm files I made from various Internet streams. (Correct, not from the Hdhomerun) (CNN, NFL,HBO,ESPN etc.) I use XBMC on my Mac mini but, again, used HD Homerun Stream Builder on Windows Bootcamp to make the .strm files. Hard for me to figure out but easy as can be to do!

I used Cronnix to run Mc2xml every 3 weeks to update the EPG info. If there are issues with this method I haven't experienced them yet.

RE: Should 12.1 be working with SiliconDust HDHomeRun HDHR-US (older unit)? - philhu - 2013-04-26

I got stream files from this to work. Tomorrow, I'll play with TV Guide addon.

I have a 2 tuner unit, one is connected to my antenna, 2nd to my cable. I built a 3rd folder
combined, with some from each tuner the other doesnt have.

I have mc2xml in 2 directories, building xml file for each tuner seperately. I'll write a quick xml converter that
will merge the 2 xmltv.xml files, for the combined listing.

A few little things: My file built by mc2xml is called xmltv_full.xml. You see that too?
mc2xml has a few options and 3 output formats. Do you use the defailt (Microsoft legacy)?

How are you adding the internet streams to the tvguide, I can see you pointing a manual channel toi a stream and calls
out something like HBO, but quite a few internet streams have no listings. That part confuses me a bit

RE: Should 12.1 be working with SiliconDust HDHomeRun HDHR-US (older unit)? - Jmhthefirst - 2013-04-26

My first few goes at it were very trial-and-error. I ran mc2xml and the Stream Builder a few times, with varying settings, in Windows, and through some combination of settings got xmltv_full.xml and xmltv.xml. I believe they both worked for TV Guide. On my Mac with mc2xml and the Microsoft legacy default I see only xmltv.xml. Not sure I understand your last question. I manually made .strm files from the rtmp URL of a handful of internet streams and pointed their respective channels in TV Guide to them.

RE: Should 12.1 be working with SiliconDust HDHomeRun HDHR-US (older unit)? - philhu - 2013-04-26


Making progress. It seems the mc2xml program can MERGE xml listing files from tuners.

You run it once, rename everything, then all future runs for tuner0 use those names
Then you run for tuner 1 with the -I option, that includes the xml from the first run!!!

Trying to find a nc2xml that will run on a rPi unit. The static that is downloaded is an x86 static binary, which obviously will not run on a rPi

RE: Should 12.1 be working with SiliconDust HDHomeRun HDHR-US (older unit)? - Jmhthefirst - 2013-04-26

You already know more about it than me, brother. I just use the streams on my pi with no epg. You could probably just put mc2xml on a share.

RE: Should 12.1 be working with SiliconDust HDHomeRun HDHR-US (older unit)? - philhu - 2013-04-26

Ok, I am deep into this, so it will get done. I've emailed the mc2xml author to see if he will make a binary for rPI.

My plan is to incorporate all of this RIGHT ON THE RPI unit, integrated into XBMC from multiple sources
into one guide.

Then I'll look at switching it to the pvr side of xbmc, since I am so far along now on this path first.

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