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Nox vs MQ 4 - Printable Version

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Nox vs MQ 4 - theredguy - 2013-08-06

What are the main differences between Aeon Nox and MQ4? I've been using MQ 4 for a week or two and it is fantastic, but I'm curious about how Nox differs? I find MQ 4 has a slight lag, but it could be because my hardware isn't up to snuff.

RE: Nox vs MQ 4 - Samu-rai - 2013-08-07

Style, Features, Function....

They are both based on the style and code of the initial Aeon by djh, but have developed in different directions.

MQ4 is very CPU intensive, which is probably why you’re experience lag, but MQ5 has been completely recoded and should remove much if not all of this.

Other than that it's really just personal preference. Mine is very much the Aeon MQ's.

Give Nox a go and see what you think. You can always switch back should you need to.

RE: Nox vs MQ 4 - Morsego - 2013-08-08


My post is highly subjective and may not please everyone but its the result of my own experience Smile I'm a huge fan of AeonMQ3 look and used it for some time. I tried AeonMQ4 and did not like it at all, way too crowded. MQ3 wasn't developpeed anymore and I feared that I'd lose it after XBMC Frodo releases (ie: Gotham and afterwards) so I started to hack into MQ3 to tweak this and that here and there.

Mainly small adjustements and enhancements for my use. This is where the nightmare started... The XML files are a huge horrific mess resulting from a massive use of copy/paste of entire sections from other files just to change a single attribute or command. Everything is mixed up in a giant spaghetti bowl making the slightest change a hair pulling experience! Changing a setting somewhere worked on screen X but failed on screen Y because no use of "includes" and such, still this irritating "copy/paste" attitude everywhere. I was so pissed off by that because this is typical of "non-developpers" work. There's no initial design plan, nothing is thought toroughly beforehand.

Furthermore, the way Marcos Qui handles his skin does not pleases me. There's nothing wrong here, I just don't like the way it is. I'm a strong Free Software supporter (I'm also a developper and package contributor to some Linux distros) and everything is tightly closed around AeonMQ's world. No access to some GitHub ressource, no access to media PNG files (all in textures.xbt format), obligation to subscribe to a private forum, VIPs which is a way to force people pay to get access... Come on! Paying for a skin? It would make sense if the skinned product was commercial itself but I fail to see a purpose to pay for something like AeonMQ5 when I see that XBMC itself is really true Free Software and there's no way that the amount of work in AeonMQ is comparable to XBMC's, not even talking about "under the hood" development quality! I know all this is pure ranting but I really can't stand that... On one hand you have a very high quality product in FreeSoftware (XBMC) and on the other hand, you have a "forced to pay" with debatable development quality based on previous code review. The thing that killed me the most was the latest post on the the Website, IMHO this sums up the state of mind of the author : "There is no minimum donation, but there should be common sense. Users who make donations of pennies in order to just get the skin and run ... well, I say thank you but you will get your money back. Wait a few more months and you will have a skin for free.

Again, nothing wrong with that, everyone does whatever he/she wants with their own work but I just don't like the way it is. And, for the record, AeonMQ is a derivative work from original's Aeon by DJH which was Free Software and the source is available to anyone. This is another thing I can't like... Taking someone's work, modifying it and CLOSING it up... this is against Free Software philosophy.

Well, I then found AeonNox 4 and... let's say this is a heaven ! I was able to replicate AeonMQ3's look I like so much and also started to hack it up to tune this and that here and there. This is an entire different world! The XML files are developper class quality, highly structured and very well designed! In one night work, I was able to achieve more changes than in AeonMQ's days of "trial and error" attempts.

So, in my (totally biased) opinion, AeonNox is a pure joy, highly configurable and beautiful both visually AND under the hood! Congratulations to the team behind it!

RE: Nox vs MQ 4 - MarcosQui - 2013-08-08

The Original Aeon Skin and its name are intelectual property of djh_. The Aeon MQ 5 however has a independent code based in Ace code, and does not use any texture of Original Aeon, except classic menu bar, but this is part of the extrapack, not included in the skin.

About "free software" please read the contents of the GNU GPL:


Everyone has the right to express their opinion, but I will warn you, if this topic turning fight of X x Y, I'll delete it without thinking twice.

RE: Nox vs MQ 4 - Samu-rai - 2013-08-08

Your post does, to me at least, seem unnecessary.

theredguy’s question was patently aimed towards a comparison of features. Stating something is your ‘(totally biased) opinion’ doesn’t give you carte blanche to be rude, particularly as you have openly admitted to your use of the developers work, that you now choose to rip to shreds.

To whom Marcos chooses to offer beta access to his skins is none of your concern, and upon completion, this is released to all free of charge anyway.

When you spend countless hours developing a skin, you can choose your own method of release, and that will be your prerogative which I will also defend should it be required.

To, from what I can see, mount an unprovoked attach on an individual who evidently is spending a great deal of time creating a product which will, once completed, be free to all; is not in the spirit of XBMC or this community.

I'll leave it at that.

RE: Nox vs MQ 4 - theredguy - 2013-08-08

Since these skins are both "Aeon" I thought perhaps they were geared to different audiences, or one was old and dying and the other new and being developed more. I've done more reading since making this post and I can now see they are just different (and both fantastic). It wasn't my intention to cause a thing. I can also see that asking anything opinion related about skins doesn't really make sense. I'm on the "just install it and judge for myself" train now...

RE: Nox vs MQ 4 - Morsego - 2013-08-09

(2013-08-08, 13:01)MarcosQui Wrote: The Original Aeon Skin and its name are intelectual property of djh_. The Aeon MQ 5 however has a independent code based in Ace code, and does not use any texture of Original Aeon, except classic menu bar, but this is part of the extrapack, not included in the skin.

No need to explain yourself, you owe nothing to anyone. I said nothing about MQ5, I don't have it I can't judge, I talked about MQ3 where I can see the contents of XML files.

Don't bother pointing me to GPL license, as a Free Software developper for the past 20 years, I think I have a clue of what I'm talking about. If you really read the post, you see that I have nothing against selling your product nor making bucks out of it.

What I critized is the way things are tightly closed around your work. You produce a work for XBMC yet everything is made outside of the XBMC ecosystem. We have to subscribe to YOUR repos, YOUR forum (what's the point, there's already this one) and nothing is accessible outside YOUR world. Check the topics here about MQ skins, there's always at least someone asking to get acces to "media/*.png" files to tweak them to their needs but, strangely enough, these posts always get "0" reply.

I don't know you, I haven't attacked you personaly. I critized your work as I have it right before my eyes (MQ3) as well as the way I see things really closed around your projects. This is criticism, not "ad hominem" attack as it wouldn't make sense.

Everything started from Free and publicly accessible files to end up totally closed in the end. Looks like a Tivoization effect to me. This is an opinion.

(2013-08-08, 13:01)MarcosQui Wrote: Everyone has the right to express their opinion, but I will warn you, if this topic turning fight of X x Y, I'll delete it without thinking twice.

Thank you! This typical attitude confirms what I was thinking. Play chief if you wish.

RE: Nox vs MQ 4 - Morsego - 2013-08-09

Theredguy : Test all the skins you find and keep the one that suit your needs. From a USER perspective, AeonMQ3 and AeonNox 4.x are excellent skins. I didn't like MQ4 but that's personal taste, it seems to be quite popular anyway. I haven't tested ACE, can't tell about it.

AeonNox gives me the look of AonMQ3 with with the ability to tweak it down to the pixel (developper perspective), that's why I switched to it. AeonNox is way more featured than AeonMQ3 which is older but I bet AeonMQ4 is at least on par with AeonNox for configurability if not more in some aspects.

RE: Nox vs MQ 4 - Wanilton - 2013-08-09

Morsego, you have 8 posts in forum, 3 only here, I think you need participate more, read more, before write about anyone in public space.

Marcos is admin in XBMC Brazil forum, but have others admins there, include me and Macedo. Forum is free and open for anyone, need register only for participate.

Geo Location members:


Forum have vip area, where donors have my personal support via teamviewer.

Marcos have skin Ace in official repo, yes you are wrong about it too, and have good chance final version MQ5 go to official repo. Marcos have repo, yes, but I don´t see nothing wrong in have one, many addons developers have too.

About textures.xbt, here in forum, have a tool for anyone give access media/files (unzip xbt), and XBT is default for all skins, confluence have one too.

Nothing more to say...

RE: Nox vs MQ 4 - rbcarnevale - 2013-08-11

Why is it here? Aeon mq5 is a wip!

RE: Nox vs MQ 4 - Samu-rai - 2013-08-11

The thread question was a comparison of NOX & MQ4. The only treads on here about MQ5 are asking for suggestions.

RE: Nox vs MQ 4 - Morsego - 2013-08-15

(2013-08-09, 02:32)Wanilton Wrote: Morsego, you have 8 posts in forum, 3 only here, I think you need participate more, read more, before write about anyone in public space.

Please don't talk about people when knowing nothing about them... Yep, 8 posts here doesn't mean I wrote 8 posts in my whole life. Useless comment here.

Wanilton Wrote:Marcos is admin in XBMC Brazil forum, but have others admins there, include me and Macedo. Forum is free and open for anyone, need register only for participate.

Check yourself dude... from what I can see, I can't even READ posts without registering! That's exactly why I talked about a closed world around MQ's work.

Wanilton Wrote:Marcos have skin Ace in official repo, yes you are wrong about it too, and have good chance final version MQ5 go to official repo. Marcos have repo, yes, but I don´t see nothing wrong in have one, many addons developers have too.

Again, please DO READ posts before critizing... I haven't talked about MQ5 at all.

Wanilton Wrote:About textures.xbt, here in forum, have a tool for anyone give access media/files (unzip xbt), and XBT is default for all skins, confluence have one too.

Maybe you can realize that not everyone uses Windows in the world or maybe there's a narrow minded issue somewhere for not understanding the basics of my posts and the fact that what I really critize here is the way a work started from free (as in freedom) and publicly accessible material to end up totally closed.

My turn : Nothing more to say...

RE: Nox vs MQ 4 - Simzer0 - 2013-08-20

(2013-08-09, 01:32)Morsego Wrote: Check the topics here about MQ skins, there's always at least someone asking to get acces to "media/*.png" files to tweak them to their needs but, strangely enough, these posts always get "0" reply.

to tell the truth I asked marcos to can edit the *.png of the media and he pulled out the media folder from textures, on MQ3 and MQ4.

RE: Nox vs MQ 4 - baldfox - 2013-09-12

At the risk of re- igniting flaming... do you think Aeon MQ5 will be similar in terms of CPU demand to say AEON NOX 4.0 ? I've never used the MQ versions, and heard that MQ4 was somewhat hungrier, but MQ5 supposed to be less so ?!?

RE: Nox vs MQ 4 - Samu-rai - 2013-09-12

MQ5 is very light. I shouldn't think you will have any problems.