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RaspBMC Kodi/XBMC test builds - Printable Version

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RaspBMC Kodi/XBMC test builds - miappa - 2013-10-19

Hi everyone!

I see a lot of RaspBMC users that are interested in Kodi/XBMC test builds, therefor I started this thread.

This thread will contain unofficial Kodi/XBMC test builds for RaspBMC.
Note the difference, not Raspbmc builds, but only Kodi/XBMC builds.

Kodi 15 builds:
Updated Kodi 15 build 20141226 in post #1749

Helix builds:
Updated Helix build 20141216 in post #1731
Updated Helix build 20141130 in post #1722
Updated Helix build 20141125 in post #1710
Updated Helix build 20141120 in post #1703
Updated Helix build 20141120 in post #1697
Updated Helix build 20141118 in post #1689
Updated Helix build 20141115 in post #1688
Updated Helix build 20141113 in post #1685 (reboot/shutdown issue fixed, virtual suspend reversed)
Updated Helix build 20141112 in post #1674
Updated Helix build 20141111 in post #1669
Updated Helix build 20141110 in post #1665
Updated Helix build 20141109 in post #1654
Updated Helix build 20141106 in post #1644
Updated Helix build 20141105 in post #1638
Updated Helix build 20141103 in post #1616
Updated Helix build 20141102 in post #1572 Please read this before installing!
Updated Helix build 20141019 in post #1512
Updated Helix build 20141014 in post #1503
Updated Helix build 20141008 in post #1482
Updated Helix build 20141003 in post #1474
Updated Helix build 20140928 in post #1445
Updated Helix build 20140925 in post #1439
Updated Helix build 20140924 in post #1438
Updated Helix build 20140919 in post #1436
Updated Helix build 20140912 in post #1431
Updated Helix build 20140910 in post #1424
Updated Helix build 20140905 in post #1414
Updated Helix build 20140902 in post #1403
Updated Helix build 20140902 in post #1402
Updated Helix build 20140825 in post #1394
Updated Helix build 20140825 in post #1393
Updated Helix build 20140823 in post #1391
Updated Helix build 20140823 in post #1390
Updated Helix build 20140821 in post #1383
Updated Helix build 20140821 in post #1382
Updated Helix build 20140818 in post #1381
Updated Helix build 20140817 in post #1376
Updated Helix build 20140805 in post #1364
Updated Helix build 20140804 in post #1357
Updated Helix build 20140804 in post #1356
Updated Helix build 20140801 in post #1347
Updated Helix build 20140731 in post #1345
Updated Helix build 20140711 in post #1336
Updated Helix build 20140708 in post #1332
Updated Helix build 20140707 in post #1325
Updated Helix build 20140706 in post #1324
Updated Helix build 20140627 in post #1317
Updated Helix build 20140617 in post #1313
Updated Helix build 20140615 in post #1312
Updated Helix build 20140612 in post #1311
Updated Helix build 20140611 in post #1310
Updated Helix build 20140607 in post #1305
Updated Helix build 20140606 in post #1304
Updated Helix build 20140605 in post #1298
Updated Helix build 20140601 in post #1291
Updated Helix build 20140528 in post #1290
Updated Helix build 20140527 in post #1288
Updated Helix build 20140521 in post #1279
Updated Helix build 20140513 in post #1268
Updated Helix build 20140507 in post #1252
Updated Helix build 20140430 in post #1240
Updated Helix build 20140427 in post #1223

Older XBMC builds:

You can find all builds (old and new) here: http://goo.gl/WB41Xv
Older builds will no longer install directly from it´s forum post, and they might have different structure.
If you need to test older Helix Alpha or Gotham builds you have to download the specific build to your computer, upload it to your Pi and extract it.

Some notes regarding old Gotham builds:
• Builds prior to 20140313 does NOT include GPU firmware.
• Builds between 20131207 and 20140323 does NOT include dvdcss libraries, but it is enabled.
• Builds prior to 20131207 is compiled without dvdcss support entirely.

To install:
1. Download build/tarball from here: http://goo.gl/WB41Xv

2. Upload the tarball to your Pi (/home/pi/.upgrade/).

3a. On 140313 or later builds (firmware included), SSH to your Pi and run the following commands (and reboot):
cd /home/pi/.upgrade
pv XBMC_BUILD_NAME.tar.gz | tar xzf - -C /home/pi/.upgrade
sudo cp /home/pi/.upgrade/XBMC_BUILD_NAME/{fixup_x.dat,start_x.elf} /boot
ln -sfn /home/pi/.upgrade/XBMC_BUILD_NAME/xbmc-bcm /home/pi/.xbmc-current
Firmware files are included so no need to manually downgrade.

3b. On 140311 or earlier builds (firmware NOT included), SSH to your Pi and run the following commands (and reboot):
cd /home/pi/.upgrade
pv XBMC_BUILD_NAME.tar.gz | tar xzf - -C XBMC_BUILD_NAME
ln -sfn /home/pi/.upgrade/XBMC_BUILD_NAME/xbmc-bcm /home/pi/.xbmc-current
Remember that you might need to downgrade your firmware (download from git).

4. If you need dvdcss, see to that you have it installed on your system and run the following commands
(will only work with the 20131207 build and later, and not necessary on 140323 or later):
cd /home/pi/.upgrade/XBMC_BUILD_NAME/xbmc-bcm/xbmc-bin/lib/xbmc/system
cp /usr/local/lib/libdvdcss.so.2.1.0 .
ln -sf libdvdcss.so.2.1.0 libdvdcss.so.2
ln -sf libdvdcss.so.2 libdvdcss.so

• Fresh guisettings.xml
• Recheck all settings after install as some things can change and/or revert to default
• Latest firmware from master (now included in builds)
• Addons not updated for latest Kodi/XBMC might not work properly. I recommend that you set it up from scratch.

Alternative players

Since nc4 there is no longer any need to set or choose different video players, Kodi will do it for you.
This feature has also gone into Kodi master tree since Sep 03 2014.
When it comes to music you can still choose between PAPlayer (default) and DVDPlayer.

OMXPlayer is now ”embedded” in DVDPlayer. You now have settings within the GUI to enable/disable different features (under Settings - Video - Acceleration):

• Select omxplayer or dvdplayer automatically
This will make Kodi choose which player to use. OMX (if enabled) will be default except for unsupported formats and DVD´s/ISO´s where DVDPlayer will be used.

• Allow hardware acceleration (OMXPlayer)
Enables OMXPlayer

• Allow hardware acceleration (OpenMax)
Enables DVDPlayer with HW acceleration

To see what player being used, bring up codec info when playing a video:
omx-h264 = omxplayer
mmal-h264 = dvdplayer with hardware acceleration
ff-h264 = dvdplayer withouth acceleration

Any settings in advancedsettings.xml regarding players should be removed.
Also, if you have a custom playercorefactory.xml in your userdata you should edit it (remove anything regarding OMX and DVDPlayer) or remove the file.

Update firmware

NB! From March 13 2014 and forward the firmware is included in the build, so no need to update firmware manually!

To update firmware, download firmware files and copy them to the vfat partition on your SD (/boot).

Latest official firmware from master tree

Update to latest firmware via SSH:
sudo wget -O /boot/fixup_x.dat http://goo.gl/ETC4mX --no-check-certificate
sudo wget -O /boot/start_x.elf http://goo.gl/f53WhZ --no-check-certificate
sudo reboot

You can check what firmware you are running either in the Kodi/XBMC log or via SSH:
vcgencmd version


If you run into trouble you can easily revert/change Kodi/XBMC build in Raspbmc settings.

If Kodi/XBMC does not start/work you can also revert to release version via SSH and run:
rm /home/pi/.xbmc-current

If for some reason Kodi/XBMC does not start/reload, try:
sudo initctl stop xbmc
sudo initctl start xbmc

Delete old builds via SSH:
rm /home/pi/name_of_build.tar.gz
sudo rm -R /home/pi/.upgrade/name_of_build

RE: RaspBMC XBMC test builds - ranem123 - 2013-10-19

Used the alternative install but getting an boot loop with with the message that xbmc will restart shortly ... Now i can reinstall RaspBmc Big Grin

RE: RaspBMC XBMC test builds - miappa - 2013-10-19

Quote:If you run into any trouble and wish to uninstall, SSH into Pi and ´rm .xbmc-current´ (delete .xbmc-current folder).

I have used both methods though for ages, should work if you do it correct.
And I am uslng this build myself, tried both methods with success.

But try with SSH then, copy/paste might be more safe from user errors.
I might update the build to include the parent folder so one could not make any mistakes regarding structure and naming etc.

Edit: Removed alternative install for now, forgot about the libshairplay which I forgot to move before tar. Use SSH for now.

RE: RaspBMC XBMC test builds - ranem123 - 2013-10-19

Hey dude the ssh method works but how i cant update the librtmp file in your build getting error acces denied. In the other test build i can simple use Winscp

RE: RaspBMC XBMC test builds - miappa - 2013-10-19

I guess this is a library in ´new_build/opt/xbmc-bcm/xbmc-bin/lib/xbmc/system/´(?)
Perhaps I should not use sudo when tar, I will test that next time.

Anyway, just SSH in and change permission:
sudo chown -R pi:pi /home/pi/.upgrade/xbmc-13-20131018-NEWCLOCK3-LIBSHAIRPLAY
sudo chmod -R 755 /home/pi/.upgrade/xbmc-13-20131018-NEWCLOCK3-LIBSHAIRPLAY

Or you could keep permission and sudo mv new library to destination, but I guess its easier with SFTP/WinSCP.

RE: RaspBMC XBMC test builds - ranem123 - 2013-10-19

Thank you it works !

RE: RaspBMC XBMC test builds - miappa - 2013-10-19

Updated build from newclock3.
New patch included (original pull request/patch) that might fix this issue which can cause high CPU when idle and vsync disabled (might depend on skin as well).
(Libshairplay will always be included in Gotham builds from now on.)
Edit: As previous build, this also require firmware from RaspBMC September release or later.

To install:
cd .upgrade
wget -O xbmc-13-20131019-newclock3.tar.gz http://goo.gl/8rk8TK --no-check-certificate
mkdir -p xbmc-13-20131019-newclock3
tar -xzf xbmc-13-20131019-newclock3.tar.gz -C xbmc-13-20131019-newclock3
Then in Raspbmc, go into "Raspbmc Settings/Nightly Build Configuration/Switch Between…", and choose new build + restart XBMC.

RE: RaspBMC XBMC test builds - masterluke - 2013-10-19

Installed over ssh. Worked perfectly. Seems to be a very good improvement over the release build. Thankyou!

RE: RaspBMC XBMC test builds - gabi99 - 2013-10-19

Is there anyway to use these builds/upgrade if I'm using plain xbmc installed in raspbian, and not raspbmc (as I don't have: "Raspbmc Settings/Nightly Build Configuration/Switch Between…").

RE: RaspBMC XBMC test builds - miappa - 2013-10-20

In short no. You need a specific build for Raspbian.

I am curious, in the last build I did not compile libshairplay since the Raspbmc patches/scripts is updated and fetches these libraries.
However, I cannot get Airplay to work (libraries are there though) where the first build worked perfectly.

Anyone else seeing this?
If so I will try a new build and compile libshairplay.

Edit: I think that libshairplay was not enabled, patch is missing. So I will update the last build shortly.

RE: RaspBMC XBMC test builds - bylderup - 2013-10-20


Airplay is working ! Just tested video and photo - both working

I have installed as described before

This is an amazing build !

My Pi is running with a class 10 SD and an external USB drive.
I have changed my config.txt settings :


(this settings will set warranty bit)

Running stable and quick. Temperature around 50 degrees Celsius without extra cooling.

Live TV HD Content with VU+ Addon needs aroud 5 seconds to show a stable stream.
Looks a bit like as if the device would make a kind of self adjustment before its showing the stream without failures.

Thank you for this build ! Big Grin

RE: RaspBMC XBMC test builds - miappa - 2013-10-20

Updated Gotham build, same as 20131019 but with fix for Airplay (libshairplay).
This is from popcornmix´s newclock3 (known as speed build in the RaspBMC forum) + all standard patches for Raspbmc nightlies.

To install, SSH to Pi and:
cd .upgrade
wget -O xbmc-13-20131020-newclock3.tar.gz http://goo.gl/mhJDpy --no-check-certificate
mkdir -p xbmc-13-20131020-newclock3
tar -xzf xbmc-13-20131020-newclock3.tar.gz -C xbmc-13-20131020-newclock3
Then in Raspbmc, go into "Raspbmc Settings/Nightly Build Configuration/Switch Between Versions of XBMC", and choose new build + restart XBMC.

If you run into any trouble, see post #1

@bylderup, did you install from the first post? If so Airplay should work, however the updated build in #7 did not work for me.
Build in this post works with Airplay for me though.

RE: RaspBMC XBMC test builds - ThePolarSky - 2013-10-20

Since these aren't the official Raspbmc builds, could you enable libdvdcss? It would be great to have native DVD playback.

RE: RaspBMC XBMC test builds - miappa - 2013-10-20

Sorry, as the legal status on libdvdcss is somewhat uncertain I will not take the risk uploading a build to a mirror in a country where it might be illegal (or considered illegal but not tested/tried yet).
I have tried to figure this out, but I simply don´t want to risk this.

RE: RaspBMC XBMC test builds - ThePolarSky - 2013-10-21

You could link to dvdcss during the build without actually including the library. People could download your version, install the file on their own and get full DVD functionality.

...but that'd be a pain since you'd have to maintain two separate versions. Oh well. Thanks anyways. Smile

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