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[CLOSE] Can't access to my NFS folder - Printable Version

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[CLOSE] Can't access to my NFS folder - Dakeyras - 2013-12-14

Hi everybody,

I got a raspbmc and a Synology 413j. My NAS is updated (to fix the NFS issues) and my raspbmc too.

I created a folder and set the NFS permission as said in the wiki.

When I want to mount the NFS folder on rapbmc, I can see the NFS server, the NFS folder but i can't open it. I press "ok" but nothing happen...

I read they might be some issues with permissions. How can I be sure the permissions are well configured ? Can it be something else ?

Thank you,

RE: Can't access to my NFS folder - Memphiz - 2013-12-15

post debug log (wiki)

RE: Can't access to my NFS folder - Dakeyras - 2013-12-15

Thanks for the answer Memphiz, my raspberry isn't plug to a screen right now. I'll post the debug log ASAP.

RE: Can't access to my NFS folder - Dakeyras - 2013-12-21

Indeed it's a permission issue :

Which permission do I have to put on the file ? Who must be the owner ?

Thank you,

Can't access to my NFS folder - Memphiz - 2013-12-22

Looks like you are missing the "insecure" Flag - read the nfs Wiki link in my signature...

RE: Can't access to my NFS folder - Dakeyras - 2013-12-22

I've modify the "exports" file => /volume1/divers 192.168.1.*(rw,async,no_wdelay,insecure,no_root_squash,sec=sys,anonuid=1025,anongid=100)
That's why I don't understand...

RE: Can't access to my NFS folder - Memphiz - 2013-12-24

are you sure this really gets used on the synology?

RE: Can't access to my NFS folder - Dakeyras - 2013-12-25

It changes when I change the permissions in the UI...

Can't access to my NFS folder - Memphiz - 2013-12-25

Then ensure that the Exported Path and its subdirs/Files is owned by the userid 1025...

RE: Can't access to my NFS folder - Dakeyras - 2013-12-25

The folder is owned by guest... It's work with SMB so I gonna use it that way.

Thank you for everythink.

RE: [CLOSE] Can't access to my NFS folder - Nikox9 - 2014-02-27

Hi Memphiz,

I'd like to jump in because I have a similar problem.

(2013-12-25, 20:56)Memphiz Wrote: Then ensure that the Exported Path and its subdirs/Files is owned by the userid 1025...

When I check on my NAS the /etc/exports file, I have UID=1024 and GID=100.
On my Rpi (under Xbian), UID=1001 and GID=1001.

How can I make them match ? I read that for a normal user, the UID cannot be below 1024....therefore, the user ID on the NAS seems to be a normal user, where on the Rpi, it seems to be an admin or similar (root IDs seem to be 0).

I can see my NAS IP on the Network, see a folder /volume1/music (I own a Synology) and then see the only folder I have in it (Black Sabbath) but after that I cannot see the Album, I click and it's empty.

So, I assume that I have some mismatch of rights between admin and normal user.

Any idea how to solve this ?

Thank you

RE: [CLOSE] Can't access to my NFS folder - Memphiz - 2014-02-27

Ids < 1000 are reserved ... >= 1000 are allowed for normal users.

If you have all_squash enabled all accesses to the nfs share would be treated as if the user with id 1024 has accessed it. The mismatch is no problem as long as all_squash is on. Check the file system permissions of your exported folder. Those should show access for uid 1024 aswell. If all this is the case - it will work.

RE: [CLOSE] Can't access to my NFS folder - Nikox9 - 2014-02-27

(2014-02-27, 13:34)Memphiz Wrote: Check the file system permissions of your exported folder. Those should show access for uid 1024 aswell. If all this is the case - it will work.

Sorry, I'm not sure to know how to see these permissions....Can you please detail a bit ?

My exported folder from my NAS show the uid=1024 but the "xbian" user uid=1001.
BTW, shall I check the user "xbmc" and not "xbian" ?

Also, you mean that my exported folder line shgould look like this in /etc/exports of my NAS ?

I read this
Quote:1. The option all_squash (most insecure) - all UIDs connected to the NFS server are mapped to UID 65534 (user nobody)
• In this case all files which shall be accessed on the NFS exported path should have the correct rights for the user "nobody".
2. Using the option "all_squash" in conjunction with the option "anonuid" and "anongid"
• By adding the options "anonuid=501" and "anongid=501" all accesses would be mapped to the user with UID 501 (user "mobile" on iOS or user "memphis" in my example above)

Does it mean that a user "nobody" shall be created with rw permissions on the shared folder ?

Thank you.

RE: [CLOSE] Can't access to my NFS folder - Memphiz - 2014-02-27

No someone completly destroyed my wiki article *wtf* ... user nobody is the default - you specified a "anonuid" in your export line which means everything is redirect to uid 1024 in your case.

Once again - it doesn't matter what userid your client has (xbmc, or xbian) - its all a matter of the file system permissions on your nas. (which should allow rw access to the user with the id 1024 - whatever this user is called on the nas).

Can you post the /etc/exports file to pastebin.com and post it here?

RE: [CLOSE] Can't access to my NFS folder - Nikox9 - 2014-02-27

(first time for me to use pastebin.com....so I just copy the line from the /etc/exports and then I paste it into the pastebin.com...submit...copy text to clipboard...and paste it here ??)

It seems to work...but I need to change ONLY the all_squash, nothing else, otherwise, I cannot get access anymore.


Before this, I could only access the the files in sudo mode, and now I can without sudo....which means that any user seem to have access.

Big Grin thanks a lot for you help.