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Win help plz - Printable Version

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help plz - McDoob - 2014-01-12

im having problems with installing games and emulators on xbmc im also having problems with live tv can anyone care to help me i should know how to do this stuff since i know how to do alot of other stuff like softmoding game systems and stuff and other pc tec stuff i programed XBMC many of times on my computer its a great software i injoy using it but i got issues with live tv and with the rom collection program if anyone can help me out would be great

i programed my xbmc all right everything is running fine but i dont know how to set up the live tv or the game program to run alot of plat form games i also got to reprogram the gbox i got are the andriod xbmc and windows xbmc are they the same or they diffrent can i get the same thing on my laptp as i would on my andriod gbox?



RE: help plz - da-anda - 2014-01-13

XBMC versions are the same for every platform, so you get the same feature set. Only binary addons could differ (like some visualizations are only compatible with some platforms), but the main XBMC feature set is the same.

To get LiveTV up and running, you first have to install a TV server (we call it pvr backend), if you don't have such a PVR backend up and running, none of the PVR addons in our repository will work for you because those are only a bridge to connect XBMC with the TV server. Which PVR backend to use depends on the platform you're server is running and your personal preferences. Once your PVR backend is running, install the PVR addon for this backend on any XBMC version and configure it (you most likely have to configure the IP of the backend) and you're good to watch LiveTV on any platform XBMC is running on. This means, it doesn't matter on which platform the PVR server is running, it'll be working for any XBMC client on any platform.
For further assistance please have a look at our wiki where we explain which PVR backends run on which platform, how to set them up etc:

For your RomCollectionBrowser issue, please ask the addon developers ( http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=70115 )

RE: help plz - wsnipex - 2014-01-14

moved to correct support forum