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Release TV Show Next Aired (Script) Addon, now w/TheTVDB data - Printable Version

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RE: TV Show Next Aired (Script) Addon, now w/TheTVDB data - bambi73 - 2014-03-24

(2014-03-24, 02:49)WayneD Wrote:
(2014-03-24, 02:08)bambi73 Wrote:
DATE_FORMAT = xbmc.getRegion('dateshort').lower()
Why is there lower()?
Yeah, the code was doing that before I got to it. I figure that the prior author(s) liked the brevity in the 2-digit years and decided to force it. I personally use the Next-Aired setting that turns on the nicer dates, which either omits the current year entirely, or uses a 4-digit year for other years.

I'm hesitant to change the default format to be different than what it is without some discussion somewhere about it first. I personally would be fine changing it to a 4-digit year, but then I don't ever see it.

From my point of view format of returned value should be consistent with XBMC formatting, otherwise using xbmc.getRegion() is half useless.
For example in my skin i show ListItem.Premiered and NextAired one above the other and it looks weird.

My guess about why original author used lower() is that it has more to do with following lines. Currently xbmc.getRegion() return regular formatting string (%d-%m-%Y in my case) but this code operate with index 0 where is always '%'. I'm not sure but it looks like XBMC in pre-Gotham/Frodo era returned something different (not Python compatible) and so there is this conversion code. And maybe lower wasn't problem in this case.

Anyway I have no problem if you want to discuss it with someone else, i can correct it localy.

RE: TV Show Next Aired (Script) Addon, now w/TheTVDB data - thewarm - 2014-03-25

What is the bare minimum I need to do to get TV Next Aired support in the list view of Gotham's stock Confluence skin please?
I know there are other skins that support this addon, but I would like to stick with Confluence.
Thanks for any tips...

RE: TV Show Next Aired (Script) Addon, now w/TheTVDB data - WayneD - 2014-03-25

The only thing related to TV Next-Aired in Confluence is the skin-override that they provide for the Monday-week TV Guide. If you want info about upcoming shows to appear as you browse through the shows, you might try searching around to see if a modded Confluence skins meet your needs. One possibility is Confluence Modified, but it doesn't seem to be ready for Gotham just yet.

RE: TV Show Next Aired (Script) Addon, now w/TheTVDB data - mooncaptain - 2014-03-25

I am getting stalled out (hanging in the interface) on a refresh with the newest version. Any ideas on how to get around it. I really would like to use the new features.

17:42:53 T:25324  NOTICE: script.tv.show.next.aired: ### getting series & episode info for #267258 - Believe
17:42:53 T:25324   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.ValueError'>
Error Contents: astimezone() cannot be applied to a naive datetime
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Me\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.tv.show.next.aired\default.py", line 1348, in <module>NextAired()
File "C:\Users\Me\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.tv.show.next.aired\default.py", line 165, in __init__self.show_gui()
File "C:\Users\Me\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.tv.show.next.aired\default.py", line 1104, in show_guiself.update_data(update_after)
File "C:\Users\Me\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.tv.show.next.aired\default.py", line 565, in update_datatid = self.check_show_info(tvdb, tid, current_show,prior_data)
File "C:\Users\MoonCaptain\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.tv.show.next.aired\default.py", line 842, in check_show_infodt = datetime.combine(self.date, airtime).replace(tzinfo=tzinfo).astimezone(tz.tzlocal())
ValueError: astimezone() cannot be applied to a naive datetime
-->End of Python script error report

RE: TV Show Next Aired (Script) Addon, now w/TheTVDB data - WayneD - 2014-03-25

(2014-03-25, 01:00)mooncaptain Wrote: I am getting stalled out (hanging in the interface) on a refresh with the newest version.
I assume you mean 6.0.5. Version 6.0.6 was approved a bit earlier today, and has a fix for this. It's also available via zip file (see the link in the first post).


RE: TV Show Next Aired (Script) Addon, now w/TheTVDB data - WayneD - 2014-03-25

Sadly, I've discovered that the timezone information got left out of the zip file for 6.0.6 (and most likely 6.0.5 too, though I didn't think to check the official packaging of that zip file earlier to know for sure). I've asked the addon folks to look into this, as I'm assuming that this is caused by a fairly recent change in their packaging steps.

In the meantime, anyone on a system without good timezone info (such as Windows) will notice that their updating shows will have strange start times (a show with an unknown timezone will will be treated as UTC). If you are affected by this, you can grab my version of the zip file (see the first post) and install that one in place of the official 6.0.6.


RE: TV Show Next Aired (Script) Addon, now w/TheTVDB data - warlion - 2014-03-25

(2014-03-25, 07:33)WayneD Wrote: Sadly, I've discovered that the timezone information got left out of the zip file for 6.0.6 (and most likely 6.0.5 too, though I didn't think to check the official packaging of that zip file earlier to know for sure). I've asked the addon folks to look into this, as I'm assuming that this is caused by a fairly recent change in their packaging steps.

In the meantime, anyone on a system without good timezone info (such as Windows) will notice that their updating shows will have strange start times (a show with an unknown timezone will will be treated as UTC). If you are affected by this, you can grab my version of the zip file (see the first post) and install that one in place of the official 6.0.6.


im using windows with my Aeon Nox 4.1.9 (gotham mod) i dont see any problem on my end
but i love the today mode thanks wayne for implement it


RE: TV Show Next Aired (Script) Addon, now w/TheTVDB data - Rastan - 2014-03-25

Hi WayneD,

Thankyou for all your hard work and improvements of the script. Unfortunately I am having problems as late. I have downloaded the latest Zip from GIT, but the script can never complete and throws an error.
I looked at the logs and can see that the show that is giving it problems is no longer on thetvdb.com. I am guessing that it is supposed to just ignore the show with no online details and continue. Instead the script stops scanning.

Please could you take a look at my LOG

I hope you can fix it Blush

RE: TV Show Next Aired (Script) Addon, now w/TheTVDB data - WayneD - 2014-03-25

(2014-03-25, 13:34)Rastan Wrote: I looked at the logs and can see that the show that is giving it problems is no longer on thetvdb.com.
Hmm, I apparently messed up the re-calling of find_show_id() from inside that function due to how I was testing it in its own script. The latest zip file has this fixed. Thanks for the report!


RE: TV Show Next Aired (Script) Addon, now w/TheTVDB data - Rastan - 2014-03-25

Thanks for the update! Blush

It works better but it still gets stuck with error "ABORTED due to fetch failures". Please can you take a look at this new LOG?

EDIT: I'm not sure if this is is intended behaviour and the script will resume in 8 hours where it has left off. Or if it is a cut off to avoid overloading TheTVDB (I have a lot of shows). ...Or it could be another bug. Confused

RE: TV Show Next Aired (Script) Addon, now w/TheTVDB data - WayneD - 2014-03-25

The weird thing going on in your log is that Firefly is being looked up with a wacky ID (without doing a search), which would mean that it got that ID out of the artwork URLs for the show. I've tweaked the logic a bit, so give the latest a try and it should hopefully work for you. (Note that you should be able to just do an update w/o a reset to continue fetching data starting with Firefly.)


RE: TV Show Next Aired (Script) Addon, now w/TheTVDB data - Rastan - 2014-03-25

Hi Wayne,

Many thanks for all your help. I have ran scans twice each time I had an error. On a side note the script always starts from the beginning for me whether I choose update or reset all data.

Here is the new LOG

On a plus note it has gone waaaay past Firefly Blush

RE: TV Show Next Aired (Script) Addon, now w/TheTVDB data - WayneD - 2014-03-25

(2014-03-25, 21:38)Rastan Wrote: On a side note the script always starts from the beginning for me whether I choose update or reset all data.
Oh? Ah yes -- on a first-time scan the last-update value will be 0, so it was rejecting the prior data as invalid. I've fixed that. I also gave it a larger max-failure count when someone is forcing an update as opposed to the auto-update that might happen when trying to see the Guide.

So, snag the latest and do a non-reset update and it should take up where it left off. If you get another failure (e.g. like the timeouts that I saw in your log file) you should be able to just hit the button again and it will continue on (and finish up one of these times).

Thanks for helping me to get the bugs out!


RE: TV Show Next Aired (Script) Addon, now w/TheTVDB data - WayneD - 2014-03-25

(2014-03-25, 19:36)Rastan Wrote: I'm not sure if this is is intended behaviour and the script will resume in 8 hours where it has left off.
If your skin starts up the background updater, it retries in 5 minutes after a failure, then 10 minutes, and then later and later if things continue to fail. What I could yet improve is to notice if things are partially succeeding in between the failures and not count such a run as a total failure.

If your skin doesn't start up the background updater, then the delay in the retries will happen similarly on each entry into the guide. Manually hitting the update button skips the delays, and is a good way to force some retrying rapidly (assuming that the downloading isn't failing to make progress).


RE: TV Show Next Aired (Script) Addon, now w/TheTVDB data - Rastan - 2014-03-25

Wayne, you have worked wonders my friend! Everything is now working as expected. It did fail first attempt, when I tried again the script resumed and completed. If it works on my large collection you can be rest assured that you are well on your way to the script being bug free. Big Grin

Once again thankyou for your skills, time and patience, it is more than appreciated! Blush

Here its is in it's full glory..


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