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ConqMOD - Printable Version

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ConqMOD - monsieurpaulu - 2014-06-02

hello ,

I have made an little horizontal mod of the homescreen and added an music now playing screen that kicks in after 10 seconds.
also changed the views a litttle

Download here :


HELIX Diff version !!




watch gallery

RE: MOD homescreen and musicnowplaying - bigbadrabbit - 2014-06-03

Here!! Interested! Big Grin

RE: MOD homescreen and musicnowplaying - monsieurpaulu - 2014-06-03

Download link added in the first post

i am not happy with the now playingscreen so maybe i change something soon :-)

RE: MOD homescreen and musicnowplaying - ltmon - 2014-07-13

This home screen suits me much more than the default -- thanks.

RE: MOD homescreen and musicnowplaying - monsieurpaulu - 2014-08-21

I have made a update of my mod.
changed the views a little bit and some small changes.

watch gallery

MOD homescreen and musicnowplaying - monsieurpaulu - 2014-08-31

Updated the mod to the latest version .

RE: MOD homescreen and musicnowplaying - a_user - 2014-09-01

nice one. i'll give it a try.

RE: MOD homescreen and musicnowplaying - generator - 2014-10-18

I really like this view for "Now Playing" better than the original Conq. Especially that it automatically shows after 10 seconds, this should be a feature in the original.

It would really rock if it would show Artist Slideshow in the background. Do you think this is possible?

RE: MOD homescreen and musicnowplaying - monsieurpaulu - 2014-10-19

i will see if i have some time to implement it .

edit :
was not that hard Big Grin ( I think )
could you test it ?

updated the download link

RE: MOD homescreen and musicnowplaying - generator - 2014-10-19

Wow that's fast Smile But I'm sorry to say that it doesn't seem to be working... I can see the now playing fanart in Conq, but when I switch to ConqMod it still doesn't show.

RE: MOD homescreen and musicnowplaying - monsieurpaulu - 2014-10-19

did you enable it under the setting menu ?

RE: MOD homescreen and musicnowplaying - generator - 2014-10-19

Yes, I've enabled "Enable Artist Slideshow" in the Skin -> Background settings

MOD homescreen and musicnowplaying - monsieurpaulu - 2014-10-19

It is working under the normal musicvis. I will try to find out why is not working under the automatic one

RE: MOD homescreen and musicnowplaying - generator - 2014-10-19

Ok, if you want me to test something please let me know.

RE: MOD homescreen and musicnowplaying - monsieurpaulu - 2014-10-19

An test download .

could you try this one

Download here

and i know why it did not work the first time , i forgot to update it to dropbox ;-(

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