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DVDs renamed wrongly [split thread] - Printable Version

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DVDs renamed wrongly [split thread] - terminalx - 2014-06-09

Hi I used the renamer function to rename all my movies. It also however renamed all my dvds from

\Movies\Alien (1979)\VIDEO_TS.IFO


\Movies\Alien (1979)\Alien (1979).IFO

looks to me this renaming of DVD structure breaks the stacking and file handeling/ scraping in XBMC.

If indeed correct, should this renaming functionality not auto exclude the dvd structure?

seems like I have to rename 800 titles.....any hope....?Sad

DVD file structure XBMC

RE: How to change file name in tMM? - myron - 2014-06-10

hmm.. we have an explicitly check to prevent exactly this.
Can you send us the logfile please? (eg via internal bug-reporting)

RE: How to change file name in tMM? - mlaggner - 2014-06-10

quick question: did you add the .IFO extension in the settings? (maybe send us your config.xml too in the internal bug report)

RE: How to change file name in tMM? - terminalx - 2014-06-10

Hi - sorry for the delay. The logs / files were just send.

@mlaggner: I did not add any of the DVD extensions (IFO, BUP) in the settings. Config.xml was also send.

thx for looking into this.

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