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Will Android ever be good for Europe - Printable Version

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Will Android ever be good for Europe - MediaPi - 2014-06-23

All I see is people praising FTV. But its not reccommended for Europe. Why because Android does not do auto frame rate switching.

Although x86 boards are coming in and are as good replacement. I want to ask, is it theretically possible to get auto frame rate swithcing on Android? Is anyone working on this? I understand that adnoird doesn't give access to something but can this be fixed?

Google are bringing out an OS tailored for TV. It will be a fork of android, do you think this OS will have it? and will this get into main Android code?
Its not fair we can't enjoy cheap hardware like Americans!

RE: Will Android ever be good for Europe - jjd-uk - 2014-06-23

(2014-06-23, 13:42)MediaPi Wrote: Why because Android does not do auto frame rate switching.

Android wasn't conceived as a platform for media playback so it started out from a pretty bad place, however each release makes small steps in making media playback better and providing better API's. For example KitKat introduced an API for Adaptive Playback (see http://developer.android.com/about/versions/kitkat.html) that allows smooth resolution changes, perhaps next release they will expand that or create a new API for refresh changes as well, particularlly if the rumoured Android TV platform happens.

RE: Will Android ever be good for Europe - MediaPi - 2014-06-23

thanks jjd. so what your saying is no as things stand its not possible on current framework BUT this could change/will change in the future.

out of interest since Amazon (which makes FTV) have heavilely modified andorid code, can't they make the changes on their android-forked OS? so if/when they decide to release in Europe we wont be plagued with frame rate switching?

RE: Will Android ever be good for Europe - peatpee - 2014-06-23

I am running FTV on my Fire TV in Spain with no problems, so perhaps it's your hardware that's the issue?

RE: Will Android ever be good for Europe - jjd-uk - 2014-06-23

(2014-06-23, 14:27)MediaPi Wrote: thanks jjd. so what your saying is no as things stand its not possible on current framework BUT this could change/will change in the future.

It's a no as things stand.

I'm just saying refresh switching to me would be the next logical step for their Adaptive Playback framework, however whether those in Google think the same way is anyones guess. The next version of Android should be revealed at Google I/O this week, so hopefully there'll be some media centric improvements.

RE: Will Android ever be good for Europe - MediaPi - 2014-06-23

thanks jjd sounds interesting and I agree it does seem logical. Media consumption is everything now so I can Andoriod adapting to fit the needs of today