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Kodi logo suggestions and ideas - Printable Version

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Kodi logo suggestions and ideas - Ned Scott - 2014-08-03

This is to just get the ball rolling here on collecting ideas/suggestions/etc for the new Kodi logo.

We'll probably organize this a little better as we go along, since I bet a lot of people want to have input on this process, but we wanted to start a thread for community input sooner than later.

Important notes:
  • We're not sure yet what kind of "subtitle" Kodi is going to have, such as "Media Center", "Entertainment Platform", "Entertainment Center", or whatever (feel free to give your input on that as well!), so feel free to include any of those in your logo examples, or even just "Kodi" alone. You may even want to show a couple of examples with different sub-titles.
  • Only submit art/images/logos that you have copyright control of, and/or are willing to transfer copyright control of to the XBMC Foundation.
  • If your idea centers around the usage of a certain font, make sure that the font is royalty-free to use, otherwise we will not be able to use it. Even better would be using an open source font, so please consider those as well.
  • Your suggestion doesn't have to be perfect or even complete, so it can also be hand drawn stuff and doesn't have to be in perfect shape. The design company we're working with will do the finishing/polishing necessary for actual use.

Note: In this forum thread we are ONLY looking for logo concepts for the name Kodi.

Please note that there are several areas, in these forums, in the comments of the blog, and on social media, where you are welcome to complain endlessly about the new name, the Foundation, how we came up with the name, and even me as a human being. In this forum thread we are ONLY looking for logo concepts for the name Kodi. Anything else can and almost certainly will be deleted. I'm going to post this at the end of the current posts and give users roughly 24 hours [from August 3rd] to migrate their complaining posts to some other thread. After that, I'll be deleting anything distracting from the intended conversation. - natethomas

RE: Kodi logo suggestions and ideas - un1versal - 2014-08-03

This is something along the lines I saw on another thread, maybe it will help ppl get the general idea.

(2014-08-02, 00:40)NitrousXBMC Wrote: The FAQ says the KODI name came from the ability to spell the name out with media buttons, maybe something like this:


but ultimately they decided to move away from that visual concept. I think that this would be a great opportunity for the community to come up with a logo, much like the mascot development a while back. The announcement logo looks extremely generic, like letters spelled out with some liquid... there is no identity connection with the name, no real connection with the logo.

(2014-08-02, 19:56)jjd-uk Wrote: We were basically stuck for brainstorming for 9 months, there were loads of good suggestions that had support however on closer look there were trademark or domain name problems, and the suggestions that didn't have trademark or domain name problems struggled to get more than 10 people who liked them out of a Team of 70. So this has been far from a easy process for the Team, and if we could have opened it up to the community we more than likely would have, however doing that could have caused so many complications in finding free domain names as anything that might look like becoming popular could be registered by those out to make a quick buck.

The one idea that seemed to gain some traction actually came from me working back from how the name could be visualised, I was playing with using remote buttons to spell out words, I was also trying to keep a link to what the project was, so my thought process went something like CODE -> KODE -> KODA



However again I missed a trademark registration that could give us problems, so then suggestion was made by another for


and based on what I had done someone suggested a logo of


However the logo no longer seemed to fit as well as before, plus by this time a number of people weren't so keen on the idea of using remote buttons in the logo or at least using them in a more subtle way.

So it evolved that kodi would just be a name with no meaning and was the runaway winner in our internal vote.

RE: Kodi logo suggestions and ideas - StigtriX - 2014-08-03

Concept 1

Concept 2

Concept 3

Concept 4

Concept 5

Concept 6

RE: Kodi logo suggestions and ideas - Karnagious - 2014-08-03


This is what I picture when I say KODi in my mind.

RE: Kodi logo suggestions and ideas - produno - 2014-08-03

^^^ gets my vote.. Big Grin

RE: Kodi logo suggestions and ideas - un1versal - 2014-08-03

Well I saw a dog, but thats not what this thread is about, you guys just proving that the community cant have any decent ideas and is hell-bent on bashing the name to death.

RE: Kodi logo suggestions and ideas - produno - 2014-08-03

How about a new slogan

"Use Kodi (code-eye) or Go Die" ...?

RE: Kodi logo suggestions and ideas - StigtriX - 2014-08-03

I updated my original post with two more concepts to prove you wrong Wink

RE: Kodi logo suggestions and ideas - xbs08 - 2014-08-03


RE: Kodi logo suggestions and ideas - StigtriX - 2014-08-03

Concept 4

RE: Kodi logo suggestions and ideas - wpbpete - 2014-08-03

What the hell... name changes all around
Simple and familiar


RE: Kodi logo suggestions and ideas - ilomambo - 2014-08-03

I believe a logo has to convey certain message. What is the message the the XBMC foundation wants to convey with XBMC/KODI?
Choosing a logo has to start with a brainstorm of words we want to associate with the product.
After having selected the message one can start to think about a drawing.
Here are my associations:

Stored Video (Movies/TV Shows/Clips/Music)
Streamed Video (Movies/TV Shows/Clips/Music)
Live Video (Podcasts/TV/Channels)
Open source

Add yours.

RE: Kodi logo suggestions and ideas - evangelion - 2014-08-03

(2014-08-03, 16:15)takoi Wrote: Why does there even have to be a new logo? So people can have another thing they can hate? just take the existing one an change the text..

That won't work, the shape of the letters in "xbmc" and the font used, (though I recall the "x" is actually a "c" duplicated then one half reversed) work as a harmonious whole, "kodi" using the same font, will be totally unbalanced. How would the d&i flow for example.

RE: Kodi logo suggestions and ideas - da-anda - 2014-08-03

@ilomambo now we're getting somewhere Smile thanks for this input. But maybe don't only think what XBMC/KODI offers to you technically, but also why and how you use it and what you "experience" using it. As you could imagine we tried to not be to technical/geeky with the name as well (even though it originated from the remote symbols somehow), or we would have looked for acronyms or alike again.

RE: Kodi logo suggestions and ideas - StigtriX - 2014-08-03

Concept 5

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