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Help with surround sound! - Printable Version

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Help with surround sound! - Jayzif - 2014-08-11

Hi guys,

I have been trying to get my surround sound DVD system set up with my XBMC HTPC but have had no success.

My surround sound system is controlled by my DVD player, it is a Sony DVD Home Theater DAV-DV230.

It has a HDMI Out and SCART on the back, I have tried running a second HDMI cable from my PC gfx card (GTS 450) into the HDMI on the dvd player (I know it says out but thought i would try on the off chance it might work...it didn't lol) I then tried connectimg the TV to the DVD player via the SCART adapter and the standard red/white audio connectors that are underneath the HDMI inputs on my TV but again to no avail.

The mobo on my PC has the multicoloured outputs for 5.1 surround but I have no idea how I go about getting this setup to work through my surround sound.

I am quite a n00b when it comes to this stuff I am afraid.

Thanks in advance for any help given Smile

RE: Help with surround sound! - noggin - 2014-08-11

Is this an all-in-one DVD player and Surround amp? A lot of these only have HDMI outputs to feed HDTVs, along with SCARTs to feed SD TVs. They MAY have a Toslink audio input (i.e. optical) to feed the surround sound from an external set-top box (SD digital terrestrial TV in some countries like Sweden had 5.1 surround - as did Sky Movies SD in the UK)

Because all-in-one systems were designed to be simple and easy to use and the only real source of surround was the integrated DVD player, they often don't have the inputs for surround sound sources sadly. It's the downside of not having a separate amp.

RE: Help with surround sound! - Jayzif - 2014-08-11

Yes it's an all in one type system.

I think it should work somehow, I had it set up a long tone ago working with my Xbox 360...I have done some more googling since posting and have found out that my tv should be able to export whatever audio is on screen to the DVD player via AV2 (smart link) on the tv to the scart on the DVD player. I am wondering if maybe the scart lead I tried it with is defective...will get a new one and try again.

RE: Help with surround sound! - noggin - 2014-08-11

(2014-08-11, 23:45)Jayzif Wrote: Yes it's an all in one type system.

I think it should work somehow, I had it set up a long tone ago working with my Xbox 360...I have done some more googling since posting and have found out that my tv should be able to export whatever audio is on screen to the DVD player via AV2 (smart link) on the tv to the scart on the DVD player. I am wondering if maybe the scart lead I tried it with is defective...will get a new one and try again.

SCART is analogue stereo only. It can only carry matrixed analogue surround (i.e. Dolby Surround which can be ProLogic decoded)

Can you take a picture of the back of your DAV-DV230 or list all the connections?

RE: Help with surround sound! - black_eagle - 2014-08-12

It will only EVER do Dolby Pro Logic II at best, not proper 5.1 audio.

Honestly, whilst this may sound harsh, you should just dump it and buy a proper AVR reciever.