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[XBMCbuntu] Zbox ID11 - Dropping Audio - Printable Version

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[XBMCbuntu] Zbox ID11 - Dropping Audio - speedkrazy - 2014-12-09

Good morning everyone.

I have been using XBMC for years, only recently did i decide to pull my xbmc machine out of storage and hook up my surround sound. I was running an old version (Eden) that i had tweaked to make everything work on my system, including HD-Audio flawlessly in the past. I decided to upgrade to newest version and get things all cleaned up as far as my media is concerned (built a freenas for storage) . The drivers show correctly and I am getting audio, but i am getting audio drops and have been trying different settings for a few days with no luck. There are times when the signal seems to drop totally to receiver and it reconnects. I have tried with TrueHD and DTS-HD videos, it doesnt seem to discriminate, but audio never has issues with dolby through my STB. Please see my specs below/settings/logs.

Zotac ZBOX HD-ID11-U Intel Atom D510 w/2GB Memory
feeds to:
Onkyo NR-609 Receiver
which feeds to:
Mitsubishi 60" C9 DLP

Running a nightly of XBMCbuntu Helix RC2 that i downloaded yesterday,upgraded from stock Gotham XBMCbuntu. Stock skin

HTPC is connected via Gigabit LAN, and connected via NFS share.

pastebin log: pastbin log
(the reconnect of receiver happens around 8:44 towards the end of the log.

Adjust display refresh rate to match video: Always
Sync playback to display: checked
Method: Audioclock

Video output settings:
Refresh rate: 30.03 (not sure why its this, havent played with this setting)
Vertical blank sync (let driver choose)

Audio output settings:
audio output device: HDA Nvidia, ONK TX-NR609 on HDMI
number of channels: 5.1
output config: best match
stereo upmix: unchecked
maintain original volume on downmix: checked
resample quality: medium
keep audio device alive: always
enable passthrough: checked
passthrough device: HDA Nvidia, ONK TX-NR609 on HDMI
dolby ac3/dolby plua/dta/truehd/dts-hd receiver: all checked

please help, trying to have things up and ready for holiday movie watching season. Thanks!

RE: [XBMCbuntu] Zbox ID11 - Dropping Audio - fritsch - 2014-12-09

Refresh rate: 30.03 (not sure why its this, havent played with this setting) <- that won't work fine with 24p content.

Can you provide: /usr/lib/kodi/kodi-xrandr | pastebinit

Quote:08:15:08 T:140541076789184 INFO: ID:0x1ed Name:1920x1080 Refresh:24.000000 Width:1920 Height:1080
08:15:08 T:140541076789184 INFO: Pixel Ratio: 1.000628
08:15:08 T:140541076789184 INFO: ID:0x1ee Name:1920x1080 Refresh:23.970909 Width:1920 Height:1080
08:15:08 T:140541076789184 INFO: Pixel Ratio: 1.000628

Adjust Refreshrate to match Video: On Start / Stop should also be selected.

Btw. the second Modeline here looks wrong. Was that added manually to xorg.conf?

RE: [XBMCbuntu] Zbox ID11 - Dropping Audio - speedkrazy - 2014-12-09

(2014-12-09, 17:14)fritsch Wrote: Refresh rate: 30.03 (not sure why its this, havent played with this setting) <- that won't work fine with 24p content.

Can you provide: /usr/lib/kodi/kodi-xrandr | pastebinit

Quote:08:15:08 T:140541076789184 INFO: ID:0x1ed Name:1920x1080 Refresh:24.000000 Width:1920 Height:1080
08:15:08 T:140541076789184 INFO: Pixel Ratio: 1.000628
08:15:08 T:140541076789184 INFO: ID:0x1ee Name:1920x1080 Refresh:23.970909 Width:1920 Height:1080
08:15:08 T:140541076789184 INFO: Pixel Ratio: 1.000628

Adjust Refreshrate to match Video: On Start / Stop should also be selected.

Btw. the second Modeline here looks wrong. Was that added manually to xorg.conf?

fritsch - thanks for quick reply.


Thats what XBMC defaulted my refresh rate as, very odd. What should i change the refresh rate to then, 24? My tv supports 24/30/60.

I adjusted refreshrate to match: on start/stop.

I never modified any files. What does the modeline do that could affect this?

Thanks - Matt

RE: [XBMCbuntu] Zbox ID11 - Dropping Audio - fritsch - 2014-12-09

That pastebin looked wrong :-) hehe

It determines the amount of frames rendered to the screen per second. There is not a god match at all to map 24 fps to a 30hz display. So from time to time video and audio goes out of sync and audio / video needs to be dropped, so that it can catch up.

RE: [XBMCbuntu] Zbox ID11 - Dropping Audio - speedkrazy - 2014-12-09

copying and pasting that was a pain actually, it just kept pasting as ELF for some reason. Were you able to get the necessary information out of it? The command you gave me before resulted in the following error from ssh:

Can't open display
You are trying to send an empty document, exiting.

Should i change my display to 24hz? There is alot of audio drop in my movies and the receiver turning off and on when it loses audio is a pain in the rear.

RE: [XBMCbuntu] Zbox ID11 - Dropping Audio - fritsch - 2014-12-09

DISPLAY=:0 /usr/lib/kodi/kodi-xrandr | pastebinit

RE: [XBMCbuntu] Zbox ID11 - Dropping Audio - speedkrazy - 2014-12-09

(2014-12-09, 18:40)fritsch Wrote: DISPLAY=:0 /usr/lib/kodi/kodi-xrandr | pastebinit


I changed refresh rate to 24 btw.

still issues

(changed post since i was referencing the xrandr output, not screen)

RE: [XBMCbuntu] Zbox ID11 - Dropping Audio - fritsch - 2014-12-10

Change your xorg.conf to have a correct 24p (23.976 fps) modeline. Then enable "Adjust Refreshrate to match video" "On Start stop".

Or alternatively: just disable DTS-HD, TrueHD.

RE: [XBMCbuntu] Zbox ID11 - Dropping Audio - speedkrazy - 2014-12-10

(2014-12-10, 09:16)fritsch Wrote: Change your xorg.conf to have a correct 24p (23.976 fps) modeline. Then enable "Adjust Refreshrate to match video" "On Start stop".

Or alternatively: just disable DTS-HD, TrueHD.

All my media comes from my bluray collection and am becoming an audiophile and prefer my HD Audio for my listening Smile

I am looking into how to modify/adjust the xorg.conf and add/adjust a modeline. That is a new step to me.

RE: [XBMCbuntu] Zbox ID11 - Dropping Audio - speedkrazy - 2014-12-10

having issues getting my HorizSync/VertRefresh, getting edid issues. want to add modelines to my setup.

I see two links with some example modelines, not sure which ones i could test with. Any recommendations

RE: [XBMCbuntu] Zbox ID11 - Dropping Audio - speedkrazy - 2014-12-11

after spending a day messing with xorg, i decided to see if openelec would give me issues. installed without problems and HD audio comes through perfectly without any dropped frames.

Thanks for all the help though.

RE: [XBMCbuntu] Zbox ID11 - Dropping Audio - fritsch - 2014-12-11

Yeah, you cannot run away I think :-) I am also working "for" OpenELEC ;-) ... good that it works now.

RE: [XBMCbuntu] Zbox ID11 - Dropping Audio - speedkrazy - 2014-12-11

(2014-12-11, 21:14)fritsch Wrote: Yeah, you cannot run away I think :-) I am also working "for" OpenELEC ;-) ... good that it works now.

Haha - i would never run away from XBMC or a variant (openelec), nothing can compare to them as far as a media center. I actually couldnt access SSH after doing something to xorg and figured i would see if OpenELEC base install code would setup my modelines correctly, which it seemed it did. It definitely is snappier, probably since its not on top of linux.

Thanks again!!

RE: [XBMCbuntu] Zbox ID11 - Dropping Audio - fritsch - 2014-12-11

OE is running on linux :-) It's a small distro exactly made for the purpose of xbmc.