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Win Wake UP Problem For RECORDING TV - Printable Version

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Wake UP Problem For RECORDING TV - nobru26 - 2015-01-02

Hello, new user of KODI, before i used mediaportal, i'm having problems with TV when i Schedule records.

Installed TV server Mediaportal
Installed plugin KODI frontend
All is on the same Computer
I use power management of KODI to go into sleep when no activity (works pefectely for my use)

The problem is that the PC won't Wake up for scheduled recodings!
Used Powerscheduler+++ MP, but i've got other prblems to go into sleep

And i think the best solution is to use the powermanagement of liveTV into KODI, but i'm having problems to understand what i have to do or write exactlely for options.

First i used default settings, enabled power saving, idle time 15min, set wakeup command (nothing), before recording 15min, enabled daily wakeup @ 3:59:00 (because of epg grabber).

I've done many tests and the PC goes into standby after time configured into powermanagement of KODI, but 15min before recording scheduled, nothing appends, computer stay in standby.

I think my problem is to write or not a Wake up command, and i can't find folder path, what i have to do, etc....
Any help would be appreciable.

RE: Wake UP Problem For RECORDING TV - negge - 2015-01-03

How does Powerscheduler+++ work? You may need to configure your BIOS to allow it to be woken by a timer.

RE: Wake UP Problem For RECORDING TV - nobru26 - 2015-01-03

There is no problems in bios, well with mediaportal installed since 2 years, wakes up / standby ok.
The problem is with MP TVService and KODI...

If i use MP powerscheduler++ to Wake up for recordings and the power management of KODI in system to suspend when idle dosen't work, so PC still alive.
And if i use only Tools of KODI (system to suspend and power management of live TV frontend and powerscheduler MP desactivated) suspend is good but no wakeup for recodring nor EPG (fixed time).

So my question is what i have to do in TV script to have a Wake up completely managed by KODI?

RE: Wake UP Problem For RECORDING TV - globetrotter66 - 2016-11-11

nobru26, havw you resolved it? How? I've the same problem now. Thanks for your help

RE: Wake UP Problem For RECORDING TV - nobru26 - 2016-11-15

I resolved it but i'm very sorry i don't remember how...

I'm now with Pi + Kodi so system is allways on and i'm managing TV with my server.