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Kodi Media Player Options with 3D MVC & HD Audio - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Kodi Media Player Options with 3D MVC & HD Audio (/showthread.php?tid=221407)

RE: Player Choices with Kodi + 3D ISO + HD Audio - hdmkv - 2015-09-02

HiMedia uses HiSilicon's display processing engine to 'improve' PQ, but honesty I never cared for any digital processing, so I've always disabled these kinds of settings. Only digital processing I liked was Darbee, but even that I tried for a while and decided to do without. As far as 3D boxes go, I personally like RPi2's PQ the best right now.

RE: Player Choices with Kodi + 3D ISO + HD Audio - movie78 - 2015-09-02


What do you guys think about these new Rockchip RK3368 players?

Zidoo X6
HiMedia H8
Tronsmart R68
Beelink i68

Chipset Family ARM Cortex A53
Chipset Model Rockchip RK3368 1.5Ghz Octa Core
Chipset GPU PowerVR G6110

They are capable of playing 3D.ISO
Internal Memory 2GB Internal Storage 16GB

RE: Player Choices with Kodi + 3D ISO + HD Audio - hdmkv - 2015-09-02

Has promise, but not enough info./reviews yet. HiMedia's H8 can do 3D ISO + HD Audio (including ATMOS), but not via Kodi yet (as there's no wrapper to call the external player that supports this). Also, no 23.976 support yet.

RE: Player Choices with Kodi + 3D ISO + HD Audio - looun - 2015-09-02

(2015-09-02, 20:24)movie78 Wrote: When it come to Video quality,i think Realtek chipset is much better or.
i have had realtek 1186( xtreamer very bad box very bad sdk) , sigma and hisilicon box . like some peoples say on av forum q5 PQ is near Oppo player ( best player ), special if you have plasma or projector, but i not try never 1195.

I think only Bevix with Marvell soc have better PQ with Qdeo engine.

(2015-09-02, 21:42)movie78 Wrote: Guys,

What do you guys think about these new Rockchip RK3368 players?

Zidoo X6
HiMedia H8
Tronsmart R68
Beelink i68

Chipset Family ARM Cortex A53
Chipset Model Rockchip RK3368 1.5Ghz Octa Core
Chipset GPU PowerVR G6110

They are capable of playing 3D.ISO
Internal Memory 2GB Internal Storage 16GB
Tronsmart R68 Beelink i68 H8 is equal , there is kodi version with autoswitch fps but no 23.976.

Quote:ZIDOO X6 Support support Adjust display refresh rate to match video 24/50/60 and 23.976 fps with KODI. HD Audio is just in video player may be temporary,We are solving it in kodi.

RE: Player Choices with Kodi + 3D ISO + HD Audio - kratos02 - 2015-09-03

(2015-09-02, 08:44)looun Wrote:
(2015-09-02, 05:46)kratos02 Wrote: 2. When I am watching TAB 3D and I press the TV mode button on the remote and it says on the screen TV 1080p 24 Hz FramePacking but my TV doesn't support 24Hz so what does that mean?

What see in your info tv ? it's very strange that your tv not support 24hz or true cinema.

(2015-09-02, 05:46)kratos02 Wrote: 3. When I am watching a movie with TRUEHD Atmos audio it only says TRUEHD 7.1 does that mean it's just decoding TRUEHD core stream and not Atmos like DTS HDMA and DTS
Atmos = TRUEHD + atmos metadata .
If your av recover support atms it say atmos , if support TRUEHD it say TRUEHD .if not support TRUEHD no audio.

It says 1080p 24p on tv info
My receiver doesn't support TRUEHD Atmos

RE: Player Choices with Kodi + 3D ISO + HD Audio - kratos02 - 2015-09-03

(2015-09-02, 09:52)noggin Wrote:
(2015-09-02, 05:46)kratos02 Wrote: 2. When I am watching TAB 3D and I press the TV mode button on the remote and it says on the screen TV 1080p 24 Hz FramePacking but my TV doesn't support 24Hz so what does that mean?

Could it be that your TV is reporting its input format rather than its display format? Any TV that supports 3D Blu-ray is pretty much guaranteed to have to support 1080p 24Hz frame packing as that is the standard that most 3D Blu-ray players output in. Whether it displays this in 24p is another matter.

Quote:3. When I am watching a movie with TRUEHD Atmos audio it only says TRUEHD 7.1 does that mean it's just decoding TRUEHD core stream and not Atmos like DTS HDMA and DTS Core?

Are you bitstreaming to your amp, and does your amp support Atmos? If not either your player or your amp will just pick up the standard True HD element of the stream and ignore the Atmos elements.

I think you are right. it's reporting its input format
My receiver doesn't support TRUEHD Atmos though it does support TRUEHD

How do i setup my player so that it would bitstream to my amp?

And how do i safely remove my external drive from the player?

RE: Player Choices with Kodi + 3D ISO + HD Audio - hdmkv - 2015-09-03

Just set it to 'RAW' in Q5's settings.

RE: Player Choices with Kodi + Full 3D + HD Audio - movie78 - 2015-09-03

(2015-09-02, 22:53)looun Wrote:
(2015-09-02, 20:24)movie78 Wrote: When it come to Video quality,i think Realtek chipset is much better or.
i have had realtek 1186( xtreamer very bad box very bad sdk) , sigma and hisilicon box . like some peoples say on av forum q5 PQ is near Oppo player ( best player ), special if you have plasma or projector, but i not try never 1195.

I think only Bevix with Marvell soc have better PQ with Qdeo engine.

(2015-09-02, 21:42)movie78 Wrote: Guys,

What do you guys think about these new Rockchip RK3368 players?

Zidoo X6
HiMedia H8
Tronsmart R68
Beelink i68

Chipset Family ARM Cortex A53
Chipset Model Rockchip RK3368 1.5Ghz Octa Core
Chipset GPU PowerVR G6110

They are capable of playing 3D.ISO
Internal Memory 2GB Internal Storage 16GB
Tronsmart R68 Beelink i68 H8 is equal , there is kodi version with autoswitch fps but no 23.976.

Quote:ZIDOO X6 Support support Adjust display refresh rate to match video 24/50/60 and 23.976 fps with KODI. HD Audio is just in video player may be temporary,We are solving it in kodi.

So which on is better HiMedia H8 or Q5 4k?

RE: Player Choices with Kodi + Full 3D + HD Audio - hdmkv - 2015-09-03

Q5 4K.

RE: Player Choices with Kodi + Full 3D + HD Audio - Skank - 2015-09-03

(2015-09-03, 15:41)hdmkv Wrote: Q5 4K.

Have you compared?
I would not say that too quick

If himedia comes with a wrapper and 3d iso + hdaudio + 23.... support
I think H8 is better cause of 4k

RE: Player Choices with Kodi + Full 3D + HD Audio - hdmkv - 2015-09-03

For now, H8 has no 23.976, no wrapper for Kodi (to use external player), has HD audio dropouts, and no CEC support (may matter to some). I have little confidence in Rockchip (though would love to be proven wrong this time, with this new chip).

RE: Player Choices with Kodi + Full 3D + HD Audio - onesolo - 2015-09-03

Guys, as you all know right now on the raspberry family, only the nº2 can make HD Audio (via PCM).
I have an Rpi 1 so no HD Audio, right?! Maybe not...
I'm using OSMC (ex-Raspbmc) distro on it. On the previous update, July's update I saw this:

Quote:Additionally, the Raspberry Pi gains the following new features, thanks to the hard work of popcornmix:

HD audio support – the new ‘dcadec’ library allows the Raspberry Pi to decode DTS HD and bitstream it as LPCM 7.1 via HDMI
So after the update, with little no hope, went to audio settings and obviously none was there regarding this...
A few days ago, August updated (the last) landed. After the update, I went to audio settings and guess what, I now have the ability to set DTS-HD as LPCM on audio settings!! I enable it and my receiver now only displays Multich like my (fat) PS3 does!!
A few days ago, before the last update, I even question Sam Nazarko on what device that option will be enabled and he said that only on raspb 2... lolol

RE: Player Choices with Kodi + Full 3D + HD Audio - popcornmix - 2015-09-03

(2015-09-03, 16:44)onesolo Wrote: A few days ago, before the last update, I even question Sam Nazarko on what device that option will be enabled and he said that only on raspb 2... lolol

It's enabled by default on pi2, and disabled by default on pi1, but you are free to change the setting.
Pi1 may struggle as DTS-HD requires more cpu. However I have played raw BluRays on a Pi1 with DTS-HD enabled successfully. It did need a decent overclock.

On Pi2 it's no problem even without overclock.

RE: Player Choices with Kodi + Full 3D + HD Audio - onesolo - 2015-09-04

@popcornmix but Sam said that to me as if it that option was never to be seen on the Pi1

RE: Player Choices with Kodi + Full 3D + HD Audio - hdmkv - 2015-09-04

On a related topic, tried OSMC today for the 1st time... pretty nice. Love having overclock and other config settings right in the UI. 3D frame-packed works just as well. Didn't care for the default skin (too simplistic), but as it's Kodi, I installed Aeon Nox.

With my RPi2, the only nagging issue I have is sometimes after I start a movie (2D or 3D) and stop, I get a 'no signal' message on my display. Only fix is to unplug power and re-plug Sad. This happens w/or w/o AVR in between, and with all 3 of my 3D displays (2 PJ's and a 3D LCD TV). As I occasionally see the pulsating rainbow thingy during boot up, I'm guessing it's a power issue? I've tried 4 different mSD cards, so don't believe the issue is there. With power, I've tried this and this, and same issue happens (sometimes). This is with 2 different Pi2 units. What are people using for power supply in the U.S.?

BTW, I have a Logitech K400 USB dongle and dongle for this plugged in if it makes any difference.

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