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Admit One + Ribbon Styled Watch Flags (Updated) - Printable Version

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Admit One + Ribbon Styled Watch Flags (Updated) - garbokawa - 2015-05-13

For any one interested. Have included a screenshot (Aeon Shednox BigFan view customized).

1. If you use Aeon Shednox - you may want to put them in a new folder say media/thumbs/wide and thus you will not affect other views.
2. Other views (except Landscape & BigFan) have different size posters and hence it is not suitable for list, slide type views
3. Fully suitable and nice-looking on Landscape, Logo, Big Fan ==> Fullscreen kinda views
4. Change corresponding view XML's to reflect the folder name media/thumbs/wide
Viewtype_Landscape, Viewtype_BigFan
5. Ensure the aspect ratio kept intact. <aspectratio>keep</aspectratio>
6. For Viewtype_BigFan the changes would be around line # 187 ... just to get an idea!


For other views / skins, you need to research and apply appropriately. Backup your 720p/1080i folder first.

watch gallery

NB: The Admit One PSD template credit goes to deviantart artist vains-d4v2go5, Thank you!

Ticket Stub Styled

Satin Ribbon Styled


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