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[Tutorial] Using PowerDVD as external player for 3D ISO - Printable Version

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[Tutorial] Using PowerDVD as external player for 3D ISO - HighStream - 2015-06-05


Kodi now supports almost all video codecs and containers, but the MVC codec found on original 3D BluRay discs remains unsupported and is unlikely to change any time in the near future as the demand simply isn't high enough.

If you want to watch the best quality 3D backups, then 3D ISO is the best format. In order to play these files in 3D, you need to use an external player.

PowerDVD 15 Ultra is the best software available to play 3D ISO for these reasons:

* PowerDVD 15 Ultra has a built in virtual drive that mounts ISO files and plays automatically. No need for additional software or scripts.

* PowerDVD has hardware decoding support which offloads the workload from the CPU to the GPU for much smoother playback.

* PowerDVD supports a 24hz refresh rate output, whereas other similar software such as Total Media Theatre are fixed to 30hz and cannot be changed.


1.) Find or create a playercorefactory.xml in your userdata folder and add this:

    <player name="PowerDVD" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="false" video="true">
      <filename>C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\PowerDVD15\PowerDVD.exe</filename>

  <rules action="prepend">
    <rule filetypes="iso" filename=".*3D.*" player="PowerDVD" />

2.) Now, in Kodi system settings go to: Video - Discs - BluRay playback mode and select Play main movie. If you don't change this, kodi will play the movie in 2D and the external player will not be triggered automatically.


Kodi should now detect ISO file types with 3D in the filename and automatically play them using PowerDVD as the external player. Cool

RE: [Tutorial] Using PowerDVD as external player for 3D ISO - rmilyard - 2015-06-05

What if want PowerDVD to play all my BD .iso files? Just remove filename ?

RE: [Tutorial] Using PowerDVD as external player for 3D ISO - UsefulG - 2015-06-05

(2015-06-05, 21:31)rmilyard Wrote: What if want PowerDVD to play all my BD .iso files? Just remove filename ?

Thats correct.

<rule filetypes="iso" player="PowerDVD"/>

RE: [Tutorial] Using PowerDVD as external player for 3D ISO - rmilyard - 2015-06-06

So I am trying this out but when play .iso it just plays within Kodi now.

     <player name="PowerDVD" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="false" video="true">
       <filename>C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\PowerDVD15\PDVDLP.exe</filename>

   <rules action="prepend">
     <rule filetypes="iso" player="PowerDVD" />

RE: [Tutorial] Using PowerDVD as external player for 3D ISO - HighStream - 2015-06-06

(2015-06-06, 17:18)rmilyard Wrote: So I am trying this out but when play .iso it just plays within Kodi now.

Your code is missing the <playercorefactory> tag at the top.

Also check this:

In Kodi system settings go to: Video - Discs - BluRay playback mode and select Play main movie.

Stupid question, have you installed PowerDVD 15?

RE: [Tutorial] Using PowerDVD as external player for 3D ISO - freddy12 - 2015-06-06

Good write up, whats the best software to save 3d iso's?

RE: [Tutorial] Using PowerDVD as external player for 3D ISO - HighStream - 2015-06-07

If you have the original disc, you can make a backup using Slysoft AnyDVD HD. This will remove all copy protection and leave you with a playable ISO.

RE: [Tutorial] Using PowerDVD as external player for 3D ISO - rmilyard - 2015-06-07

(2015-06-06, 18:37)HighStream Wrote:
(2015-06-06, 17:18)rmilyard Wrote: So I am trying this out but when play .iso it just plays within Kodi now.

Your code is missing the <playercorefactory> tag at the top.

Also check this:

In Kodi system settings go to: Video - Discs - BluRay playback mode and select Play main movie.

Stupid question, have you installed PowerDVD 15?

I think copied wrong:

        <player name="PowerDVD" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="false" video="true">
            <filename>C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\PowerDVD15\PDVDLP.exe</filename>
        <rules action="prepend">
            <!-- Bluray ISO -->
            <rule filetypes="iso" player="PowerDVD" />

BluRay playback mode = Play main movie

Yes PowerDVD 15 installed.

I get window saying External Player Active but nothing starts.

Doesn't look like PowerDVD mounts the ISO files. Maybe because on my FreeNAS box? If I use virtual CD via my .bat file seems to work.

RE: [Tutorial] Using PowerDVD as external player for 3D ISO - HighStream - 2015-06-08

After reading into this, only PowerDVD 15 Ultra supports direct playback from ISO. (Guide updated)

See this: http://www.cyberlink.com/products/powerdvd-ultra/compare-versions_en_GB.html?&r=1

But the problem you have seems to be something else as PowerDVD is never launched from Kodi Huh

RE: [Tutorial] Using PowerDVD as external player for 3D ISO - rmilyard - 2015-06-08

(2015-06-08, 00:40)HighStream Wrote: After reading into this, only PowerDVD 15 Ultra supports direct playback from ISO. (Guide updated)

See this: http://www.cyberlink.com/products/powerdvd-ultra/compare-versions_en_GB.html?&r=1

But the problem you have seems to be something else as PowerDVD is never launched from Kodi Huh

Also I do have Ultra.

RE: [Tutorial] Using PowerDVD as external player for 3D ISO - HighStream - 2015-06-08

Then I'm not sure what's wrong.

This short video proves that it works: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2C1Yp3KDQE2Nnp1N1h0NTQ0Tjg/view?usp=sharing

RE: [Tutorial] Using PowerDVD as external player for 3D ISO - HighStream - 2015-06-08


RE: [Tutorial] Using PowerDVD as external player for 3D ISO - michaelsammler - 2015-06-21

This is great and simple. Thank you so much.
Everything works except powerdvd keeps kicking my movie into 2D. From the main movie menu, I can choose 2D or 3D, but I only get 2D. The disk 3D works fine from my ps4 to the same tv. So I am guessing something in Powerdvd settings? I have autodetect my 3d tv from settings.
Also, is it normal for my computer and tv to blink black a few times while starting the movie? It looks like the same in the video HIGHSTREAM posted.
I have also noted that the 3D icon in the bottom menu is flat when in full screen, but shaped like a cube in windowed mode. Clicking on it or the settings gear icon next to it does nothing.
Any clues? Maybe I need to download powerdvd again?
Thanks. So close!!!

RE: [Tutorial] Using PowerDVD as external player for 3D ISO - HighStream - 2015-06-21

(2015-06-21, 04:33)michaelsammler Wrote: Everything works except powerdvd keeps kicking my movie into 2D. From the main movie menu, I can choose 2D or 3D, but I only get 2D. The disk 3D works fine from my ps4 to the same tv. So I am guessing something in Powerdvd settings? I have autodetect my 3d tv from settings.
Make sure your graphics card supports HDMI 1.4 or above. Anything below that wont support 3D frame packing.
Also make sure your graphic drivers are fully up to date.

Check all your settings in PowerDVD and don't use Cinema Mode, just use Classic.
(2015-06-21, 04:33)michaelsammler Wrote: Also, is it normal for my computer and tv to blink black a few times while starting the movie? It looks like the same in the video HIGHSTREAM posted.
This is perfectly normal. Its just the Graphics card/TV adjusting the refresh rates and activating 3D mode.
(2015-06-21, 04:33)michaelsammler Wrote: I have also noted that the 3D icon in the bottom menu is flat when in full screen, but shaped like a cube in windowed mode. Clicking on it or the settings gear icon next to it does nothing.
That icon should be shaped like a cube during playback in any mode if everything is configured correctly.
(2015-06-21, 04:33)michaelsammler Wrote: Maybe I need to download powerdvd again?
You could try for nothing, but the result will likely be the same.

RE: [Tutorial] Using PowerDVD as external player for 3D ISO - brazen1 - 2015-06-21

"* PowerDVD supports a 24hz refresh rate output, whereas other similar software such as Total Media Theatre are fixed to 30hz and cannot be changed."


"* PowerDVD has hardware decoding support which offloads the workload from the CPU to the GPU for much smoother playback."

So does TMT.

"* PowerDVD 15 Ultra has a built in virtual drive that mounts ISO files and plays automatically. No need for additional software or scripts."

Except, it doesn't work properly with Kodi which your 'Proof' video even confirms.

Here you will find a more detailed guide for a perfect working setup. http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=229692

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